Whispering Poems Chapter 185


Chapter 185 Ribbon-cutting ceremony
Come and watch the lively stream of ribbon-cutting ceremony, Shade and Cook The wife looked out of place. They stood there to separate the crowd, and Shade held his breath to make out the voices in his ears. This needs to be distinguished not only from the background sound more than ten minutes ago, but even from the current background sound.

After all, listening to the voice of the past does not completely block the voice of the present.

"This way."

Reluctantly, I heard the timid voice of the boy in front of me asking if I could leave, and then heard the woman's gentle voice of consolation. Shade faced Mrs. Cook with a serious face, beckons with the hand, and the middle-aged woman who was almost numb instinctively followed.

The two then squeezed through the crowd and walked east along the boulevard on the east side of Tobesque Station.

After crossing the boulevard, go north again, this is the slum area next to the station, which also provides the station with a huge amount of cheap labor such as porters.

There were far fewer pedestrians nearby, and Shade was glad he didn't get lost. But as he continued to walk forward, he heard someone calling his name. It took a moment to realize that it was not the sound of ten minutes ago, but the sound of now.

Turning his head and looking towards the other side of the street, it was actually Captain Radees who came waving. After a week of not seeing him, he looked much better, and he was well-dressed and no longer had the sloppy temperament typical of an alcoholic.

"That's my friend, please explain the current situation."

He turned his head to Mrs. Cook and said quickly, then continued to listen to the surrounding voices and walked forward .

In order to explain that he was able to find clues just now, Shade also asked passersby many times on the way. But that was to avoid Mrs. Cook, only to let her see the back, in fact, Shade did not speak to anyone.

Once the direction of the voice is lost, it's almost impossible to find it again, so he doesn't have time to say hello to acquaintances now.

The military temperament of Captain Laddes became particularly conspicuous after he emerged from his slump. Mrs. Cook had no idea at all when she followed behind Shade, but now that she saw Captain Laddes coming, she followed the detective's wishes and simply explained that the good-hearted detective was helping her find the lost child.

"The child is lost? This is a great major event!"

The captain was surprised, and saw the detective in front of him looking left and right, so he followed behind them:
"Detective, I'm here to help too. It just so happens that I have nothing to do during the day. What clues do you have now?"

"This way!"

Shade pointed forward, looking serious The appearance made the captain, who didn't know what happened before, think he had a major clue in his hand.

Stop-and-go, actually walked around the Tobesque station for a long time, and more and more people came to watch the lively nearby. Because Queen Diana, who is the representative of the royal family, is about to arrive, the police are already blocking parts of the street, which makes Shade feel the urgency:
"Why haven't you stopped? Do you know that you are being followed?"

The West Street of Tobesque Station, where it is currently located, is the main stop for the rental carriage. But again, the alleys here extend in all directions, connecting many nearby neighborhoods.

Every time they passed by the alley, Mrs. Cook and Captain Laddes behind them would look inward.

And finally, Shade stopped and looked towards the alley beside him.

In the alley, a plump woman with a turban wrapped her head turned in from another exit of the alley and was walking towards the alley where they were.

It was the voices of boys and women who entered this alley more than ten minutes ago. The woman walking in front of her seemed to match the age group of the owner of the voice.

In order to prevent the other party from turning around and running away, Shade did not ask aloud, but wanted to wait until the other party was closer, and then let the other party speak, to judge whether the hooded woman was his target from the tone of voice.

But didn't expect Shade to be cautious, and the other side to be more cautious.

She subconsciously slowed down after noticing the three people at the alley. Then she didn't know whether she recognized Mrs. Cook, or was frightened by Captain Ladd's temperament, she had a hesitant expression on her face, and then turned and ran.

"It's her!"

The captain's excellent reaction ability developed from the army made him the first to shout and chase after him.

"Mrs. Cook, call the police, I suspect your child is in a few alleys nearby. Remember, must say, this is where the killer of the serial disappearances of the Tobesque children is located, be careful They still have accomplices!"

After finishing speaking, Shade chased after him. When the tracking has been detected, and it is not clear which house in the nearby alley is in question, catching the woman is the best breakthrough.

Actually, Shade now has two guns on him. That Luger revolver from MI6 can be fired at any time. But the woman was running away in the middle of the alley, and Shade confessed that Mrs. Cook was delayed for a few seconds, and he had no guarantee that his Spear Art would hit the target.

So he can only chase forward, but Shade believes that with his physical strength around the warlock, he will definitely be able to catch up with the woman.

What he thought was too simple.

