Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 190 Excuse

Padre Luis left Perot's home.

Hook detective Ian Lazarus catches up from behind and intercepts him.

There are still plans for a fire carnival in the town tonight, or no one has announced it clearly, but the fires on the streets have gradually lit up, and people are constantly coming out of the house to add fuel to the fire. Maybe someone will notice this. thing.

Ian didn't have much time, he had to do whatever he wanted to do quickly.

"Priest, what are you doing at Mr. Perot's house?" He tightened his hand on the gun in his pocket.

The person who attacked the circus is most likely a high-ranking person in Gevaux. Doctors, elders, and priests all fit this definition.

Padre Louis still remembered him, and his eyes turned slightly to the left and then came back again.

"You're a detective on a business trip."

Ian stared into his eyes, trying to detect any possibility of guilt.

"It's me. Now please answer my question."

"I'm just here to inform him to go to the square and we have a new werewolf detection protocol."

When Pastor Lewis said this, he looked at him and said, "Since you are here, the people we sent to inform you probably failed to inform you of this matter. I should also tell you this matter - our In the new testing plan, you are also among the people who need to participate. As before, we will gather in the square in front of the church after dinner. You can be a little later, but not too late. If you are not willing, I am afraid we will have to expel you from the town. To prevent residents here from taking unnecessary risks.”

The priest looked serious and serious, and he had indeed been doing similar activities in the past few days. What he said was more credible, and Ian's hand relaxed slightly.

"Who are going?"

"Outlanders who have come to the town within half a year, as well as people who frequently interact with outsiders, must go. Werewolves can spread wolfsbane under extremely special conditions and transform other people into the same kind. Although this is not common, But it’s not completely impossible.”

The period of suspicion has been extended to half a year, and local people involved with foreigners have also been included in the suspect list because of their contact. This sounds like they are about to take action.

Ian wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth, he forgot what he wanted to say.

Louis had no intention of waiting for him, and continued on his own: "This new plan was formulated by Mr. Bello, the sheriff from the city. Except for their family and his assistants, no other exceptions can escape the test. "

After the priest finished explaining the matter, he turned around and left very naturally.

Ian Lazarus vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he had no time to ask further.

He hurriedly put down the gun in his pocket and took out his memo and pen. He had a bad memory and had to write down these things before he forgot them.

Earlier when Ian was doing this, Clayton and his team were investigating the last target.

Circus musician.

The body was covered in blood due to Clayton’s killing method, but nothing was missing from it—whether it was organs or clothes.

The evil things seem to have no rules in how they deal with these dead bodies. The only thing the treated corpses have in common is that they were all male when they were alive, and their height and appearance were average for ordinary people.

They originally suspected that the evil creature preferred women and dwarfs, but the "musician" who also had disadvantages was not manipulated, so this factor was also eliminated.

Clayton and Julius had no choice but to dispose of the body again and hide it, of course in a different place.

The antique dealers were not very satisfied with the results of the afternoon's actions. Perhaps longer thinking could provide them with some inspiration, but there was really no more free time this afternoon, and it took them several hours just to travel.

And when night is coming, they must return to the town.

Still in the wild at this dangerous time, even if they are armed, it cannot be justified.

This is all for Donna. If she can live in Barbara's house, the two men Clayton and Julius can use the excuse of the Sheriff to hunt for murderers to cover up the past while investigating outside, and take the women with them out to engage in dangerous activities. Activities, this is unreasonable everywhere.

But Donna herself didn't realize this. Clayton knew from her thoughtful expression that she was completely addicted to the detective game.

It would be great if she could be so dedicated to school in the future, the lieutenant thought expectantly.

They returned to Geveau. A young patrol member was waiting for them at the door of the hotel. When he saw them, he said: "Mr. Bello, Padre Luis asks you not to go out at night. If someone asks you a question you don't know the answer to, don't do it." Answer them."

This request is a bit strange, but nothing difficult to agree to.

Clayton agreed, and borrowed a piece of paper from Peron to write down their only gain in the afternoon - that is, the evil thing that appeared in the town was a leatherworker, and entrusted the patrol to send the note to Padre Lewis. .

He only said that Donna's mother also held a priesthood, so they knew a lot about monsters. As for the evidence left by the leatherworker, it was all on the animal trainer.

This excuse was sufficient to prevaricate Padre Lewis.

There were actually no traces of the leatherworker on the animal tamer's body, but even if this was confirmed, they could argue that it was an error in judgment.

There are people everywhere in this world who know only a little about mysticism but still claim to be experts, and there are not a few of them left behind.

