What To Do If The Heroine Ran Out Of The Book? Chapter 227


Chapter 227 The world is small

Chu Ge felt a little strange satisfaction after visiting and chatting on his website , the "annual meeting" that I used to think about is similar. I can feel that I am in the front echelon of the website, and I can chat, laugh, and drink with editors and other great authors.

Although it doesn't seem to have any practical significance, you will always have some "upstream" expectations when you are in an industry, rather than hiding in a dark small room, watching the words of the code can sell some money and you are done.

I will join various online collaboration associations. In addition to introducing myself with the title "I am XX Writers Association", such a "group" feeling is also a very important reason, which will make you I feel that I am not a ghost floating on the internet, but that there is such a collective and such a "base".

There are still social expectations to feel that one is still alive.

Unfortunately, in fact, the Writers Association only held vain meetings, and the Tennis Association had no use in the slightest. In the end, it was reduced to a pure reason for gathering together. Chu Ge has not participated in it for a year or two.

The visit to his own website finally gave Chu Ge a bit of "half full" satisfaction. The editor and the editor-in-chief recognized their faces, which was enough.

As for Big Boss...wait a moment, maybe we'll see each other for dinner, that's another world thing, Chu Ge always feels that it has nothing to do with writing.

Chu Ge didn't even plan to rub the Boss with the car, so he left his website and took a taxi to the banquet hall Xie Wenyuan had made an appointment with.

This is a self-service banquet hall. Men and women are holding wine, fruit and juice, and they are in twos and threes looking for acquaintances to chat and chat. The atmosphere is very elegant. Although it is not as exaggerated as a dress, most people still wear formal clothes, and suits and long skirts are the main body of the scene.

Qiu Wuji looked very special in a casual white shirt and blue jeans.

Including his Chu Ge's T-shirt and denim... Not only is the style out of place here, the dozens of items that can be seen at a glance are also very eye-catching, as if the two should not belong here at all. people.

Even so, Qiu Wuji was still the most beautiful scene in the field.

Almost everyone is looking at her, both male and female, that is the natural attraction of human beings to beauty.

Qiu Wuji was strolling through the various self-service counters, curiously watching others take things, and then he learned to take a glass of orange juice and watch while drinking.

The kind of curious coquettishness and the graceful laziness of the posture are perfectly combined to form a very unique charm, you can't tell whether this is a country bumpkin or a story that is used to the world woman.

The banquet hall is huge, and before Chu Ge walked to Qiu Wuji, someone else came first.

"This young lady is very good-natured, she seems to be here with Mr. Zhu?" A handsome young man in a suit stood beside Qiu Wuji and asked with a smile, "I don't know what happened to Mr. Zhu. What's your name?"

Qiu Wuji blinked, even a little moved!

Standard treatment for novel heroines who go out and get accosted by people, this Eminence has been wearing it for almost half a year, and it's the first time I met her! I thought I wasn't attractive anymore, but I still have! Hey Chu Ge is here, I feel the sour smell floating over hehe.

Chu Ge stopped and looked at her with a sullen look on his hips.

"Uh, this lady..."

In the eyes of others, Qiu Wuji just turned the orange juice cup and looked at him with a faint smile, and that expression was not known to be mocking. Or something, just make people hairy.

Qiu Wuji smiled slightly: "Yes, I came with grandfather."

Old Zhu: "?"

"Zhu is always your grandfather. ?" The young man was delighted: "Then Miss Zhu is now managing the family business with President Zhu?"

"Yes, grandfather and I grow tea in the countryside together..."

Before he finished speaking, the young man's expression changed drastically, and he fled.

Old Zhu: "..."

The next sentence of this trick is that grandfather is dead!

Qiu Wuji curled one's lip , as if speaking to the air: "Others can use this set to say a few words, why do they run away when I say it?"

Chu Ge Appeared by your side: "The jokes you've seen, of course others have seen them too, do you think they don't have access to the Internet?"


