Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 159 Misunderstanding

Julius stood on the street in the center of the town, next to the bakery.

Due to martial law, he and Clayton were the only two people on the huge street. It's not surprising that Clayton could find him so quickly. Even after being weakened by the alien curse, it was still easy for the werewolf's sense of smell to do this.

"You're back so soon. Are you bored by the werewolf trial?" He turned his back to Clayton, holding his new discovery in his hand and studying non-stop.

Clayton paused for a moment, but his tone remained calm.

"No, but if the silver they're testing on is fake, that's a different story."

Because the test failed, the gathering was immediately disbanded, but many people remained in front of the church, asking the only priest in the town for tips on identifying werewolves. But in his opinion, this was all in vain. Priest Louis was not a supernatural being. His advice can only have a psychological comfort effect.

Julius still didn't look back: "It seems that martial law will not end soon."

"On the contrary, the locals will maintain martial law for at most two more days, otherwise they will not have enough wood to burn."

Clayton took out Ian's memo and shook it: "I got the clues from Detective Hook. We will go directly there tomorrow. Besides this, I have another question to ask you."

"Ah, I guess you must be talking about the fact that I can recognize you without my eyes." Julius is happy to show his superiority to others: "I released my spiritual eyes, This is the crystallization of highly concentrated gnosis. The invisible spiritual eyes are not affected by light, and you can see things around you even if you close your eyes."

He explained it clearly, but Clayton had researched the relevant stuff in order to break the curse after killing Athena, including the gnosis part.

The lieutenant said calmly: "I know that, but that's not the problem. Are you looking for something with your spiritual eyes now?"

The mage was a little embarrassed, but this was not enough to disturb his interest. The new discovery was enough to dilute this unhappiness.

"To be precise, I have found it. Now it is time to identify it."

He turned around and showed Clayton the object in his hand, which was a conch as big as half an adult man's hand. Its shape is like a horn, its shell seems to be made of enamel, and its entire body is crystal yellow. The sharp corner at the top of the spiral has been broken, and about one-third of its length has been lost.

"Have you ever heard of the 'conch that records the sound of the tide'?"

Of course Clayton knew the rumors about the sounding conch, but he didn’t expect to see it here.

His yellow wolf eyes stared at the conch. It was lifeless and did not look outstanding at all.

Clayton picked up the conch and put it to his ear. Nothing happened. He saw that Julius' face seemed to be suppressing a smile.

"If you have anything to say, just tell me."

"Haven't you thought about it? Then let me remind you a little bit - the culprit who makes the streets so bright."

"Can it make such a loud sound? This is different from the legend."

The lieutenant looked at the conch again, but still couldn't see the strangeness of this little thing. There was only a fresh riverside smell.

Regarding the legend of the gramophone snail, it is generally believed that you need to get closer to hear the sounds it records. Therefore, he failed to react immediately.

"Magic has to keep pace with the times, and it was damaged by excessive force, right?" Julius spread his hands: "But I'm not sure how this strange object got here. Maybe it was someone The mischief of the spell caster may have been living here a long time ago, and was inspired by the natural environment due to the influence of your bad luck.”

"But don't expect me to explain this clearly to the locals. They will definitely not lift the martial law, nor will they listen to my explanation. They will only understand that I am a wizard, and it was my fellow wizards who manipulated all this, and then they will regard you as me. tortured with his accomplices - even though you were."

"Actually, the status of village witches is very high. You live in Sasha City and are considered half a local. If you are willing to provide some services for free."

Creighton tries to explain to Julius that witch hunting is a stereotype, but he is unwilling to take the risk. Can't blame him, the town patrol told them to hunt wizards, and the first look was always impressive.

The lieutenant did not dare to declare that he was responsible for the dangerous incidents caused by doing so, so he had no choice but to give up.

"By the way, what was your original problem?" Julius asked after adjusting his breathing.

The lieutenant casually put the conch into his pocket and sighed: "I was just a little skeptical at first, but your news confirmed my suspicion just now."

"What guess?" Julius had an ominous premonition.

"I thought someone was blocking contact with the outside world," Clayton said.

Although the street they were on was bright because of the fire, most of the windows were dark, and the crowd was still concentrated in the church to listen to the priest's golden words, so no one could hear their conversation.

When this conjecture was thrown out by the lieutenant, Julius's expression twisted-because of the nonsense of this conjecture.

"I think you are thinking too much. This small town is simply the most shabby place I have ever seen. It is not profitable at all. Who would want to do this? And" he paused and found a stronger basis: "Didn't the people from the military and the church just come here? They also took the initiative to search for converts here. If there is anything abnormal, they should have discovered it earlier than us."

"Don't be superstitious about authority, that's all I can say." Clayton used his own life experience to refute the mage: "I have been a part of them, so I can tell you that they often do things more poorly than you think. "

Julius lost interest completely and crossed his arms: "Then I'll just pretend that you are right."

