Wang Family’s Peasant Woman: Raising kids and Making wealth

Chapter 885: Xuan Yuanrong's marriage

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"what did you say!"

The fresh and elegant small room is divided into two spaces inside and outside with a bead curtain. Four vases are placed at the four corners outside. The bead pavilion is opposite a treasure hall. Above it are all kinds of rare treasures. The most middle position is a set of tables and chairs.

Xuanyuan Rong sat opposite Xuanyuanyu, listening to the news of the Chi family's divorce reported to her by the trembling underground man, and struck the desktop with anger, stood up and walked to the next person and kicked him. Immediately, the next man knelt down and tried to shrink himself into a ball, even wishing he was a small dot, so he could be ignored by Xuanyuanrong.

Xuanyuan Yu persuaded her sister to stop her embarrassment and waved her out.

"Sister, how can I swallow this breath! This late home is so deceiving!" Xuanyuan Rong was pulled back by Xuanyuanyu and sat down again. Xuanyuanyu's hand was gently behind her for her.

"Why do you bother with your body so much, you should discuss it directly with the father Wang." Xuan Yuanyu suggested so, "You better talk to the father calmly, don't make him angry."

Xuanyuanrong smiled self-deprecatingly, "Where would I dare to anger him."

Of course, turning head Xuanyuan Rong to find Xuanyuan Xian was a vent, with a loud voice and a fierce expression, "How can you agree to Chi's dissolution of marriage, you don't have to face, but can you consider my future!"

Where did Xuanyuan Xian suffer such a question, perhaps the thought of comforting Xuanyuan Rong was a little bit out of here, leaving nothing but indifference, "You kneel down for me, you are like your mother-in-law. Face, you still have a face noisy in front of me?"

Xuanyuan Rong stubbornly refused to kneel and looked up at Xuanyuanxian, "These are definitely Gu Chunzhu's schemes. How can you blame my mother princess and you have the ability to go directly to Gu Chunzhu's troubles?" !"

It was precisely because she knew that all she said was facts, and Xuanyuan was unable to directly overturn the Gu Chunzhu family based on various realities, so the only tenderness that was left was annihilated by the "volcano" erupted. Use it!"

With that said, Xuan Yuanxian fell on Xuanyuanrong's body, but fortunately he remembered that Xuanyuanrong was his daughter and not a life-and-death enemy. Undead also peeled off the skin. Even so, Xuanyuanrong was kicked to the ground.

It really deserves to be a father and a daughter, and even the kicker is the same.

Xuan Yuanrong put one hand on the ground and strongly lifted his upper body, while the other hand covered his chest and looked up at Xuanyuanxian, his eyes were very angry.

Xuanyuan was so angry that he was kicking again on Xuanyuanrong's shoulder. "Why? Not convinced yet? You have to rely on me, my father, to hurry up and close your eyes."

This foot is lighter, but Xuanyuan Rong was still paralyzed on the ground again. The scattered hair helped to block her eyes like a viper, this time she planned to show her enemies to weaken his nerves.

"Do you know the reason why Chi's family retired? They disgusted you! It wasn't you who wanted to frame An'an and pushed her into the water, and you wouldn't follow the falling water and have a skin relationship with Shi Ao." Xuan Yuan Xian still felt Not enough to vent, he continued to ridicule Xuanyuan Rong, sentenced to the most painful corner of her heart.

Xuanyuan Rong still kept her head motionless, if not she could still hear her thick panting, thinking that she had been beaten to death by Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan Xian continued to whisper a lot of words, after all, he was venting the fire in his heart, and finally remembered that Xuanyuan Rong was his own daughter, crouched down and patted her cheek with concern, "Ronger, Are you okay?"

Xuan Yuanrong still kept his eyes closed, pretending to be comatose, anyway, the father Wang could not communicate anymore, what else to talk about, it would be better to forget it.

Xuanyuan Xian hurriedly asked Xuanyuanrong's maid to lift her into the soft collapse of the side house and lay it down, and then asked someone to find a doctor for treatment.

The gray-haired old man gently stroked his long beard, concentrating on the pulse of Xuanyuan Rong, and finally withdrew his hand slowly, looking very anxious.

He also spoke slowly, "The governor’s body is not a big problem, but there are still some internal injuries, and I need to rest for some time. The trauma is hindered by my inability to view it. I can only wipe the county master with the trauma medicine. If you don’t see improvement after three days, come to me to change the medicine."

The doctor's words seemed to be an understatement, but Xuanyuan Yu was actually taken aback when he was applying the medicine for Xuanyuanrong. The black bruises on his chest were only slightly injured. Is this so-called lucky? But this is not important for Xuanyuan Xian, because whether it is true or false, as long as you can calm your heart, it is definitely the truth.

Since Xuanyuanrong didn't have any major problems, Xuanyuanxian began to think about how to maximize the use value of Xuanyuanrong. He sent Wen to the royal temple to offend Master Wen. However, Master Wen is a very important member who must be recruited. Then Xuanyuanrong is best to marry someone who is married to Wenjia.

But what happened to her and Shi Ao was a stain that could not be erased. What should I do? Speaking of Shi Ao, Xuanyuan Xian suddenly thought that Shi Ao was not a relative of the Wen family! If Xuanyuanrong could get married with Shi Ao, it would be a good thing to do both with one stone!

First, Shi Ao has no reason to dismiss Xuanyuan Rong and his skin relatives; second, this also indirectly pleases Wen Jia, and in the future, Shi Ao's name can be contacted with Wen Taishi again.

Xuanyuan, who thought that he thought of a perfect solution, was happily yelling to call Shi Yi, but he never thought about whether Shi Yi was willing to marry Xuanyuan Rong, and the development of things was far from Xuanyuan's imagination. .

The prince’s summoning was of course that Shi Ao immediately rushed to the prince’s palace, but he was completely confused. I usually have no intersection with the Prince's Mansion, why did the Prince suddenly want to talk to myself this time? If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. You must be extremely vigilant this time. You can no longer rashly save people and fall into the pit as you did last time.

"Shi Ao, I think you're good. Would you like to be my son-in-law? Would you like it?" The prince said as if he was asking, but his expression seemed to be giving, and he believed that Shi Ao would not refuse.

"That object is An'an?" Shi Ao groaned inwardly, alerting him to pull to the highest point in an instant, he tentatively asked a question, but his heart was clear that the answer was no.

"Nature is Rong'er, but you have a close relationship with her. As a man's big husband, how can he not bear the responsibility?" The prince began to feel displeased when he heard Shi Ao's question, but he was still a ninja in order to attract him. Said upset.

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