Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 128 Firefight

Parents, what a beautiful word.

Even if Athena Bai Luge abandons these children, even if the Holy Grail Society has already used magic to cut off the connection between them, it does not prevent the spider from being attracted to her own children.

Petty was extremely envious of this blood connection.

But his approach is obviously not understandable.

Akchi was surprised that a guy who would use the corpses of dead young dark descendants as raw materials for communion ceremonies could say such high-sounding words.

"Furthermore, those spiderlings are a race that is about to perish. They are cursed creatures created by man. Unlike you, even the arrival of the dark moon cannot change their impending extinction trend and stop them from making unnecessary attempts. This It's also a kind of mercy." Peti finally added his own opinion, as if this could somewhat alleviate his sin.

Akzi's beak opened in what might be called a smile.

"You know us very well. I didn't know there was someone like you in St. Mellon Parish before. What reward do you want?"

Although this is only a temporary collaboration, he believes that their relationship may have the potential to go further.

Such unscrupulous people must have ambitions that ordinary people cannot understand, and they will definitely need some extra help on the way to the end.

But Petty rejected him.

"I have nothing else to ask for. The Spider Priest was once ranked eleventh in the local sinners list. It is a good thing that she can die. This will deter other people with ulterior motives." The priest's eyes bypassed Akqi and chased the gray Sky.

In the sky, the moon is wrapped in clouds, like a dim eye.

There is still only one moon.

The priest exhaled and turned his eyes to look at Akci: "It's time for you to set off. Don't let her come to the minaret, otherwise your chances of victory are slim."

The minaret can provide an increase in the miracles of the priesthood, and what is unacceptable is that this effect also works for the heretical Holy Grail sect.

Healing, pure will, holy influence, holy power protection, light illumination, lightning strike. These are the most common miracles. Each miracle requires long-term practice and prayer of the priesthood to master.

Mastering one is a monk, mastering two is a missionary or priest.

The name Spider Priest means that Athena masters two miracles, but the local church only knows that she has the miracle of pure will, which can resist spiritual magic and speed up spell casting, but the other miracle is well hidden by her. No one knows how she will use it.

Compared to the main duties of the priesthood, Athena's additional abilities are more well-known.

Contract rituals, sending the invisible ones, mind-bewitching techniques derived from blood, and undead magic that controls flesh and blood.

Because her mental power was affected by the curse and grew very slowly, this woman chose to expand her influence through her extensive memory. After many years of hard work, she became almost an encyclopedia of evil.

If the miracles of the Fallen Priesthood were not weakened and could not be used simultaneously with heretical magic, Athena would be a terrifying existence at the level of a diocesan bishop.

Akzi certainly understands Father Petti's concerns, but he is convinced that his professional team is well prepared.

"Then let's say goodbye."

Owl walked toward his men, leaning on his cane.

They were all wearing carnival animal masks or hoods so that Akzi's bird head could blend in without raising suspicion, and they were holding long rifles or shotguns.

Including Akzi himself, there are a total of seven people in this team, and Fulentin is also among them. Although he is wearing a bear hood, the pale backs of his hands with bulging veins still look a bit out of place among the dark descendants.

"Let's get started. Protect Fulentin and pay attention to my signals at all times."

Akzi took off his shirt and handed it to one of them. Then he took off his lifelike human leather gloves, revealing the gray toe claws with amazing gripping capabilities underneath.

He lowered his head slightly, his body covered with jet-black bird feathers arched, and the wings that had been lying low on his back for a long time suddenly spread out with a "swish" sound.

"Folunding, you can start."

The bear's hood hangs down, and the realm of silence expands outward.

The executioner of the Presbyterian Church kicked his feet on the ground, fluttered his spread black wings, and flew into the sky silently.

There is no more deadly predator in the sky at night than the owl.

Akzi's yellow eyes looked in the direction of the city center. His body crossed the night sky and rushed towards the direction he had determined long ago.

Philippe, the mayoral candidate promoted by the Presbyterian Church, once reported his findings to Groene Gaminion. Caroline Culles's performance at the party was not very similar to that of a person who had just lost a loved one. Although The former later rejected this speculation, but Akzi still believes that this idea may not be wrong.

Now it seems that Athena Bai Luge is indeed here.

At a height of about 400 meters above the ground, Akchi observed spiders running on the roof.

Akzi was slightly surprised that she wasn't disguised as a human, but it also indirectly illustrates how attractive the bait they threw was.

