Whispering Poems Chapter 323


Chapter 322 Auction at Sea

"Then Mr. Watson, the story called "Heart of Ocean" can Do you?"

Miss Prince suggested, her hair fluttering slightly against the sea breeze.

"Of course."

Shade nods, then coughs:
"Then I'll start. This is a true story that happened not long ago, Maybe"

The story about the sinking of the big ship that has been circulated in the hometown for a long time can actually be told without changing many details.

Facing the sea breeze and watching the scenery of Coldwater Harbor gradually receding, Shade told the story, and Miss Prince put her hands on the railing, listening and looking at the sea.

In the wind, her golden hair swayed back slightly, she just wanted to kill time before the auction, and by the way, she made an excuse to let Shade have a drink with her. But when Shade's story was over, the young girl had given up on drinking.

". That sapphire necklace was thrown into the sea by her. The sea engulfed it, just as the sea engulfed her lover on that calamitous night many years ago. Look at it without a trace. Disappeared, the white-haired old man seemed to return to the night many years ago, back to the ship. She changed back to the young blond girl, and walked into the ballroom where the violin sounded with the man beside her. .”

Shade ends the story with a fading voice, and he is also moved by the story he tells and admires his storytelling ability, which is one of his strengths. A beautiful story is full of charm in any world.

He turned his head and looked towards his companion, but unfortunately he is wearing a mask now, so he can't see the expression of the girl in the blue dress, only those beautiful eyes:

"It's over, how's the story?"

"Very good."

The voice is normal, and I can't hear any emotion. Maybe Miss Prince is not impressed:

"Do you often use this method to tell stories to girls?"

She asked in a low voice against the wind.


"No, it's nothing."

The hair faded, and the red girl shook her head slightly, and looked towards it again. The sea:
"Okay, you don't have to drink, I admit it's a very good love story, very beautiful though, I suspect you left something out in the middle, like when you mentioned the plot of the painting, it's obvious Some content was skipped, making the story incoherent."

She glanced at Shade, saw that Shade didn't respond, and sighed:
"For someone like me who is dying, It's very good to hear this kind of story."

"Don't say that life is too soon, there must be a way to eradicate the curse."

Shade has to speak now, although We've only known each other for half a day, but he already regards Miss Princes as a friend and doesn't want anything to happen to her:
"But this is not a story I wrote."

Even if no one can Expose him, Shade will not take other people's stories as his own, otherwise he will not even have the face to meet Mia:
"The story is what I heard, it is a long-standing local story."

"I hope this is just a story, not what happened, otherwise it would be too sad. I hate tragedy. Of course, I also admit the charm of tragedy."

Miss Prince took a deep breath, as if to get rid of all the bad emotions:

"After the auction is over, we will be separated, maybe this life will not have the opportunity to meet again. Mr. Watson, since we are fortunate enough to know each other today and come here together, why can't we enjoy the banquet?"

"Why, do you want to experience the feeling of standing on the bow of the boat, like in the story?"

Speaking, Shade also opened his arms and gestured, and the girl in the mask smiled:
"No, there is no beautiful sunset shining on the sea now, and no band playing the off-key you hum. If there is an opportunity, use my boat. I mean, there are fifteen minutes before the auction, would you like to dance with me?"

She extended her right hand to Shade , as this is not a formal banquet, and therefore no gloves are worn. The white hand gestured in the air:
"Want to dance?"

Shade thought for a while and thought that the other party seemed calm, but he was still affected by the emotions when he heard the story:
"Of course no problem."

He raised his right hand and put Miss Prince's hand on his:

"If you don't mind, I Of course it's fine. Just one dance."

He emphasized that he didn't really want to dance with strangers, which was a weird feeling.

"One is fine, I thought you would refuse it because you can't dance."

Miss Prince said with a smile, then let go of Shade with his hands, he tugged at his skirt and turned around. Blue's skirt spreads out like a flower, she turned around and looked towards Shade:
"Don't go to a crowded place over there, just be here, and you can hear the music here."

"No problem."

Shade "No problem, not forgetting to explain:
"I'm not good at this, I'm just a dance beginner, I went to an important banquet not long ago, There were two beautiful girls teaching me how to dance. I stepped on them several times at the time."

If it wasn't for the mask, Shade would have been able to see the girl calling herself "Miss Prince" at this point. What was the expression on the girl's face? However, through such a test, Shade almost understands who the other party is, but in this way, the relationship between "Miss Prince" and Miss Writer is a little too outrageous.

