What To Do If The Heroine Ran Out Of The Book? Chapter 228


Chapter 228 can't make plans together

"It's an honor to meet the two of you again." Among them, the female secretary walked over with a smile and raised her glass: "Last time I was in a hurry, I didn't pass my name, my name is Mi Xiaolin, it's a pleasure to meet the two of you."

Chu Ge Qiu Wuji are both He stared at her with squinted eyes, but didn't answer.

The movements and expressions were so synchronized that Mi Xiaolin laughed when she saw it: "The two of you don't need that kind of expression... Although the two of you wore masks last time, your demeanor and demeanor are still the same. The second time was to help Mr. Zhu, and this time he was with Mr. Zhu, of course I can guess it as a witness."

Chu Ge thought for a while: "That's true."

Mi Xiaolin laughed: "I'm quite curious, since the two of you don't want to reveal your identities, why don't you do it more secretly?"

Chu Ge faintly said: "We don't want to reveal your identities. Exposing your identity just doesn't mean you want to disturb your life, but it doesn't mean you have to hide yourself like a mouse, cowering when you do things, and you have to consider whether you should go out with someone when you go out. If you really live with this virtue, it's for yourself. Your life will add trouble. It's better not to hide it, I'm afraid of you, and naturally there will be no trouble."

"Ha... It's really domineering, exactly the same as that day." Mi Xiaolin doesn't seem to be embarrassed at all. , said with a smile understandingly: "But the two of you do have the capital of self-confidence."

Chu Ge remain unmoved, but there is a bit of indifference in his eyes: "Since you know that we hate trouble, Now that you know our identities, you come up and ask...what are you thinking?"

Mi Xiaolin didn't answer for a while, and looked at Qiu Wuji curiously.

Since Chu Ge opened his mouth to answer, Qiu Wuji did not say a word and stood quietly beside Chu Ge, as if he had given Chu Ge all the power of foreign negotiation.

Such a beautiful, powerful and obedient little wife... Where did TM find it?

Mi Xiaolin couldn't help but want to teach her that women can't be like this if they want to be self-reliant!

As a result, before her education was revealed, Qiu Wuji educated her first: "My boyfriend asked you something! Look at what I'm doing, it's rude."

Mi Xiaolin : "..."


She sighed: "Since I will find the two of you, of course, let's talk first and see if we can reach a consensus on some things."

"Salute before soldiers?" Chu Ge smiled : "Yes, what you want to talk about, let's just say it."

"Before that, I want to ask you two questions..." Mi Xiaolin put away her smile and looked at them seriously. eyes: "Do you want Spiritual Qi to revive more and everyone to gain powers, or do you not want to see such a thing, and feel that a normal world is better? Or, you once hoped to gain various powers, but when you have After that, I hope others don't."

Chu Ge was stunned, not knowing how to answer for a while.

Because I didn't think about it.

Qiu Wuji also started to find it interesting.

This is beginning to be a bit similar to the way they fought in the Xianxia world, not just a superficial struggle for treasure or grudges.

The latter made her not interested at all - if there was any desire to hunt for treasures in the sea before, it was for Chu Ge's promotion, since Chu Ge has been able to dig things out of books, this aspect There is really no interest at all.

Even if it was from the book, Qiu Wuji didn't urge Chu Ge to try to get something better, just let it flow. Greed is easy to get Dao Heart, what she is fighting for is also what is necessary for Dao path, and she will not bother even if it does not meet her needs, even if the value is high.

However, Taoism goes beyond these.

It's more fun to come out, which can't be seen sitting at home.

She also turned her head to look at Chu Ge, wondering how Chu Ge would answer.

After being silent for more than a minute, Chu Ge said with some difficulty: "Actually, in my opinion, these are tantamount to popularizing firearms, and it is best to never have them. But... I have already I have it, and I can't live without it."

Without it, is Qiuqiu still alive?

