Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 158 All previous efforts were wasted

Creighton could have gone back to rest, but he didn't.

Neither does Hook's detective.

They all wanted to know the test results as soon as possible, so they stayed here.

Behind the high platform - on both sides of the church is the land where the priesthood cultivates medicinal herbs. The guards in the town do not come near here. They each stay on one side and sit back and watch how the locals deal with it.

The elders' advice had no effect.

Maybe the being who howled was not in this batch, or maybe he heard it but ignored the warning. They waited for a while, and the crowd remained silent. They looked at each other, but no one came forward.

The old people on the high platform whispered to each other and asked the people below to line up for testing.

Julius poked Clayton with his elbow: "I thought you would be caught with your luck. Look at your face now. You are already like a dead person before you have been cursed. If I He will be the first to catch you."

"Shut up," Clayton replied briefly and forcefully.

The werewolf curse made his new skin appear as white as paper, pure in color, but extremely unhealthy. At the same time, the yellow irises expanded to almost two-thirds of the eye and were still glowing slightly.

But for now, these anomalies can be covered up with "city dwellers' special cosmetics."

The residents of Gévaux even believed in Julius’ statement that “the ax is the trend”, and there was no reason not to believe this.

"Okay, but some things can't be solved by just shutting up. The curse will make your inhuman characteristics more obvious." Julius' tone suddenly became calmer, and his eyes looked at the familiar people in the crowd. The smile was gone from the face and mouth.

He raised his chin and nodded where he was looking: "Look there. They don't look very optimistic."

In the direction he was looking, a family of jewelers had gathered together.

There was a very obvious uneasiness on Lawrence's face. When he saw the guards passing by, he would open his mouth slightly towards them, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't speak. As for his son Danny, he seemed to have thought of something, and his expression was a bit sad.

As for Lawrence's wife, Danny's mother--that woman seemed ignorant of their thoughts, and was talking kindly and in low voices to the other old women.

"There is indeed something fishy, ​​but I don't think it's any of them."

Clayton whispered: "When I was in their home, I didn't smell the smell of raw flesh and blood, and there was no smell of perfume. Unless they had been hunting and eating in the wild, they couldn't have kept it so clean."

Jewelry craftsmen are more profitable than ordinary jobs, and the merchants who provide raw materials give them a lot of opportunities for corruption. As far as he knew, no jewelry craftsman would not do this. This was almost an unspoken rule that all employers acquiesced to.

There is an old saying that "there is silver in the gold crown."

Closer to home, with the income of a jeweler, he can definitely get legal meat. He only needs to raise a few more dogs to fool the people around him, and no one will care about how much food the dogs waste.

Moreover, the expression on Danny's face could not be called panic.

Julius looked at them carefully again and had to admit that Clayton's conclusion might be more correct.

He immediately lost interest and looked away.

"It's really boring here. I'll go for a walk nearby."

The streets of the town were lit with fires and patrolled, so he wasn't worried about safety.

Clayton nodded silently and allowed him to leave, while his eyes continued to stare at the crowd.

While they were talking, four people had already completed the test. They raised their hands to show their wounds to the others as the elders had done before, and then stepped aside to be bandaged by the woman.

Painters also stood among the people to be tested.

Although they are foreigners, they have been here for a while, so they are naturally included in the suspect list.

The two painters who were repairing the murals in the church looked unhappy and repeatedly stated to the guards that they must not cause wounds on their fingers or even their entire arms, otherwise it would affect the progress of the repair work.

The lieutenant noticed that Louis frequently turned his eyes toward them as well. This is not a good sign.

If a priest cannot tell whether the outsiders who come in and out of the church where he works every day are dark descendants, then he obviously cannot perform any miracles.

Chude Osmar and his fat entourage were also in the crowd. The former still showed the same arrogant expression as before, while the latter looked confused, as if he had just been adopted by Chude from the workhouse.

Clayton gradually lost interest in these people. He felt that he might not find out anything tonight, so he turned his attention to the detectives.

He remembered that Ian Lazarus still had something to say.

"Have you found anything about that gun?" he walked over and asked.

Ian showed an expression as if he had just woken up from a dream, which made Clayton feel bad, but the other fellow detectives seemed not surprised.

The young detective with blond hair and blue eyes lifted up his jacket, revealing a large list of knives and flintlock pistols hanging underneath. His hand took out a folded paper from one of the pockets and opened it. Clayton saw the ink Traces showing through poor quality paper.