He plans to wait for the cruise ship to land safely before penetrating the noble girl. Now almost everyone knows it, but no one is picking it up. Outlanders who are eager to get more stories, and Princesses who relax themselves with little jokes, all want to enjoy this peaceful "cold water port holiday" in peace.

The sound of the orchestra came from the other side of the deck. The two people dancing in the night wind actually heard the loudest sound of the waves in their ears.

Although Shade has learned to dance with Luvia and Iluna, she is still very unskilled. Fortunately, Miss Prince took good care of him, even if Shade clumsily almost stepped on the young girl's shoe, she just chuckled and didn't care.

The two did not speak during this period, but enjoyed the moment quietly. When the dance music stopped and Shade let go of her hand, Miss Prince actually paused before letting go, allowing Shade to step back:

"Yes, you really don't know how to dance."

She said in a joking tone:
"You made me feel like a clumsy elephant carefully avoiding a banana peel on the ground."

said After finishing, without giving Shade a chance to speak, he pointed to the other side of the deck:
"Let's go, the auction is about to start. Speaking of which, have you brought enough gold pounds? I brought a money order."

“I brought a lot of cash with me.”

Shade replied.


Miss Prince looked towards his clothes, wondering where the "large" cash Shade was talking about was hiding.

The auction is held at the front of the deck, where wooden boxes are stacked to form a wall, and people can only enter the front of the deck through a guarded entrance between the wooden boxes. Only guests with special invitations can participate in the auction. On the one hand, it is to prevent people with ulterior motives from mixing with the cruise ship, and on the other hand, it is also to prevent the ordinary person from entering the auction by mistake.

There were at least a hundred guests on the deck, but including Shade and Miss Prince, only a dozen guests finally entered the auction.

Loose benches were placed on the deck, and masked people chose to sit far away from strangers. Most of them came alone, with a few like Shade and Miss Princes.

The time is limited and there is not much nonsense before the auction. In the sea breeze, Whitebeard's Old Mister briefly explained the rules of the auction before finally starting the auction.

There are eleven items in the auction, five are [relics], one is an antique slate from the fifth era, one is a potion, two are alchemy items in the shape of a pistol, and the last is two. this old book. One is related to spirit rune [soul], and the other is the study notebook of a seven-ring warlock who died in the new continent.

There is no inventory before the auction, and people only know what the lot is when it's taken out, so inspection and viewing of the goods really took a lot of work.

The total number of relics recorded in the book is no more than five digits. This auction can show five pieces, which can be regarded as great generosity. Of the five [relics], three were of the poet level, one was of the clerical level, and one was of the keeper level. But it is a pity that there are no relics of coins that Shade needs, and there is nothing that Shade is interested in.

On the other hand, Miss Princes took a fancy to the Secret Keeper-level relic [Sand of Time], which is a handful of sand that can affect the Time Flow Speed in the nearby area very slightly after being thrown out. But because there was competition, Miss Prince gave up when the offer was raised to £460. This kind of relic sounds interesting, but it has no use value. Most of them are bought for research.

Shade did not buy relics, but became interested in antique slate. The slate is half the height of a human being, from ancient ruins excavated in the New Continent, and records a sacrificial rain-seeking activity in the Southern Continent at the end of the Fifth Age. The text on the slate has not been deciphered, but when Shade watched the lot, he completely wrote down this large rain prayer ceremony that required hundreds of people to participate.

In this way, this slate is of no use to him, and he has obtained useless knowledge for free by small means.

The most sought-after item in this auction is not the five relics, but the potion. The potion is contained in a flat glass container, showing a very luxurious purple brilliance. It is called "the grace of the ring warlock". Within an hour after drinking it, the soul will become extremely sensitive, and the probability of obtaining spirit rune through reading, touching, perception and other means is greatly increased, and the probability of getting spirit rune through reading, touching, perception and other means is greatly improved The existence probability will also increase.

In other words, this potion with huge side effects can effectively improve the efficiency of obtaining spirit rune. Even though this improvement is very slight, this bottle of potion was sold at a high price of 210 pounds, which is higher than the price of the poet-level relic with the lowest price.

PS: The editor said that on the 20th, this book will be pushed. There will be more updates when the time comes, the current idea is to add 5K to the normal 5K per day.

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