I'm not sure, I can't think about it, but as long as there is a probability of 1 in 10,000 that causes separation, I won't be willing.

It is possible to have no power from now on, but not without Qiuqiu.

You can lose that world, but not Qiu Wuji.

Mi Xiaolin laughed: "So you are the Third Type?"

Third Type - I have it, but I hope others don't have it again...

Chu Ge's lips twitched twice, trying to say that he was not like this, but he couldn't. Taken literally, that's exactly what it means.

Mi Xiaolin laughed: "The world is like this, what's wrong with it?"

Chu Ge said slowly: "So the meaning of your search for the root of Spiritual Qi is for this Let yourself control it, you can have it, but others can't have it."

"It's almost the meaning." Mi Xiaolin smiled charmingly: "It's great to have the ability, once it was like dust The same bottom level, now you can look down on all living beings, you can also become a group leader, you can also own a luxury car and a mansion, and you can go to and from the high-end... That is the shuffling that you and I could not reach in the early years, and only existed in dreams."

Chu Ge said mutely: "The rise of the bottom of others is for everyone to be the same. You are to shuffle the cards, let yourself occupy a higher position, seek better interests, and then cut off the rise of others. Road."

"Aren't you?"

Chu Ge was silent.

"Since ancient times are all like this, no need to be sorry." Mi Xiaolin said calmly: "Since you are similar, why can't we cooperate?"

Chu Ge said: " Cooperation? What about Du Lianfeng and Qi Chengtai's hatred?"

Mi Xiaolin smiled: "The trash will die if they die, who will open their eyes for them?"



"You killed."

"In the eyes of others, you killed... Of course it doesn't matter, if you can really cooperate, What you kill will only increase your bargaining chips, and the deterrence will come before anyone arrives."

Chu Ge faintly said: "What if you don't cooperate?"

Mi Xiaolin replied calmly: "Then you will indeed be in trouble."

"For example?"

"For example, this project..." Mi Xiaolin lazily pointed around: "It can be said that this project started with you...is it important to you?"

Chu Ge narrowed his eyes and didn't answer.

"It's very important, right?" Mi Xiaolin smiled slightly: "I know, a writer who writes books day and night, has been on the street for three or four years, and got sick... It's not easy. This book has become popular, and it is fully copyrighted. Xie Wenyuan attaches great importance to it. The company treats the company like a guest, and the money and name are in front of you... It is really called a few years of creation and no one asked, and it became famous all over the world."

Chu Ge stared at the soft lights on the ceiling, listening to her words, and suddenly laughed: "Yes, it's very important... You have a good writing style and describe it well."

Mi Xiaolin said with a slight smile: "But you must also know that you are very insignificant in these matters. Xie Wenyuan is willing to give face, you can be regarded as the core, he does not trust you, you are just a nominal, not even the name of the 'original' It's hard to find any nooks and crannies. Your so-called bright future may only be the million-dollar royalties, and other things have nothing to do with it."

Chu Ge Shi said with a smile: "Can you influence Mr. Xie's attitude? I think Mr. Xie didn't like to pay attention to you just now."

"I may not make him pay attention to you, but it's easy for me to do bad things. ." Mi Xiaolin smiled warmly: "There is no leader who wants to see something in the project that will cause trouble."

Chu Ge still smiles, but there is a faint cold light in his eyes .

Mi Xiaolin said: "Why such an expression... These are nothing serious, I don't think you have any reason to refuse cooperation at all. Since cooperation, these things simply won't happen..."

"But I refuse." Chu Ge threw out these four words simply and clearly.

Mi Xiaolin's words were choked in her throat, as if she couldn't believe what she heard, stared wide-eyed in surprise: "You didn't even listen to the cooperation plan."

"No. I need to listen." Chu Ge faintly said: "The way is different, can't make plans together."

Mi Xiaolin's smiling face finally cooled down.

Qiu Wuji, who had been listening in silence, slowly burst into a smile.

(end of this chapter)

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