From nob le mt l dot com

Late evening at Pope Field, North Carolina, USA, Joint Special Operations Command.

The atmosphere in the conference room was greatly shaken.

It was a while to go up and down following the breath of the commander sewn into the combat uniform.

Soon after, the voice fell heavily.

“… Contact the minister and report the situation.”

Even the star-bearing commander spoke as if he couldn’t help it.

It was because the situation unfolding on the screen was out of his discretion and reached the worst.

Right away the enemy sniper ambush and the arrival of mortars.

It was not a sudden encounter, but it was in camouflage meticulous enough to avoid military satellites and high-altitude unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

In a word, it means a trap.

There was nothing strange about the annihilation of the operation team in the middle.

No, just looking at the circumstances, dying was natural.

Naturally, they were massacred, and all communications had to be cut off within a minute.

In other words, the fact that the operation team is alive now is a miracle that is not lacking even if it is God’s grace.

‘God sent Lee… … .’

The commander, who was a cold believer, is looking for God after a long time.

A field-level officer dispatched from the Pentagon, who had been contacted urgently after receiving instructions, spoke out.

“The Minister ordered the Thirteenth Plan!”

“… proceed.”

The commander hesitated, then nodded in response.

He was guessing too.

I just didn’t know that I was going to do the 13th plan.

But anyway, it had to go ahead.

It was because it was an operation that was set up to be executed when bad words such as discovery, failure, expulsion, and death were mentioned in the first place.

The purpose and content were simple.

Transformation of double ops. and availability of all necessary resources to rescue allies and annihilate enemies.

It wasn’t heavy enough to be ordered by the Minister of National Defense, but the specifics were not.

It was because one of the detailed resources was the 7th Fleet.

This was not something a commander with a star would carelessly mention.

Among them, there was a plan to rent and operate resources from friendly countries such as Singapore and Malaysia, and a plan to deal with boats disguised as fishing boats or captured, but that was not the important thing.

It was important that there was a force at work capable of wiping the Taril Islands off the map.

And if need be, I might actually wipe out a few islands.

The justification was sufficient.

Contact between a terrorist and a North Korean nuclear researcher.

The disgust that those two words aroused was so great that it swayed American public opinion.

It was not possible to determine in detail whether they were actually involved in nuclear development or simple chores, but there was no reason to consider such a thing.

Because the dead can’t speak.

Since it is impossible to confirm the truth, even the press that insists on anti-war theory will not be able to make a big noise.

If you say something wrong, all the windows of the office building will be broken by the protesters.

Soon, the commander’s eyes turned black.

like a shadow sits.

‘It’s getting bigger… … .’

Even when I ordered the Indonesian Air Force F-5 to sortie, I expected that it would be possible to catch up.

I knew there were only a few snipers back then.

However, it was a mistake.

As the mortar was exposed, a cold sweat broke out in the crotch.

It was because the future was clearly drawn.

It seemed as if the scene of the death of Kang-tae, the target of the double operation, and the annihilation of the Devgrew members of one squadron were being played.

If it wasn’t for Kang Tae, it probably would have been like that.

Behind the drooping thoughts, a faint smile appeared on the corner of the commander’s lips before he knew it.

It was because I looked back at the fundamentals of the operation.

‘Is there a need to double-operate on him… … ?’

His head swung left and right.

It wasn’t that I didn’t need to bring it.

It meant that the idea of showing the power of the US military in order to appease Kang-tae was wrong.

Kang-tae already had abilities that transcended humans.

It was not something to compare with the U.S. Army.

Although the 7th Fleet just mentioned was powerful enough to exceed the naval power of a single country, it was not as strong as Kangtae.

The 7th Fleet or whatever could be built with science and capital, but Kangtae wasn’t.

He was a mysterious being.

It’s not like Area 51, it’s almost like it’s from outer space.

The video recorded on the miniature body cam attached to the body of the liaison officer Philip, transmitted to the screen, was the proof.

From nob le mt l dot com

Looking back, I couldn’t believe it.

In the wind and rain, I stood and shot, and then fired one after another like a rapid fire.

It’s like shooting a mannequin for short distance training.

I don’t know if it was an enemy in front of me, but even the opponents were snipers who were at a distance of about 1.5km.

I can’t believe this, but the next one was added.

6 mortarmen killed.

It was to kill enemies 1km further away than that, almost 2.5km away.

Reportedly took out six people, even though it all happened within the 30 seconds given.

To be exact, it was triggered for 15 seconds, and the remaining 15 seconds were checked and waited.

It was the moment when the Commander first sought God.

The same goes for the field officer next to him.

Even now, ‘Dear God.’ It was when a murmur was heard from somewhere.

“Enemy video and audio detected by drone team! We will send it out at the same time!”

A large screen split at the situation soldier’s report, revealing a low-lying camouflage net, mortars, and several figures.

As a result, the commander and other personnel stood up and concentrated, then stopped.

It was because the language was unfamiliar.

Neither English nor Spanish.

“… Portuguese?”

“Sat, I’ll bring an interpreter!”

“Emergency broadcast to all units, Portuguese speakers to come immediately.”

“All right!”

By the time the field officer runs away.

