Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 191 Testing

Perron asked in a matter-of-fact tone, as if he couldn't imagine why Clayton didn't know about it.

Clayton was about to ask, but suddenly remembered what the previous patrol member said: "If someone asks you a question you don't know the answer to, don't answer them."

This was Padre Louis' arrangement.

He felt weird in his heart, but he still did it at the moment.

"Ah, I forgot about this. Just think I'm confused."

Pei Lun was only slightly surprised, but this matter was not important to him. He promised not to mention it anymore, and went upstairs to call the other tenants down.

Both painters came downstairs, looking agitated.

Since the martial law, the town's cathedral has not allowed them to work until late, and they have to return to the hotel before the sun goes down. This means they will have to stay in Géveaux longer without an increase in salary.

Then squeezed out from the crack in the door was Quok, Chud Osmar's attendant.

This is really a big fat man. Just walking normally makes the sound of wood breaking on the stairs and floor.

But his master was not there.

Pei Lun only discovered this when he walked to Chu De's door. The room was empty. He asked Kuo Ke on the stairs who had already gone down to the first floor.

"Where's Mr. Osmar?"

The fat giant turned his body with difficulty to look at the innkeeper. His black beetle-like eyes looked directly at him, but he said nothing.

Little Pei Lun was not used to such treatment, but he had never heard the other party say a word since he checked in. It was Chud Osmar who ordered the orders for this fat follower. He speculated in his heart that the other party was mute, so After asking again and getting no response, I stopped trying.

"Okay, I think he is visiting the doctor's house. I'll ask someone to ask him later." He walked down talking to himself.

After all the guests left, and only Clayton and three others were left, Perun went to lock the backyard warehouse, asked them to watch the door, and went out.

There were only three outsiders left in the entire hotel.

The mess and the smell of tobacco and alcohol still linger in the lobby. This is the smell of human activity, but it has gradually become colder because of the departure of the source.

Julius shuddered: "I feel like my wound is open and needs to be treated again."

He hurried upstairs, clutching his shoulders, and there was no more sound.

Clayton wanted to sit for a while longer, so he didn't move, but Donna didn't get up either. He looked over with concern, only to find that the girl was collecting chairs. She lined up the chairs in a row to form a long flat surface, then lay down on them, showing an extremely comfortable expression.

"Donna, there is a bed in the room. If you are tired, go up and rest." Clayton reminded.

"No." Donna looked at the ceiling, as if she could see stars through the wooden boards: "I just like the smell here. It's very lively here. I want to stay a little longer."

Clayton then remembered that she also grew up in Butnu.

Indeed, Patnu was a sparsely populated area, and banquets were not often held. Therefore, when he was a child, he had to go to the market even if he had to walk a long way, for no other reason than to see people. I also think it's worth it.

Many of his fond memories are filled with the endless flow of heterogeneous people and the strong aroma of tobacco.

It was time spent with his brother and the farm boys the family employed.

"How is Bracola?" he asked in a subtle way: "How are you doing there? What does your mother think of the new friends you made there? Didn't she chase them away?"

He wanted to care about this girl, but after hearing these questions, Donna shrank violently and almost fell off the chair.

"Why do you ask these?" Her voice sounded a little resentful.

"It's just concern."

Donna turned over and sat up, feeling quite self-defeating: "Well, you don't have to worry about this, I can't talk to others very well."

"So you have no friends?!"

"not even one."

Clayton was really surprised. In his impression, there were only boys walking alone, but not girls walking alone, because every girl is good at making friends. This is simply common sense.

"What's wrong with you? Or is it that the people in Bracola don't like you? Or are there no other girls of your age suitable to be friends with?"

"That's not the case." Donna grabbed her clothes in embarrassment: "They are very nice people, but they are just a little naive."

She knew that when she looked at those girls, she thought they were naive, and Uncle Clayton, who was older, would definitely make similar comments about herself. It was like describing herself, and it was the same as speaking ill of others behind their backs.

Clayton opened his mouth. He wanted to say something, but a strange noise suddenly came from behind the counter.

It was like someone was coming out of the underground wine cellar.

He stood up and looked at the counter warily, and at the same time reached out to hold Donna behind him.

Then someone really came out of the wine cellar.

Not just one, but a group.

Old Hunter Goatee and his patrols crowded out of the narrow passage in the basement, like foam from dirty water.

To their credit, however, they remained silent throughout, only groaning when they were severely squeezed.

After a while, the lobby was full again.

Clayton and Donna were stunned.

"What are you doing hiding here?" the lieutenant asked.

This group of people all carry guns, and they should be patrolling the outskirts of Gevo town now.

He had no idea how much of his conversation with his niece had been overheard by them, and even if the truly dangerous content hadn't been discussed, it was enough to make him unhappy.

