Whispering Poems Chapter 186


Chapter 186 The Gun Assassination Detective and the Street

The cheers and the excitement of the people chatting make you feel In this scene, Shade, who was unable to participate, had a sore ear.

Stern-faced, with his eyes fixed on the front, Shade saw the opportunity and pushed the crowd behind him to back away, ready to make room for a trot and a quick jump, sprinting across the street before the convoy arrived.

The middle-aged man who was farther from the team and separated from Shade by a dozen people, in the confusion and joy at this time, slowly took out his right hand from the inner pocket of his coat.

His eyes were fixed on Queen Diana in the approaching convoy, staring closely, without looking towards the side.

Miss Beath and the members of the Squad at the station gate, surrounded by the thirteen-ring warlock from afar. Her eyesight was very good, and she saw the taller Shade in the distant crowd, with a smile on her face, and she was considering whether to say hello.

The blue-eyed Dr. Schneider who came to see the fun with friends from the psychological clinic also saw Shade, smiled and shook his head and sighed, didn't expect detectives also like to join in the fun, so he opened his mouth to say hello .

Miss Galina, who was sitting beside Queen Diana in the carriage, saw Shade on the roadside, and the red-haired duchess didn't want to greet him.

Captain Radees on the other side of the street was tensed up, rushing towards the fat woman without noticing Shade.

Mr. Anlus, the director of MI6 in the crowd, noticed Shade at close range, but since the two sides had only met once, he hesitated before confirming it was him. what to do.

Shade trotted forward two steps while the police officer in front of him looked towards the left towards the approaching convoy.

The middle-aged man looked at Queen Diana's face in the car window and slowly pulled his right hand out of the inner pocket.

The cheers of the crowd were even more enthusiastic, and the band waiting at the station gate played music, making the scene even more lively and chaotic.

Shade frowned and pulled away from the policeman in front of him, and slammed his legs forward over the human wall.

The middle-aged man standing outside a dozen people, his right hand jerked out the contents of his pocket.

Shade jumps next to the police.

The middle age person draws the pistol from under the coat.

Shade got his feet off the ground into the air, dashing forward quickly.

The gunman could not hesitate, he raised his hand and pulled the trigger forward.

In an instant after the finger movement, I saw another person suddenly between the muzzle and the car window.




The huge sound seemed to be blasting in the ear, and Shade, who jumped into the air, was unprepared, and in the huge momentum, the whole person slid in the direction of the carriage in the air. He was accurately hit by the gunshots, and then fell to the ground with his chest covered and rolled twice, his head up motionless.

The screams, the echoes of gunfire, the shouting, the scolding, and the neighing of the horses were getting weaker and weaker in Shade's ears, who was lying on the ground.

He lay on the ground over the flashing clothes beside him, looking at the mist above him, at the dazzling sunlight passing through the mist. The sun shone on his face, on his bloodless face.

Time seemed to stop in this brief moment, he didn't know what was going on just now, only that he was shot precisely in the left chest.

"That's bad luck."

The sound of footsteps spreading in my ears, shoes stomping on the ground, skirts sweeping over his legs, and more incomprehensible sounds Mixed together, but none of that matters anymore. The icy earth was beneath him, and above him was a gloomy, oppressive sky.




“Hamilton Detective!”


The crowd was moving away from him, and in a trance, he saw Miss Galina on the carriage from the gap in the crowd, saw Captain Radees throw down the fat woman, and saw Bei Miss Yass came over to check what happened, saw Dr. Schneider's panicked expression on tiptoe behind the crowd, and saw Mr. Anlos go crazy to catch the man who shot.

But the two were too far apart for Mr. Anlos to get past the crowd at once.

The middle age person who fired the shot looked towards the youngster who was lying on the ground, smiled bitterly as if he was laughing at himself, and pointed the pistol at his head.

Shade looked away, lying there looking towards the foggy sky, and the scenes after arriving in this world flashed before his eyes. His expression became calm.
Then he heard laughter in his ear, it was definitely a laughing sound.

"No, what I threw out was just a 9. How could I be beaten to death in the street?" Under the surprised eyes of Miss Yass, Doctor Schneider, Mr. Anlos, the citizens onlookers, the police maintaining order, the royal guard, and Queen Diana, who was urgently protected, Shade leaned on the ground and sat up.

He patted the soil on his clothes and looked towards his body:
"Why doesn't my chest hurt anymore?"

Muttering to himself, everyone in the vicinity was watching Down to his left chest. The specially made pistols and bullets are indeed formidable and have extraordinary power. He touched the pocket of his shirt chest, stunned for a moment, and took it out.

Round, delicate, small, and cold, the silver material reflects the sunlight that penetrates the clouds and fog at the moment.

The bullet is precisely inlaid in the center of the "Church of Dawn 1053 Holy Prayer Coin".


He scratched his head, inexplicably wanted to laugh, stood up and looked towards everyone around him.

There is still shouting in the distance, there is still a loud noise, and the sound of police whistle echoes in the sky. Police were blocking nearby streets, and plainclothes officers on call and more Imperial Family escorts were pouring in.

But at least the people around the royal carriage team, the Imperial Family guards, the police at Ridwich Field, the citizens of Tobesque, and the friends Shade knew, all looked towards Shade's hand. Silver Coin.

The sun shines on Shade from above, he is holding the Silver Coin, and the corpse of suicide falls in front of him. At this moment, he actually felt that this matter was full of funny.

Looked up towards the sky, and then looked towards the people around:
"Bad luck led to being shot in the street, but because I didn't ask for much, the bad luck wasn't too bad, I just didn't die. Fate is fair, the manipulator has to die. Ha~I understand~"

She chuckled in his ear.

He lowered his head and looked towards the Silver Coin in his hands:
"I don't dare to manipulate fate anymore."

He thought to himself.

"I'm going to donate more money to the Church of Dawn."

He said, winking quietly to Miss Beas and Dr. In the bursts of exclamations, he fell to the ground clutching his chest with a painful expression, moaning in his mouth:

"Oh, I was injured internally, the impact of the bullet is too strong."

Shade He was unconscious next to the corpse of suicide, and his head hit the soft corpse when he landed, so he was not hurt.

Of course, the coma is fake.

The smoke from the muzzle rises into the sky, away from the noisy and chaotic streets. Although Tobesque is still shrouded in gray mist today, it is extraordinarily lively.

PS1: Face pale is frightened after a fall.

PS2: This chapter emphasizes that bullets and pistols are specially made, so the impact is so great.

PS3: As highlighted in previous chapters, Silver Coin has Owen bishop and August priest, cheap special alloy scraps bought from the Church of Creation, so the bullet didn't penetrate.

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