It was two o'clock in the morning and the public carriages were about to start operating, but they would get rid of her in a short time.

Akzi didn't care that he might be discovered, he just shook his wings slightly, turned and followed.

His men were able to locate him.

There are four minarets in the city, the one in the center being the largest, so Akzi must lure her away from there.

If only the minaret could amplify the smell of those "sacraments" and make them tempting enough, he would prefer to carry the incense burner with him as bait.

Their location is now six hundred meters away from the minaret that emits the fragrance.

This is not that far in the air, but if you walk honestly, the distance you have to cover may be twice the straight-line distance. After urban planning, although these curved streets are beautiful, they also add a lot of unnecessary roads.

At the same time, the action team has also begun to move.

Akzi turned his huge head, his glowing eyes constantly detecting the movement of the target below, and the bird's inner ears listened to the call of the north wind in the air, helping his body control balance.

Multitasking is an essential skill for a commander.

His men quickly met their target, and the fight began with a forward pointing motion.

The spider fell into the silent realm, while the attacker took a slight detour through guidance from the sky, giving him the advantage of sneak attack from behind.

Six muskets fired together, and in absolute silence, the dull firelight flashed through the white smoke.

Residents of the buildings on both sides of the street were unaware of this.

As the target, Athena Bai Luge was affected by the fragrance and her senses were dulled, so she just ran forward. When she sensed an abnormality in the environment, it was too late to dodge. Gaps appeared on her back, chelicerae, and even the abdominal segments of the spider's body, and plasma was pumped out at the same time.

But she's not dead yet.

The severe pain instantly brought her back to her senses.

The eight long legs of the spider elf were reduced to seven, and they were inserted deeply into the ground and slid. Before stopping, the three front legs were pulled out from the ground, inserted in the left direction, pulled the body over, and suddenly rushed into the darkness on the left. lane.

This sharp turn caused Athena's body to disappear from the sight of the action team.

They chased after them with muskets, but they encountered a blockage at the entrance of the alley - white spider silk stained with red crisscrossed the road, blocking the road ahead, and was extremely flexible, so they had to be cleared away with a broad-edged sword.

After the gap in the spider web, the pale Spider Priest did not continue to flee, but stayed behind. The eyes under the veil watched coldly as they tried to open a way with their daggers.

In the hands of this powerful dark descendant was a strange doll made of blond hair. The dark descendant who was once a believer immediately recognized it as the blasphemous amulet held by the fallen priesthood.

The founding pioneers of the Bai religion are respected by believers as demigods and even gods. They have the qualifications to erect statues and can accept worship from believers. But when praying for a miracle in the priesthood, all that can be thought of is Heavenly Father, and even so, one cannot create an image of Heavenly Father.

The Supreme God is indescribable, and to associate Him with things is truly a symbol of heresy!

They moved faster but were too late to stop it.

As Athena Bai Luge gently shook the amulet, golden light rippled outward from it, like water waves reflecting around the wall.

At the same time, the wounds on her body were healing rapidly.

In less than two seconds, those gunshot wounds began to stop bleeding and solidify.

Although the miracle of recovery is the most popular, Athena's deliberate concealment over the years has created a misleading effect, making people think that she may have mastered an offensive magic in addition to the magic of pure consciousness, or some other rare magic. Divine magic, this inducement comes in handy at this moment.

This most popular miracle is comparable to the level of use of high-level priesthood in her hands. In just a few minutes, her penetrating injuries can be completely healed.

Spider gradually broke away from the surprise and panic of being attacked, and his mood became cold.

She realized it was a trap, but she couldn't give up the temptation of the bait, so she decided to kill them all here. The church and the military are not willing to start a war with the Holy Grail Society immediately, and the Presbyterian Church, whose members are all dark descendants, will not care even if all its members die.

At this moment, a black shadow passed over her from behind like lightning from the sky.

Athena's body swayed, and blood spurted out from her empty neck cavity.

Akzi's figure flew high into the sky again, holding her black-veiled head in her hands, contentedly.

He had never failed before, so this victory was a natural one.

"A gift." The head said, his voice a little vague.

"What?" The executioner lowered his head suddenly, only to find that Athena Bai Luge's headless body was still standing in the alley holding the amulet high, and the golden light of the miracle was still shining.

"The Necromancer is really tough."

He suddenly threw down his head, and at the moment when the head was released, purple miasma spurted out from its facial features.

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