Ian carefully remembered the purpose of this note, and it did have an effect, but the meaning of its existence made the lieutenant very uneasy.

It seemed like he had just assigned this task to the other party last night.

"Ah, your request has been fulfilled!" Ian's answer after reading the memo was in line with Clayton's expectations, but there was even a bit of unearned surprise in his voice, as if he had completely forgotten that he was pursuing the investigation. process, so the feelings are completely relaxed.

"I found the person who knew the gun, but before she could explain it, her husband took her into the house."

Before Ian could say anything, Clayton already knew the results of his investigation.

This guy actually wrote down his excuse in the memo!

"The deposit I paid is quite large. Your investigation should have more content." Clayton directly took his memorandum and reviewed it.

Ian's expression was one of shock: "Sorry, I chalked it up to the full cost."

The lieutenant looked angrily at Ian's accomplice.

"Is this the only quality of your service?"

Rabbit Ace loosened his hands on his chest and stood in front of Ian: "I'm sorry, but don't look at him like this. He is very serious about his work. Last month, he was responsible for real estate transactions for the firm in Sasha City. The transaction was just unlucky, I got frightened there, and it ended up like this.”

Clayton's hand holding the memo trembled.

"What has he been through?"

"The last employer caused misfortune to the team he belonged to, and was involved in a family honor killing. Our detective had to protect the employer under the coercion of the enemy, but she later attacked our young man, intending to cover up the family scandal. This betrayal caused the death of several of our companions, do you dare to imagine such a thing?"

Ace was still frightened when he mentioned the matter. With the help of the Sasha city government, they were able to enter the Culles family's house to collect the bodies of their colleagues.

Part of the wreckage showed that they did not die at the hands of the enemy, but were attacked and eaten by their employers without any defense. This also prevented subsequent cooperation between the firm and the Holy Grail Society.

The firm can take the lives of its employees, but it cannot force employees to take their own lives.

Employers without credibility are also not accepted by the industry.

Without the Holy Grail Society, the local Presbyterian Church can also be their partner.

The brown-haired Robin Hood nodded aside and added: "Ian's brother was killed by his employer. If he hadn't been resting in the guest room of the government building at that time, he would have died there."

Clayton had mixed feelings when he heard an incident he was familiar with and personally involved in being portrayed in another way.

It sounds like some people died at the hands of Athena Berlugo, but he did not investigate the subsequent results, so it is unknown how much the other party fabricated in order to relay this incident. Perhaps Ian's It's possible that my brother is dying in his own hands.

This possibility made him wary and reluctant to contact Ian further.

There is a high probability that mercenaries will not become enemies because of the death of their companions, but if their companions are also blood relatives, there is no room for maneuver.

This threatening possibility is something Clayton cannot accept.

It would be best for them not to continue contact, which would also be a test of his conscience.

"That's enough, I've heard enough reasons. I can do the rest myself. The fees agreed before will be paid tomorrow, but only half. This is because he has only done half of the work." He said coldly, Then he turned around and walked away, as if he was not touched by what they said. He was an inhumane character in society.

Detective Hook was used to this kind of character and watched him leave without any objection.

But at this moment, something went wrong with the testing process in the square, which once again attracted everyone's attention.

"This candlestick is not made of silver," said a man being examined.

The person next to him asked him: "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure of that," he replied.

This view has simply caused an uproar. If this statement is true, it means that all the previous test results are invalid, and no one around him can be trusted.

It had such an impact that the elder rang the bell several times before the crowd fell silent again.

An elder on the high platform asked the man: "Mr. James, I remember that you are a doctor, not a gold and silversmith. Why did you make such a judgment?"

Dr. James was the doctor that Clayton took Bill to visit in the afternoon. He walked to the front of the crowd and held the candlestick. The silver background reflected the golden light under the firelight.

"Although I am not a goldsmith, I know that sulfur-containing chemicals will turn silver black. As you all know, I accidentally injured my hand today and was unable to have surgery, so Bill had to go to the city to seek medical treatment. Just now, in order not to create a new wound, I let the candlestick touch the old wound that I had previously cleaned with sulfur powder. But at this time, I noticed that the appearance of the candlestick was very clean and did not look like an old wound. Silverware, so I became suspicious and pressed it against the wound for a while, and the result was just as I expected.”

People noticed that the silver candlestick in his hand did not look stained at all and was still as clean as new.

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