The bleating sounds of sheep could be heard from inside the inn.

Donna curiously explored the direction of the sound with her eyes, but Clayton sent her and the wizard upstairs and refused to let her go.

Antiques dealers want to check out the backyard for themselves.

He passed through the warehouse and his temporary bed and saw the innkeeper, Little Perun, practicing with his ancestral two-handed sword.

Vertical chops, diagonal lifts, and horizontal strokes. Every move was done very seriously. Pei Lun seemed to be fighting an invisible enemy. When he was young and strong, he held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and the movements of his steps and waist were coordinated with the swinging movements. His moves were precise, he could draw back the force quickly, and he could turn quickly.

If there were a real person standing in front of him, he would be torn into pieces at this moment.

At least the sheep in the backyard were so scared that they hid in a corner away from him.

Clayton has experienced hundreds of battles. Although he is only good at cavalry swords, he has fought against many Taunton knights and knows how to appreciate the level of swordsmanship. He could see that little Perun's swordsmanship was exquisite, and he was worthy of being a descendant of the former lord of Gevo.

Noticing that others were observing him, Perun stopped, held his sword with one hand, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and smiled sheepishly at Clayton.

"This is one of the few legacies my grandfather left me."

Clayton said politely: "It is very precious, I can see that. But it may not be able to realize its full value here."

"I have no intention of relying on swordsmanship to earn a living. No one can use two-handed swords anymore. Everyone likes to leave one hand for shooting." Pei Lun stepped on the tree stump with one foot and relaxed: "That might be the case. It’s funny, but I just feel that the world seems to be getting more and more chaotic, which is a bit disturbing, and the two-handed sword is the best skill I have learned.”

"Do you think so because of the werewolf?" the lieutenant asked him.

"Not at all."

Pei Lun's answer made him breathe a sigh of relief, and then he sighed: "Those who run hotels always have better information than others. I think a sheriff like you might also know this in the city. The gangsters running around now are They are as obscene and ubiquitous as rats. I heard about the animal trainer and what you said at the gate of the town. The evil party is indeed getting closer to us, and the army in Sasha City is too far away from us. Far."

Clayton comforted him: "You need security forces, but I believe this will improve soon. Hook's gunmen are about to make their home around here."

The Hook detectives are about to build a base here. With the group of armed detectives on the outside to ward off danger, perhaps the security level in Jevo will be better than that in Sasha City. After all, there are fewer people here to look after.

"I accept your good words."

Pei Lun kicked up the scabbard from the ground, stuffed the two-handed sword into it, and his expression relaxed a lot.

Clayton's reassurance stood him in good stead.

"By the way, Mr. Bello, the advertisement you entrusted me to put out has worked. Two families have contacted me and want to sell old furniture and ornaments. I will give you the address in a moment."

"Thank you." Clayton said, "What about you? Do you have anything to sell?"

He also coveted the wealth of the declining nobles. The things stored by the lord of the town must be more tasteful than those of ordinary people.

"It's all here."

Pei Lun tapped the ground with his scabbard: "I'm sorry, I have sold all the things that can be sold, and the rest has become this store. If my father didn't owe so many gambling debts, maybe I could pay him back I can leave some for you.”

Clayton laughed, loving the young man's sense of humor.

In addition to the initial investment failure, he also owed a lot of money to run the "Rusted Silver Coin" store. It was not until last month that he paid off all the debts with the salary from the Presbyterian Church. He was relaxed. Little Pei Lun's situation made He felt very kind.

Pei Lun looked at the darkening sky: "It's time for me to chop vegetables. If you wait until you are hungry, it will be too late to cook."

He put his sword under his arm and walked towards the kitchen.

Today's dinner was very sumptuous, including not only the wild boar that Clayton had brought, but also fresh lamb.

Clayton asked Perun to kill the sheep he bought, and let the drunkards who came to the hotel to spend time tonight eat some, and everyone was satisfied. But when these local guests wanted to stay and repeat the carnival nights of the previous few days, Pei Lun started knocking on the counter to chase them away.

"Everyone, go home. Not today. I'm going to lock the door soon."

Clayton felt that this change was extremely unusual. Perron had been staying in the hotel for the past few days and slept on the second floor of the warehouse on the east side of the backyard, or in the underground wine cellar.

"Are you going out for something?" he asked Pei Lun.

The latter opened his eyes wide and asked in surprise: "What, Mr. Bello, wasn't it you who facilitated the test I'm going to take in a while?"

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