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Chapter 960 Picking Wild Vegetables

After breakfast, Ms. Liu went into the house to clean up the dishes and chopsticks. Su Wangqin said to Gu Chunzhu, "We will finally be able to relax and wander around the house."

"Well," Gu Chunzhu said while holding Su Wangqin's hand out. "I have sown some wild vegetable seeds in the garden a few days ago, and I don't know how it is growing recently. Just take a look with me."

Su Wangqin nodded, the two holding hands, like an old husband and wife, slowly walking through the courtyard to the back garden.

The wild vegetables planted in the garden have grown out. Gu Chunzhu took the basket excitedly and picked some. Su Wangqin stood by and looked at her picking wild vegetables in the basket, suddenly remembering the days when the two were in Xiaohe Village .

Gu Chunzhu finished picking wild vegetables, and looked back at him, standing aside in a daze. She looked a bit dazed, and then she froze for a while, and then reacted and laughed, "You remember the days when we dug wild vegetables in Xiaohe Village, right? ?"

Su Wangqin nodded with a smile, he took Gu Chunzhu's hand, his heart was very emotional and warm.

"I was also bored at home, thinking about those days, so I planted it, and it was like remembering the hardships and thinking sweetly." Gu Chunzhu smiled.

Su Wangqin looked at her smile, his mind fluttered.

Yes, from the beginning of the poor and the white to the two now working together to create this family business, there are bitter and sweet, fortunately Gu Chunzhu has been with him.

He took the vegetable basket in Gu Chunzhu's hands and embraced her affectionately in his arms.

Gu Chunzhu was stunned for a while. After being held in his arms, he looked at the maid passing by and shyly buried his face in his chest, patting his back. "This day is in the house. You are not ashamed, let go quickly."

Su Wangqin listened, let go of her smile, and looked at her with a spoiled look.

Not far from the garden is the old farm of Su Su, Su Wangqin said Gu Chunzhu's vegetable basket, "Let's go and see."

"Well." Gu Chunzhu handed the vegetable basket to the maid in the house and nodded. The two walked towards the small farm.

When she went, Mrs. Su was busy working on the small farm. She turned to see Su Wangqin and Gu Chunzhu appearing, and immediately smiled and smiled.

"Mother, I'll help you with this job. You can just sit and rest." Su Wangqin walked into the farm and took the small **** in the hand of Mrs. Su. She looked much rounder than before she left. Knowing that Gu Chunzhu must take good care of her, the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously. .

The old lady was not willing to work when Su Wangqin came back, and wanted to take back the small **** in his hand. "You didn't have long to go back to the house, just stay there. I can't get tired of this work. I will come by myself. That's it."

Su Wangqin insisted that Mrs. Su had no choice but to stay by the side and chatted with him cheerfully.

Gu Chunzhu walked in and helped Mrs. Su sit down, watching the mother and son chatting casually.

"Actually, my work here is not tiring. I just have nothing to do with it. Come here to make a lot of money. You will come back. You should accompany Chun Zhu more." Su said that she took Gu Chunzhu's hand. Patted lightly.

"By the way, do you still come back this time?" said Mrs. Su, looking at Su Wangqin's eyes full of reluctance. Su Wangqin was sent out this time, but he could go too long.

"Yes, mother, I won't leave in a short time when I come back." Su Wangqin also has some bitterness in his heart. The court now needs him, so even if he wants to stay at home and serve Mrs. Su's knees, he wants to accompany Gu Chunzhu and more Children are always weak. This time, he can spend more time with them.

"That's all right." Mrs. Su heard this and let go of her worries, and sighed deeply. "If that's the case, I'm relieved. Since I can spend more time in the house, it's always the case I can see it every day in a house, and I am happy in my heart."

"Hey, old man Gu, you pick the water carefully." Mrs. Su said suddenly when the words turned, her voice screamed toward the old man a little louder.

Su Wangqin turned his head and saw that Old Man Gu was picking up two small buckets of water, and came here from the outside. He froze for a moment, looked at Gu Chunzhu, and saw that she just nodded silently towards herself, and she didn't speak.

Su Wangqin thoughtfully continued to finish his work, and then put down the **** and walked to them.

Old Man Gu put down the load carrying the small bucket and saw Su Wangqin coming back, patting his shoulder happily, "but back."

Su Wangqin nodded respectfully, and still had time to speak in the future. He heard him say, "Why do you need these jobs for you? I can do it. I can't do anything else at this age, so I count on the busy farm." Have some fun for yourself."

Mrs. Su looked at Gu Old Man with a smile and said, "Yeah, we can do it here. You can accompany Chunzhu."

Before waiting for Su Wangqin to say anything, Mrs. Su had already started to help Gu old man water and fertilize.

Su Wangqin was still beside him, and he felt that Gu Chunzhu dragged him by the wrist. Outside the courtyard, there were only Su Wangqin and Gu Chunzhu, and he couldn't help it. He secretly asked, "Chunzhu, they..."

Gu Chunzhu saw that Su Wangqin was a little talkative, and it was hard to speak. He knew what he wanted to ask, so she didn’t slap her eyes, but said directly, “Father and mother are old and haven’t experienced anything. . They are not confused."

"I am not so pedantic, as long as they are happy, the people in this house are afraid to gossip anyway." Gu Chunzhu smiled slightly, "This is not something evil, why do we need it?" Block and deprive them of the little happiness left."

Su Wangqin listened to Gu Chunzhu's words, and let go of his heart. He felt that Gu Chunzhu was right. At this age, the two old people can still meet friends, and it is not easy to get together.

The two were talking. Gu Chunzhu suddenly heard a rapid footstep in the distance. She turned a bit strangely and saw it. An An's close-up girl, Qingya, looked panic.

Qingya has not found Gu Chunzhu and Su Wangqin here, so Gu Chunzhu voluntarily called her, "What happened to Qingya?"

"Madam." When Qingya saw Gu Chunzhu, the hanging heart was finally put down, and she hurried towards them.

"What happened? What about An'an?" Gu Chunzhu glanced towards the distance. When he didn't find An'an's figure, looking at Qingya's appearance, his heart suddenly became nervous.

Qingya calmed herself down and said a little to Gu Chunzhu, "Ma'am, I'm going to officially say something about the lady."

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