By the time 2 seconds have passed since detonation.

Through the scope, I saw a scene where the target was shaken violently, and the head exploded.

It was a hit.

“This is Echo 10, 1.8km due south target down.”

With the radio, he reflexively collected his gun and hid himself behind cover.

It was a situation where not all enemies were identified yet.

He said that he even used a camouflage film to block heat, so there was a high possibility that there was something else even if he wasn’t a sniper.

Because the land was wide enough to leave only three.

In response, the body was moving reflexively according to instincts and tips learned through training, but the thoughts were not responding mechanically.

As for the negative side.

‘… This could have been really bad.’

I don’t know if it was a piece of wood or a fragment of a bullet, but it was because my cheek was scratched, and blood was flowing.

I couldn’t see it, but I could tell by the feeling of something warm, different from rainwater.

It was blood flowing.

At worst, the gap could have been so deep that the bones were exposed, but it was worth considering.

As it is common to get rubbed and bruised somewhere during training, this was not an injury unless you were directly hit or your limbs fell off.

The problem was different.

The tree I was using for cover was hit before I even fired it, and it was just a span away.

Even right after I lifted my upper body, fragments flew into my face in two seconds.

Considering the distance and the time it took for the bullets to fly, it was said that he aimed and fired this way in advance.

Because an instant aiming shot like me would be impossible.

At the end, the power went into the middle of the forehead.

‘no way… Am I the target?’

Not only intuition, but also the circumstances forced me to think that way.

It was because he shot me as if he was waiting for me, leaving behind countless Devgrew agents, field commanders, and lieutenant-level team leaders.

If the drone hadn’t detected the thermal response in advance, or had I just been a bit unlucky, it could have punctured a huge hole in my body.

Of course, he was wearing a body armor, but that was because he was not invincible.

The bullets of the AK series were limited, and even those could not fully absorb shock, so there was a risk of blood bruising or broken ribs.

Or, there was a good chance of being hit in the collarbone, side, or lower abdomen that the bulletproof plate couldn’t cover.

Perhaps, if the weather had been good today, there was a possibility that I would have been shot.

No, it probably would have been.

Because the distance itself was only a span.

Although it was triggered in a hurry, the workmanship was good.

The words came out spontaneously.

“The real weather saved me… … .”

I sighed and waited for the next radio call, when I heard a voice next to me.

“Uh, blood on my face… Are you okay?”

It was Philip who stuck close to him like a partner.

He shook his head as he hesitated.

“Check it out, please. Is it very serious?”

“ah… Fortunately, that’s not the case… … .”

Behind his bewildered expression, his voice was heard cautiously.

“excuse me… By any chance, did you really download it? Oh, no doubt… It’s the first time I’ve seen a sniper rifle standing up and shooting… … .”

Emotion seemed to show on Philip’s face when he asked that question.

From nob le mt l dot com

Looking surprised and bewildered.

He nodded his head as he wiped his face in the pouring rain.

“My head exploded.”

“Head… … ?”

“Oh, I didn’t mean to shoot, but it hit me in the head.”

He quickly added his words, fearing that he might have misunderstood that he had shot the head in a standing shooting position.

That was the hard part for me too.

If the distance was close, it could have been captured by hand-to-hand, as in Africa, but it was not here in the Tarril Islands.

There was a distance of 1.8 km between the target and me.

That was a level where luck had to be added.

So, instead of aiming for the head, I aimed for the center of the slightly lifted human figure and fired it.

Even if the bullet is shaken by the wind, it is stuck somewhere in the body.

Of course, there was a chance that even a strong gust of wind would miss if we met in the middle, so I fired three shots for that reason.

Fortunately, all three of them got stuck, and the head was one of them.

In the meantime, Philip was admiring it before he knew it.

“Hair… also… … .”

While I was about to add a word not to misunderstand, the radio came in at the same time.

The words of the commander, which had been spread once, to take cover and wait.

It was something I had heard before, but it contained a phonetic language referring to me.

– … Reinforcements are scheduled to arrive within 20 minutes so that everyone can take cover and stand by, and exit after securing safety. Do not trigger the echo 10 unless it is unavoidable.

“This is Echo 10, good reception.”

It felt like he was worried about me.

Of course, it seemed to be a measure to rectify the wrong operation rather than purely concerned about my safety.

Right after I replied that I knew that.

As the radio noise came again, a voice came through the earphones.

By the time the commander wondered if he had anything more to say.

I realized that it wasn’t because of the hurried voice.

It was something else unexpected.

– Get out of here! Check out the mortar ambush!

“… … ?!”

Eyes wide open.

The same goes for Philip, who was next to him.

“Bar, mortar?”

As his mouth opened in surprise, the radio continued.

– Found 5 mortars and 15 operational troops in the northwest! Exit immediately to the other side!

“… … !”

My eyes were opened in a different way.

It felt like the nape of my neck, wet from the rain, was freezing.

The killing range of a single mortar shot reached several tens of meters nearby, and that was because there were as many as five of them.