"So are you anyway? A person who writes a story can't make it up by himself?"

"Why make it up by himself, he also knows that my grandfather is not dead, and he knows that I am rejecting it."

"It makes sense." Chu Ge touched his chin and looked at the young man: "So to speak is still a good boy, not a stalker."

Qiu Wuji smiled slightly: "There are so many people in the audience, it's hard to stalk you, and you're not a scumbag."

Chu Ge said sourly: "Are you glad that you are still attractive?"

Qiu Wuji said with a smile: "It's you who should be happy, no one robs you of a girlfriend, how do you know how much treasure you got?"

"I don't need anyone else to rob me, I I also know that I got the biggest treasure of Above the Heavens and Under the Earth."

"hmph, met the female editor?"

"Meet him." Chu Ge pointed to the door.

Qiu Wuji turned his head and saw that a middle-aged man in a suit walked into the gate of the banquet hall, and went straight to Xie Wenyuan's place, looking very familiar.

"Is he your boss?"

"en. ”

Qiu Wuji's expression changed, as if he could make out that Chu Ge was here to meet Scene... So what are you doing at noon?

She squeezed the juice tightly, gnashing teeth, as if to crush the thing.

As a result, Chu Ge added: "How could it be so dry, and at night..."

"get lost!" Qiu Wuji almost poured the juice Chu Ge's face.

As soon as the cup was moved, Chu Ge sipped it down, as if she was feeding juice to Chu Ge on purpose.

Qiu Wuji was stunned, his eyes turned into crescents: "Your cultivation is used to do this kind of thing, isn't it shameful?"

Chu Ge was drinking juice He muttered: "Not only is it not ashamed, but your eyes are almost red when you look at me."

Qiu Wuji looked around, his face slightly red.

all around A lot of people are looking at them quietly, some people are showing a smile of an auntie, some people are a little resentful.

Obviously thought that Chu Ge was also the one to strike up a conversation with, and was expecting to see how he would be so sullen, but the two of them chatted like no one else, and they even started feeding juice to each other. The huge banquet hall was treated as a private love affair.

This is obviously a couple in love, with only each other in their eyes, the kind that even a meteorite can't break!

A good flower, it turned out to have been inserted in the cow... Hey, this cow dung looks good too.

Some people look at Old Zhu and Xie Wenyuan, speculating about the relationship between the couple and them. In fact, Old Zhu's strength is only average here. Some people don't need to worry about his face, but Xie Wenyuan is no trivial matter, and it is not easy for ordinary people to offend.

Chu Ge and Qiu Wuji's dive sense took the surrounding reactions into the entire scene, Chu Ge smiled a little coldly: "Some people..."

Qiu Wuji With a smile: "Are you going to say femme fatale?"

"No, to be honest, it's not easy to take someone as beautiful as you out today, hahaha. I don't know. It's not about the circle, we usually go out too little, and we only see ordinary passers-by, but now we see a full house."

Hearing Chu Ge's "full house" a bit ironic, Qiu Wuji shook the head , and quite regressfully sighed: "It's not bad, if it was in ancient times, it would have been more clear, but it would not have been so restrained - looking at their scruples about President Xie, and wanting to find trouble with the others, I'm afraid it's difficult... ..."

"It looks like you're looking forward to someone looking for something." Chu Ge said ill-humoredly: "Nothing is better, even if you want to find something, it shouldn't be such a low-level mess. I'll let you do more high-end things...you see..."

Qiu Wuji followed Chu Ge's gaze and saw Du Lianfeng's female secretary, smiling and toasting Xie Wenyuan , seems to have something to talk about.

She also glanced at Chu Ge and Chu Ge inadvertently, revealing a charming smile.

Qiu Wuji's eyes quickly turned cold.

Sure enough, when you come to the magic capital, there will be intersections.

The world is small.

(end of this chapter)

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