There is no fork in this alley, and the woman who started first rushed out of the other end of the alley out of breath, and then turned to the left.

Captain Radees came out of the alley second, and after a few steps he saw that Shade had actually overtaken him. The young detective is agile and able to perform extremely fast even in the case of crowded streets.

"Detective Hamilton, I'll take a detour to block her, you chase forward!"

Seeing this situation, Captain Ladds decisively chose a more rational approach.

Shade shouted at him to understand, stared at the woman in the crowd ahead who kept pushing away pedestrians, and quickly chased after him.

Because it's too close to the station, there are more and more people, Shade's speed can't be fully exerted, and the distance between the two has not been shortened quickly. Instead, he thought of shouting loudly to let the pedestrians in front help arrest people, but didn't expect him to shout, and the people in front avoided one after another, making the woman run faster.

As for the police officers patrolling the street, they didn't hear Shade's voice at all because the environment was too noisy.

The two of them ran across a whole street one after the other, and the location opposite the street intersection was the main entrance of Tobesque Station. The whistle could be heard from a distance, as if there was a train arriving at the station.

At this time, there are large and small four-wheeled carriages parked at the entrance of the station, uniformed and armed police officers are maintaining order, and reporters are looking into the distance, waiting for the protagonist of the ceremony to cut the ribbon. turn up.

The fat woman immediately turned around and ran to the left side of the station gate, not giving Shade a chance to ask the police for help unless he was willing to take a detour to waste time.

"I must catch up with you!"

Shade followed and turned left at the intersection, no longer wasting his energy shouting, and ran forward along the gap between the crowds by the wall .

After running less than a few dozen steps, I accidentally bumped into a nervous middle-aged man against the wall. Shade quickly apologized and stepped forward, while the middle age person put his hands in his pockets with a serious face, watching Shade's gone silhouette no longer paid attention to, but continued to squeeze in front of the audience.

There was an even louder noise from the far side of the road. The police cleared the way, and the Royal Guard escorted the carriage, decorated with the royal coat of arms of the Cavendish, slowly approaching.

People pay their respects to the distinguished lady in the car on the street, the window is opened, and the face of Queen Diana, which is often seen in the newspaper, appears there, the makeup is not complicated, the thirty-something The woman, wearing a silver crown, waved to the citizens with a kind smile.

There seemed to be other people sitting beside her.

The surrounding cheers and shouts made the street even more crowded and busy. The lively atmosphere reached its climax, and the crowd crowded from the side of the street to the center of the street, so that the police and royal guards at Ridwich Field, who maintained order, had to divide up more people to prevent anyone from approaching the carriage.

The fat woman running in front was the first to see the motorcade approaching in the distance. She glanced back at the detective who was chasing, getting closer and closer, with a grim expression, then clenched the teeth and rushed towards the convoy. But instead of approaching, it passed directly in front of the convoy and ran from one side of the street to the other.

And by the time Shade wanted to cross the street as well, the uniformed cops who were driving ahead had blocked off the street to allow the convoy to move forward and used a human wall to prevent anyone from coming from the side of the street. to the street.

At this point, Shade was only twenty paces away from the intersection behind him, and he could be seen from the entrance of Tobesque Station.

"I bet even my luck, do you think I would lack such courage?"

He said in his heart, he stopped and prepared to be in police custody before the convoy came. Squeeze through the wall and cross the street without noticing.

And the middle-aged man Shade hit a few seconds ago has already squeezed in front of the crowd. He frowned looked towards the approaching convoy, pressed the black men's bonnet with his left hand, and inserted the right hand motionless into the inside pocket of his coat.

A group of pedestrians poured out from the Tobesque station behind them, which were passengers who had just arrived at the station. At the ribbon-cutting ceremony, it was the Orthodox Church of course. The entire group of Miss Beas accompanied a middle-aged man with a suitcase.

Dr. Schneider, who was watching the lively in the crowd, talking with his acquaintances, appeared from the street behind Shade.

Miss Galina sat beside Queen Diana, looking bored out of the car window.

Captain Radees pounced forward behind the crowd on the other side of the street.

The detective's titular boss, Mr. Dak Anlos, MI6's director, joined the crowd to observe the situation nearby.

The carriage drew nearer to the intersection in front of Tobesque station, ruts and hooves drowned in cheers that seemed to explode. The flocks of pigeons that have been prepared are released at the intersection, flying over people's heads in pieces, forming large moving shadows.

The fog still hadn't dissipated, but the low, dark sky couldn't stop the cheers and joy of the citizens of Tobeysk from all walks of life.

(end of this chapter)

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