"Priest Louis asked us to help you." Goatee said with a gun on his shoulder: "He found that you were targeted by that evil thing. It may come again tonight."

"Evil thing." Donna reminded him.

Goatee pronounced the word a few more times in a daze.

". Evil thing, evil thing, yes, that's it. We came here to set up an ambush and kill that weird thing. Because of the priest's instructions, little Perun lent us this place for hunting. Although that beast The type is different from what we expected, but it doesn't matter, as long as it's not a ghost, our bullets will still be useful." At this point, he patted the shotgun.

Clayton brushed his finger across his upper lip out of habit, but there was no beard there.

These people were all smeared with hunters' special medicated oil to mask their smell, and the werewolves were unable to detect them until they actually appeared.

Although his sense of smell failed, Clayton's eyes were still good. He was sure that these people did not sneak in during dinner, so he asked them when they came here.

"Three o'clock in the afternoon." the old hunter whispered.

Behind him, the gunmen crept up the stairs.

"No one saw us when we came. This time was also set by the priest. Are you all here?"

Donna answered him: "There's another one with green hair in the room."

Goatee frowned, twisted the long shotgun in his hand, and blew his nose unhappily: "I'm going to call him down. You guys stay in the lobby and don't run around when you hear the sound. Go to the backyard here." It’s not good to plant it in the open air. The priest said that the evil thing is very cunning, so he asked us to come so early. If it sees you in other places, it may not go upstairs.”

They plan to set up a battlefield on the second floor.

Clayton raised his chin after coming to this conclusion: "How long is this going to last?"

Goatee replied bluntly without any hesitation: "A whole night. It's just us here, the other residents will spend the night elsewhere. Only after we succeed will they know what we are doing here."

This arrangement is reasonable in the eyes of veterans like Creighton.

"That thing is very fast. Don't fire all the guns at once." Donna reminded.

Goatee looked at her in surprise: "Okay, we will pay attention, but it can't be faster than a flying bird, right?"

"That's impossible to tell."

Clayton had no more questions to ask. The old man also wanted to take charge of the hunting activities here. He had no time to talk to them anymore, so he went upstairs with his gun.

Soon, Julius also came down. His face looked better than before. He walked to sit down next to his companion and let out a sigh of relief: "They all told me, but it's a pity that I want to go to bed early today. What? ?Do you want to go and help them?"

"The locals are already very familiar with each other, there is no need for an outsider to intervene, and if my bad luck is transmitted to them," Clayton did not say any more.

He believed in his fighting skills, but not his luck.

"I just said it casually."

Julius earned a glare from Donna as she stuffed another piece of cold pie into her mouth, which was what was left on her plate.

The wizard didn't care about this. He turned his head and saw a "bed" made of chairs, and simply lay down on it.

As the time got later and later, the patrol team also lit lights in the rooms of other tenants upstairs, but at the same time closed the curtains so that the outsiders could not see whether it was the person inside. They borrowed Little Perun's spare key. , and with the authority of the clergy, the tenant's own opinion was of no importance in the matter.

There are three people in each room, and each person carries two guns to ensure that no matter whether the evil creature temporarily changes its target, they have enough instant firepower to kill, or at least severely injure, the opponent.

They asked one person at a time to observe the situation, one person to rest, and one person to pay attention to what was going on in the corridor.

There were people in the corridors responsible for delivering messages with hand signals, and goatee instructions.

In Julius' room, Goatee borrowed a pocket watch from a young man on the team to check the time. The time was now later than Padre Lewis expected.

In every room on the second floor, their people opened the curtains a small crack to observe the outside world.

The street outside is bright, but when it reaches a certain height, the shadow emerging from the top of the building becomes darker, as deep as the bottom of the water. This is why others did not discover the evil thing.

"Be in good spirits."

He immediately reprimanded after noticing the tired looks in the young people's eyes from time to time.

These young people all think they are full of energy, but the energy consumed by concentrating on waiting for prey cannot be compared to when they are doing nothing. This state must be resolved, otherwise they will lie down before they see their prey.

So the candles were passed from hand to hand, and the smell of tobacco gradually filled Julius' room.

The owner of this room also smoked, the lingering smell told them so, so smoking here would not make the "creature" feel abnormal.

The aroma of burning on the lips, teeth, mouth and nose lifted the spirits of the patrol members.

The supervisor in the next room smelled the smell and couldn't help but feel envious in his heart.

Even though they had to change shifts every once in a while, but they continued for several hours with no results, their spirits couldn't help but feel a little slack. When the inspector concentrated again and looked out the window, that frightening white color was already close to the backyard of the hotel.

Before he could reveal this, the messengers in the corridor had already begun to gesture in unison.

All observers saw the leatherworker.

It's in the stables now.

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