I don’t know how many shots there were, but it was clear that hundreds of meters nearby would be devastated.

To live, you had to travel by means of transportation like a car or dig deep into the beat.

And none of that was possible.

Although the topography had elevations, the curves were gentle and there were no mountains in the vicinity.

Of course, I was hiding, but I couldn’t dig the beat deep.

He only dug out as many bits as he needed, and all he had to do was wait while using trees and bushes as silver and cover.

Other than that, there was nowhere else to hide.

Even the sniper I just killed was in a slightly higher position.

In other words, the possibility of being truly killed was right around the corner.

“f*ck… … .”

The moment the curse comes out.

“for a moment… If you know the distance, the mortar… … .”

The thought of being able to stop it crossed my mind.

If it was a mountain area like Korea, it would be worth giving up, but this place was different.

Mortars were also likely to be scoped out.

It was an instant.

I quickly radioed and asked for the distance, and I was able to hear the distance to the enemy from the drone operation team.

1.6 miles, about 2.5 km.

It was an incredible ultra-long range, 700M longer than killing the sniper earlier.

To the point that even the Devgrew shooters here couldn’t challenge it.

So I understand.

why did you ask me to leave

But I had no intention of responding lightly.

It’s hard to avoid the shells if you run like a dog here.

I’d rather solve it myself.

I had to use the senses I had raised while consuming millions of won worth of ammunition on a cargo ship.

It worked well when killing the sniper, but it was now that mattered.

I immediately looked into the scope.

The direction is northwest, the distance is about 2.5km.

While checking, the commander’s radio was transmitted quickly and low.

– Preparing for power out. Cancel all existing exit routes and move immediately to the southeast… … .

“killer whale!”

I urgently called the commander to order the evacuation, and added a word before he could answer.

“This is Echo 10, check the target! I will snipe!”

– what?!

“You can sniper with the target in sight!”

– What… is it really possible? Can you kill them all?!


Jake also intervened.

– He can.

Behind the heavy words, the commanding officer’s hesitant voice came over.

– sh*t… 30 seconds! no more! Keep preparing for the rest!

the moment you hear it.


Instead of answering, it was triggered right away.

The commander gave permission, and it was because I could see almost everything the drone operation team had told me.

There was no reason to wait.

It wasn’t because the time of 30 seconds was short.

It was because the enemies were preparing.

There were trees and hills in the middle, so I couldn’t see everything, but I could see the mortars and the preparations for firing by the troops in operation.

It might be too late if I waited longer or waited.

If the distance was close, it would hit right away, but it was because there was a whopping 2.5 km of terrain between the enemy and me.

In other words, you have to wait more than 3 seconds after shooting.

Turong- Turong- Turong- Turong—!

I quickly fired 4 more times and pulled the trigger one more time in succession.

It wasn’t as fast as when I shot the sniper earlier.

It was because he had to aim at more than 10 people by moving the muzzle little by little, rather than shooting at one person in a row.

After consuming all the ammunition like that.


I exchanged magazines while shouting reflexively.

And in the scope I looked into, I finally saw a reaction.

It was because the bullet, which had been flying for more than 3 seconds, reached the enemy only then.

Of course, I couldn’t see it all.

I was in a hurry to shoot.

The ones I aimed and shot were less than half.

There were still many targets to shoot. So I pulled the trigger in succession and stopped.

“ah… … .”

It was because after a few people were hit, the rest quickly went into hiding and cover.

And fortunately, the process of preparing for firing stopped.

It didn’t kill them all, but it worked.

While looking through the scope again, a cautious voice came from below.

“Uh, how was it?”

“Has it been 30 seconds?”

“Ah, yet… About 15 seconds left.”

“Let’s watch it for 15 more seconds.”

I checked the time and looked further, but no matter how I looked, I could not see the angle to shoot.

It was either lying flat or taking complete cover in a tree.

“Killer whale, this is an Echo 10. At least 6 enemies have been killed, and the reloading process has been stopped and confirmed to be in cover.”

– … Echo 10, can I leave?

After a moment of hesitation, the commander asked for my opinion.

I don’t know if there was even confirmation that the mortar operator or the sniper was dead, but the attitude has changed since before.

It didn’t feel like they were trying to entertain me.

It looked like he was trying to get confirmation, so I made my own judgment and answered.

“Let’s leave at once.”

I didn’t think things would get better if I waited anyway.

Of course, reinforcements are coming our way, but before that, the enemy could have crawled to the mortar and finished the preparations for firing.

More importantly, it was the fact that I couldn’t see everything from my seat.

A couple of mortars were also half hidden.

Soon after, a new order came.

– As of the current time, all exit routes are discarded, and a rapid march to the southeast is conducted. Echo team stands at the rear, and Echo 10 snipers arbitrarily.

I laughed bitterly at those words.

It was because it was different from when I was in the middle of the stealth speedboat group when I came to the Taril Islands or deployed near the command post.

It’s like leaving the most dangerous and important thing.

I finally felt like I was being treated the way I deserved.

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