Creighton was noncommittal about the young man's attitude: "You might as well think about what means of transportation are available for us to leave the town now."

This sounded worth arguing. The mage rolled his eyes and quickly got the answer.

"Don't they still have donkeys?"

"All those who can pull carts have been taken away by the priest." Clayton said: "Now there are only old donkeys and some bad-tempered cows left. Instead of counting on them, you might as well think about yourself starting to exercise and run from now on." Is it still too late?”

This information was all obtained by asking while he was carrying the wounded. As for the fact that Julius didn't ask for information even though he didn't have to do anything, and still knew nothing about the situation in the town, he didn't know. I feel very surprised.

Julius became furious: "What the hell, can't the locals raise more animals that can pull carts?"

He realized that the two of them would have to rely on luck if they wanted to return to Sasha City at a normal travel speed.

Either people working in the city rented a carriage and came back, or the local priest was able to finish the work quickly and bring back the donkeys in the town.

In response to his complaint, Clayton replied: "The town is right on the river, and the water-powered mill runs day and night without any expense. They don't need to keep so many donkeys and horses."

Under the orchestration of doom, everything makes sense.

"Sorry, I didn't expect this to happen."

Lawrence repeated these words many times, and even when he returned home, they came back to him over and over in his mind, still in his own voice.

Even though the jeweler was considered a prominent person in the town, he had to humbly ask others to forgive him.

But there's nothing we can do about it, after all, he provided the "silver" candlestick used by the elders for testing.

The consequences are simply outrageous.

After sitting down awkwardly at the main table in the restaurant, he gradually calmed down and asked his wife Jane to boil some hot water.

"It's so embarrassing. I'm so embarrassed in front of other wives!"

His partner, whom he married twenty years ago, filled his cup with a teapot while complaining: "Father in heaven, you have been a genuine person all your life, how could you think of using fake silverware to deal with the elders? Everyone We all know that there shouldn't be any mistakes at this time, everyone is afraid of that beast, the fake silverware didn't catch it, but caused a lot of new wounds, how should I explain to them?"

Lawrence, however, was calm and calm, a little more energetic than when he was outside:

"That's not my problem. I just collected it and donated it when the elders asked for it. Besides, I have already explained it to the men, and they all believe me and are willing to forgive me. So you don't have to worry about that. Ladies, they naturally listen to their husbands."

He tilted his head back and took a swig from the cup, but soon started to cough.

"Why is it still cold water?!"

It's winter now and it's still snowing outside!

His wife put her hands on her hips and looked at him kindly: "My dear husband, do you still remember how much firewood our family contributed to light up this town?"

Obviously, there was no hope of hot water.

Danny pushed the door open and entered the room. He left the party a little later than Lawrence. He looked tired now. He took off his hat and took a pair of shoes from the shoe rack to change.

When they saw their son come in, they stopped arguing.

"Danny, would you like some hot soup?" Jane asked.

Lawrence glared at her, but there was nothing he could do.

The young man smiled.


He quickly went upstairs to his room and never showed his face again.

"The Lacks girl made him very sad." Jane said regretfully while holding the pot: "She was also fascinated by the outsiders. It's not like she didn't know how terrible the city was recently. There were many Sheriffs in Sasha. She has given up her position, but she still dares to follow them, maybe."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Lawrence suddenly raised his voice.

The wife was intimidated by his attitude: "What's wrong?"

Lawrence realized something, his breath stagnated, and he raised his head to signal upstairs: "I just want to say, don't let the child hear you talking bad about that girl behind your back."

"I didn't fall in love with you like this when I was young."

The woman mumbled something and went into the kitchen carrying the pot.

The jeweler picked up the cup, then remembered that it was still cold water, so he had to put it down.

He sat in the empty hall and sighed, then suddenly stood up and walked towards the stairs. He hoped to openly announce something to his son.

Danny's door was closed.

Lawrence wanted to open the door and have a manly conversation with him, but hesitated several times and finally put his hand down.

For no reason, he felt a sense of fear.

Perhaps it was a premonition or an inference from past experience. He always felt that something terrible might happen if he disclosed it completely and honestly, so he just stood in front of the door and called him softly, which was not very formal.

"What's the matter, father?" he heard his son ask calmly inside.

The old jeweler put his hand on the door and mustered up the courage to lean in and whisper: "I just want to tell you that no matter what you become, we still love you."

There was silence in the room for a moment before Danny's voice sounded again.

"Father, you must have misunderstood something. Stop thinking about it. Just leave me alone."

This was inconsistent with Lawrence's memory, and he couldn't help but ask further: "Then last month, when you saw the priesthood of the church in the city, why...? It's impossible that you are really feeling sad for that girl now, right?"

"Just leave me alone!" Danny's voice turned cold.

Lawrence's hand left the door panel. He was disappointed by the answer, but he felt relieved.

"Yes, it's a misunderstanding, that's fine." He muttered to himself and went downstairs.

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