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Chapter 961 The Invitation of Chi Yihe

"Early today, Master Chi Yihe sent someone to send a letter to the young lady." Qingya told Gu Chunzhu about the whole story.

It turned out that in the morning, An An had just eaten breakfast and took Qingya to drink Chulei for a walk in the yard. When he saw Jia Ding coming to report, Chi Yihe sent someone to send a hand letter.

An An looked at the souvenir, and her face was a little unhappy. When she said she was going out, Qingya stopped her uneasy.

After repeated inquiry by Qingya, it was realized that Chi Yihe had asked An'an to meet.

Qingya remembered this, while Chi Yihe was going to annoy their An'an, but was entangled with Xuanyuanrong. The news that he is going to marry Xuanyuan Rong is well known now, and he dares to come to the General's Mansion.

"Miss, you can't go, who knows what Master Chi Yihe has in mind." Qingya won't let An'an and Chu Lei go out.

An An thought for a moment to appease Qingya, "You can rest assured, I still know it. But looking at the meaning of this letter, if I don’t go, he will be more entangled, and I’ll see him, it’s a word. Clear."

"No, miss, you can't go alone," Qingya still felt a little wrong and thought for a while, "Miss, or should I tell my wife, and go again according to the meaning of my wife."

Qingya's words made An An's movement pause, but she thought about it for a moment, afraid that Gu Chunzhu was worried about herself, so she shook her head and said, "No, don't tell my mother, I can handle it myself. Qingya, if my mother asks Wherever I go, you can help me resist it."

An An's words showed a firmness, making Qingya not easy to refute, and he nodded hesitantly.

An An went out anxiously and left Chu Lei. Qingya looked at the backs of the two. Zuo Siyou thought she still felt a little uneasy, so she decided to tell Gu Chunzhu the whole thing and let her make a ruling.

Gu Chunzhu immediately frowned as soon as she was worried. She rounded her eyes like black grapes and asked, "Where did that lady see Chi Yihe?"

"By the way, before I saw the young lady going out, I said to the messenger that it seemed to be the place to meet in a vulgar and elegant manner, and I had already taken the first bud with me." Qingya said, I had already done a good job with Gu Chunzhu and them Go find An An's preparation.

The meeting between An An and Chi Yihe really made Gu Chunzhu and Su Wangqin very worried, so they looked at each other and decided to go and see together.

The carriage moved forward in an orderly manner on the road, and Gu Chunzhu opened the curtain anxiously and looked out.

Su Wangqin could see her nervousness, took her hand, put it in the palm of her hand, and comforted, "It's okay. Since An An has set the meeting place in a vulgar and elegant manner, it means that she still knows the size of her heart."

"Well." At this time, only this thing can give Gu Chunzhu some comfort. After all, if he is in another place, if there is any accident, if there is a danger, they will not know where to go at all. Find her.

Having said that, let An'an and Chi Yihe stay alone in the same place also makes parents feel uneasy, especially the people of Chi's family, they are not much favored.

Gu Chunzhu and Su Wangqin urged the old Li Fei to rush to the carriage, and the two arrived in the place very quickly. The general customs were as usual as usual, and Gu Chunzhu also calmed down slightly.

As soon as she entered the world, she didn't care about Ms. Miao's Hedian Xiaoer greeted them, so she hurriedly asked, "Where's Miss?"

Aunt Miao was surprised for a while, and said at random, "Is the lady asking Miss An'an? The lady is on the second floor. The slave-in-law looked at the lady and brought the maid alone. It seemed that the young master of Chi's family made people stare. Nothing happened. child!"

Seeing Ms. Miao was a good deal, Gu Chunzhu was relieved. But thinking of the behavior of the girl An An, she was already anxiously going upstairs. Su Wangqin wanted to hold her, but she didn't. She could only listen to Aunt Miao and tell her which room she was in, and then quickly went upstairs. Go after her.

However, he just got on the second floor, turned around and saw Gu Chunzhu stopped at the same place.

He was stunned for a while, and then followed her gaze, only to see An An coming out with Chu Lei, unscathed, but with impatience on his face, and vermilion lips pouted slightly.

Seeing that An'an was okay, Gu Chunzhu's dangling heart finally let go, but Liu Mei couldn't help but scatter.

An An saw Gu Chunzhu and Su Wangqin coming up one after another, and he was stunned. He stayed in place for a while before reacting, and walked timidly towards Gu Chunzhu.

Su Wangqin slowed down, looked at Gu Chunzhu and looked at An An up and down worriedly, and determined that she was unscathed. Then she let her angry and pulled her over and said, "An An, how can you come by yourself, it really makes me worry. Now."

Gu Chunzhu saw that An An bowed her head a little guilty and didn't speak. She was angry and didn't know what to do. After thinking about it, she left her and went downstairs.

Su Wangqin and An An glanced at each other and signaled her to hurry down, so she quickly went downstairs and finally caught up with Gu Chunzhu by the carriage.

"Mother..." An An's timid opening, Gu Chunzhu's movement in the car paused, and then he turned around, "I'm not getting in the car yet."

An An saw this, secretly pursed his lips, immediately nodded and followed the carriage.

When Chu Lei also caught up with the carriage, Gu Chunzhu began to criticize An Andao, "You all know that seeing Chi Yihe alone is wrong, why don't you tell me what would happen if you really happened. ."

"Also, now in the palace, because of Xuanyuanrong's busy marriage, the people are turning their horses up and down. At this point of view, how many people are staring, are you really..."

Gu Chunzhu saw that An An had been listening to her reprimand very honestly, and nodded from time to time, which made her worry and anger dissipate somewhat.

She paused to see if An An was not going to answer, and turned to ask Chu Lei, "Just on the second floor, what did the lady say to Chi Yihe?"

Chu Lei opened his mouth again and again, seeing that An An still kept his head down. After thinking about it, he closed his mouth and shook his head, thinking that without An An's consent, he could never speak.

"Huh?" Gu Chunzhu looked at her with compelling eyes, but Chu Lei still closed his mouth and shook his head, then lowered his head to avoid her eyes.

Gu Chunzhu looked at the two masters and servants, one was sincere in admitting mistakes, and the other was loyal to the master. She couldn't help but smile and shook her head, no wonder An An would take her out.

"Forget it, go back to the house." Gu Chunzhu thought that since An An was fine, a big rock in her heart fell to the ground, but the rest didn't matter. You can talk about it later.

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