Robert, the head of the External Relations Bureau, who had been quiet for the time being, with his pass hanging around his neck, hesitated.

“… … ?!”

He couldn’t understand Portuguese either, because he did understand one word in the middle.

It wasn’t like basic painting, it was one of the things he was most sensitive about.


It was the last name of Giandro Bashkanal, who is currently being tracked down by the Foreign Cooperation Agency.

Robert’s eyes narrowed.

‘Are you using a long-distance radio or satellite phone?’

Several situations were drawn.

Since Giandr had never appeared before, there was little chance that he was radioing at close range.

Information leaked out, so he must have been more careful.

Therefore, it was highly likely that he was on the phone in another area, but it was difficult to catch him by tracking him.

It was because they often used analog methods such as manipulating a repeater to go through South America or Africa or talking with two phones face-to-face.

while calculating that.

“I brought you!”

The door burst open, and a voice like a shout came in.

The officer who had just run out had hurriedly brought along a sergeant from Portugal.

At the same time, the commander gestured as if to skip his salute.

“I will translate the words that come out first, and I will explain the situation afterward.”

The sergeant who heard the words hesitated and raised his voice.

“… f*ck, what kind of dog is this?”

“… … ?!”

I hope the field officer who brought him to the sudden swearing will hesitate for a while.

The sergeant’s words continued.

“Are you sure you shot from the direction of the bombardment? What the hell happened? Did the goddamn Americans even come out of the tunnel?!”

As the commander said, it was to transfer the words of the enemy as they were.

The sergeant’s mouth started to get busier and busier.

“for a moment! What did Rodrigo see?!”

“Rodrigo? Are you still alive?”

“Oh, he’s still alive. I just came to my senses.”

“So what happened?”

“Someone at the firing point pointed a gun this way… … .”

“f*ck, what bullsh*t are you talking about? Did you take any medicine before injecting? Or are you hallucinating right before you die?! Did you bring a sniper squad? Say something that makes sense!”

“sh*t… Rodrigo? Calm down and say it again. You shot here from a bombardment point? how many… one person? One person?!”

“f*ck, I can’t hear the f*ck. i just have to see Where are the observation glasses?”

“Damn it, I’m dead anyway. Damn Rodrigo… … .”

“So what about the observation glasses?”

“See 6 meters ahead at 3 o’clock from your side? Hold your head up for a second.”

“f*ck… When I die, give my share to the second.”

“Don’t be a jerk, just come and go.”

At the same time, a man in a camouflage battle suit hurriedly ran on the screen and took a posture as if he was prostrate on the dirt floor.

After a few seconds of silence, Portuguese came out again, and the sergeant continued the simultaneous interpretation.

“sh*t! The bombardment point is empty.”

“Other than that, what about around here? Whether it’s a sniper or a strike force, can you see anything?”

“doesn’t exist! nothing! f*ck you!”

“Then how did six people die? Is what Rodrigo really said true?”

“I don’t know, f*ck. I need to get revenge, so those who will move with me, follow me.”

At those words, the commander’s brow wrinkled.

“Those who are going to eat… Disseminate related information to the operation team immediately! How far has F5 come?!”

“Eight minutes before arrival.”

“Eight minutes… It may take longer than you think.”

The commander’s face blurred as he muttered.

It was because a four-wheeled ATV appeared under the camouflage on the screen.

It wasn’t just a means of transportation either.

As if prepared for this operation, there was even a loading box capable of loading mortars.

The commander issued a new order.

“Pass it to the drone team, bypass the field commander and communicate directly with Lee.”

“All right.”

By the time the situation soldier answered and moved.

At the same time, Robert’s forehead was also deeply dug.

It wasn’t just because they tracked down their ally, Kang-tae.

It was because of the equipment that could be checked on the screen.

It was strange from the ATV that just appeared.

It seemed that a mortar loading box was installed on a tactical ATV used for military purposes, rather than a simple recreation.

Above all, it was one of the things used by the US Army.

Of course, terrorists also buy and use a lot of US military equipment, but most of it was outdated.

It was different from the latest equipment in the video.

Even if it was traded, it was traded at an incredibly high price, and in the process, related information had to be acquired in some way through means such as Human Intelligence (human intelligence) or Sigint (signal intelligence).

Because it was a sign of terrorism.

But even though a lot of stuff like that had slipped away, Robert hadn’t heard anything.

Even in this operation, some of the contents flowed as if leaked, so there were more things I noticed.

And there were more problems.

distribution of equipment.

For that to happen, silence or acceptance by insiders handling the equipment was required.

In other words, there was another traitor somewhere.

And it was expected that those who were not revealed would react in some way.

It had to be.

Because I dug a trap like that and couldn’t catch Kang-tae, and instead suffered the opposite.

There was a possibility of accepting the insider’s exposure.

Most terrorists are like that.

If the method didn’t work, I used more methods.

Nuclear missiles will be for the same reason.

As a result, while wrinkles were carved deeper between Robert’s foreheads, an additional unfinished situation entered.

“Target is disembarking from the freighter!”

The nuclear development researcher, who had decided to change ships, reappeared.

The commander’s face crumpled.

“Damn it… … .”

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