Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 127 Running in both directions

Yellow glowing Clayton made his way back to the sewers.

It was dark here and the terrain was complicated. He was sure that even if Carolinian Culles' guards could clearly see the direction in which they were escaping, they would never be willing to chase them down.

He examined the things he had snatched from Athena's room, but they were nothing more than a wooden comb and a black candle used in profane rituals.

"That candle is quite useful. As for the comb," Julius shook his head. It was just an ordinary daily necessities.

"Fuck!" Clayton cursed.

The invasion was discovered by the mansion guards, and the original goal was not achieved. This operation was definitely a failure, but he was not willing to give up yet.

They had divined the location of Athena Bleuge before entering the sewage tower. Although Julius could not locate it accurately, he was able to determine that her location was the same as the previous divination, which means that at least The spider was still in the Culles family mansion before they entered the sewage tower.

She wouldn't be gone for more than an hour.

"Julius, do another divination," Clayton ordered.

There is still some time before dawn, and they still have a chance to make up for this mistake.

Julius could at least predict the general direction of the spider's movement. If they traveled at full speed, they might be able to catch up with it within half an hour.

The current time is about two o'clock in the morning, which happens to be a time when the night shift workers are already at the factory and the city's freight coach drivers are still awake, so the streets are still empty.

Julius's divination quickly yielded results. Athena Brugge's location was to the west of them, and Clayton's map showed that there was a sewage tower there for them to get out of.

Two Darkin and one mage moved forward at full speed through the network of sewer pipes until Julius could hold on no longer.

"I can't run anymore, you go."

The son of the great elder gasped and sat down on the ground, almost sinking into two inches of mud. The dirt inside the sewer pipe inevitably stained his expensive silk clothes. Due to lack of exercise, his physical fitness has not reached the level of an extraordinary person, nor can it compare with any well-trained soldier.

This journey made him exhausted.

Clayton only glanced at him briefly, nodded, and moved on.

They are in a hurry and have no time to waste on sensationalism.

In fact, when it comes to the sewage tower on the west side of the city center, Julius is no longer of use.

Wolfwalker Marshall's wolf skin is still with Clayton. He cut a part and sewed it on the collar of his coat. Not only will it not be detected by the Spider Priest's detection spell, but it will also not be detected by anyone visually. All he had to do next was climb up to the roof, find Athena on the street, and shoot her in the head with his Ranger revolver.

All the preparations he had made were for today.

Even if he encounters the worst possible response, Clayton is mentally prepared to take the lives of innocent people.

If he cannot kill Athena Bai Luge this time, he will never have another chance in the future.

The abandoned warehouses in the city center are far more lively than those in the suburbs.

The Wesley Department Store once occupied the memories of a generation here, but after its owner fell ill and died, his wife sold the store to the government at a relatively low price. The place fell into a void due to the bad luck and reputation of the previous owner. During the window period, there is no one to manage the move-in, and there are no homeless people living here secretly.

However, some children don't care about this. They come here to play after grammar school and regard this place as their secret base. But when they came today, they found that the door here couldn't be pushed open, so they had to play at the door for a while in frustration before going home.

After the children left, the street in front of Wesley's Department Store was once again deserted.

It wasn't until the moon rose that a pair of slender long legs stepped here.

The spider is coming.

She was dressed in mourning clothes, and the black gauze hanging from her wide-brimmed hat covered her mouth and nose, but she could still smell the smell behind the door, the smell of death.

When Athena stood in front of the door, the invisible one opened the door for her.

The stuck wooden door was torn open from the door frame by invisible force and fell to the ground with a crash. The debris blocking the door behind was also scattered in a pool. The simple silk thread mechanism buried the entrance for the person who left here before, and also buried the door. The truth, but for an abyssal warlock, cracking such a trick is easy.

The dusty counter had been moved to the wall not long ago. In the middle of the room was a red male corpse with an indistinguishable face. It was tied to a chair, facing her, with his head hanging slightly.

Athena stepped forward, she bent slightly, held up the chin of the corpse and looked at it, recognizing that it was the last surviving Hook detective, just as she had predicted.

Someone killed him before she did.

After eating, she discovered that there was one missing person at the table. When the others gathered together, this good boy was out on a mission to investigate the attack on the station and Clayton's background. Therefore, he escaped, but it seemed that he could not. Escape the second time.

She originally wanted to do it herself, but it would be nice if someone did it for her.

As long as this detective can't get the news here back to Hook Detective Agency, all subsequent sacrifices can be blamed on the Presbyterian Council.

After all, their people did come to the door.

Athena Bailuge smiled needlessly. This place was not far from the Cules mansion. The oath demon she left behind returned to her after achieving its purpose.

As early as when she first came into contact with Faslag, she had already induced him to sign a secret-keeping contract that would lead to death if he violated it. She could make everything develop at the time she expected without having to do anything herself. The charming bloodline of the Elf Royal Family The effect obtained by combining various secret rituals of abyss magic is so wonderful, as if this race was naturally born for corruption.

It was a wonderful coincidence that the assassin of the Presbyterian Church was observed by the guards and that Faslag happened to be missing.

She didn't expect Faslag to come to the city to look for her, but fortunately she always had a backup plan.

After today, Caroline Culles will completely succumb to the Holy Grail Order.

Well there's only one thing left to deal with right now.

Athena glanced back, and the scattered door panels and debris flew back to their original places, blocking the entrance again.

In the darkness, the spider's true form was revealed again, its long arthropods crushing the chair and greedily embracing the corpse into its body.

Under the abdomen, a second set of spider mouthparts pinched the entrance of the corpse, and the sound of the jaws chewing the bones was rhythmic and rhythmic, as if playing a hard-stringed harp. Swallowing the body into a magical container is one of the tricks to effectively prevent the deceased from being divination, and she will also be satisfied with this.

Athena enjoyed this moment especially until another alluring scent attracted her.

She stopped chewing and started looking for the source of the aroma.

The aroma was not strong, but Athena instinctively felt that it was the breath of life, whose essence was the same as hers. She could even feel the same curse calling her from it, and the two same life qualities interacted with each other like magnets. The attraction made her stop eating involuntarily.

Instinct began to pull her.

After discovering that the scent came from the inflow of outdoor air, Athena did not bother to disguise herself as a human again. She left the corpse behind and let it fall into the dust. The eight bladed legs spread out on her lower body swayed regularly and quickly towards the door. When the dark limbs met the door panel, they encountered little resistance.

That feeling haunted her, and no food could be more delicious than this!

As long as she eats the source of the fragrance and digests the power within it, she will soon be qualified to receive the new sacrament and be promoted to bishop with an absolute advantage. And her merit in coming to Sasha City to preach is just a chance of getting a nomination!

Athena no longer cared about concealing the darkin's identity. She inserted her spider legs into the wall, jumped up to the roof, and chased the scent.

"I sometimes feel that your priesthood is the truly evil existence. For the sake of the development of the church, you can even easily violate the doctrine and do such cruel things. Is this really God's expectation?"

Under the minaret, the eyes of an owl in black dress stared at the gold incense burner with a hollow top. Tonight's biting north wind will send the smell of burning corpses to the whole city.

The church often places incense burners under the minaret, and the burning mint and frankincense are a tribute to the gods. But today, someone secretly replaced the raw materials of the incense, replacing the sacred incense with prohibited items secretly stored by the church, which were dehydrated Small, embalmed, taxidermied corpses.

The chief culprit of this was standing aside, while Akzi's proud subordinates followed his orders and stayed away.

This is all to keep the secret, they don't know how today's plan is to attract the target.

Even Akzi felt horrified from the bottom of his heart after hearing the cleric's advice, which was unimaginable to him in the past.

"Please don't say that, I am the only one who is cruel." Father Petty of St. Mellon Parish Church held his Holy Cross pendant and answered him calmly: "I brought these corpses out without permission. But no one will notice them. But if the spider priest can be brought to justice, I think these dead children can probably pay for their sins in life, and angels will eventually lead them."

His eyes were also fixed on the incense burner. There were about five corpses inside, and their bodies were different from ordinary people. Their bodies did not have normal human shapes. They were replaced from the neck down with hard carapace and spider-like legs.

During the days when the Holy Grail Order and the White Orthodoxy were forced to coexist in the city of Sasha, the church conducted many investigations and raids on the heretical sect's training centers and transferred personnel.

Although the Cavaliers did not find the location of Notre Dame where Pett was trained to clear it out once and for all, they did not gain anything in the process.

These are the children of Athena Berlugo born forty years ago.

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