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The next day, a letter from the General Mansion lay on the table in front of Mrs. Qing. Gu Chunzhu rarely took the initiative to contact Mrs. Qing, and Mrs. Qing was a little surprised.

Taking a look at the letter, Gu Chunzhu first expressed the idea that An An did not want to marry too early, saying that An An also wanted to do more filial piety beside Mrs. Qing. Mrs. Qing laughed out loud while looking at herself. Gu Chunzhu is really a person who can catch the minds of others. He can be a good mood and a happy smile in three words, and also lay a good foundation for persuading Mrs. Qing later.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Chunzhu informed Mrs. Qing that Chi Yihe had a marriage contract and entangled An'an, saying that Chi Yihe's behavior on the one hand showed his ambitions, on the other hand, he also showed that he had no love for An'an. The benevolent lover, hope that Mrs. Qing will not agree to Chi Yihe's proposal to marry

Seeing the end, Mrs. Qing shook the stationery and said to herself, "Gu Chunzhu, you think I'm too stupid. I also wrote a letter to remind me, tweeting."

However, An An was found back, and there were some discrepancies with her. Mrs. Qing was still willing to promise An An on this little thing. Anyway, Chi's family is not a particularly good marriage partner, it is a pity to miss Chi Yihe.

And Chi Yihe's acting power was also swift and violent. He just told An An the day before that he would divorce her and ask her to marry her. The next day he came to the Prince's Mansion to find Xuanyuan Xian "consult".

This time, only Chi Father brought Chi Yihe to the door. Chi Father slopped his back a little, his neck seemed to shrink, and his face was full of courtesy and awe to Xuanyuan, "Prince, we want to discuss the relatives of the two."

Xuan Yuanxian sat on the head, his legs were apart, his posture was straight, and he was not pretentious. "What the **** do you want to say?"

Chi father rubbed his palm anxiously and hesitantly said, "This... I want to dissolve the marriage contract."

"Why! You still want to retire! Do you think my Prince's Mansion is well-equipped and you still think this hall is a good talk!" Xuan Yuanxian felt that he was particularly shameless when he was divorced. He was so angry that he slapped it on the wooden table. , Made a loud noise, scared Chi father's neck shrunk, and secretly moved a few steps back.

Chi Yihe supported Chi's waist behind Chi's father and prevented him from escaping. Chi father turned his head to look at Chi Yihe, and Chi Yihe signaled that he would find a way to persuade Xuanyuan Xian quickly.

Father Chi turned back helplessly and said hesitantly, "Prince, you also know that there have been a lot of rumors about the county governor recently, and it... she seemed to have had a skin kiss with Shi Ao before. I am also afraid. ."

Xuanyuan knew at a glance that this "kin of skin" was about the rescue of Xuanyuanrong from falling into the water. Although this matter was originally a forced action in an emergency, the defense of men and women is greater than the sky, and Xuanyuanrong is innocent Can be considered half destroyed. There is no room for explanation in this matter. Xuan Yuanxian is still very angry, but he is also blocked by this point.

He pointed at Chi father and gritted his teeth, saying, "Yes! It’s your Chi family, because my daughter can’t afford you, you go, and you won’t be allowed to step into my Prince's House again in the future!"

"Your Highness Prince, don't be angry. In fact, I have something to ask for today." Chi Father looked at him and continued.

Xuanyuan's eyes were full of anger, and he stood up and walked outside. He refused to talk with Chi-Father again. Chi father quickly took Xuanyuanxian and told him not to leave. Xuanyuan Xian glanced back at Chi-Fu and took his hand. Chi-Fu quickly retracted his hands like he was hot.

"You listen to me, I want to kiss An'an for my son." Chi father laughed and said his request quickly.

Xuanyuan Xian frowned dissatisfiedly when he heard the word "An'an". He recently became extremely impatient with the general over there. But this An'an is indeed his own child. I have to say that Su Wangqin is a good man, and it is really annoying to let his two children trust him in every possible way and rely heavily on him.

However, Chi’s proposal to marry An’an is better than only his withdrawal. At that time, it can be said that Chi’s proposal to marry was originally An’an, and he kept the crown prince’s face. Xuan Yuanxian just opened her mouth and wanted to agree, but Mrs. Qingwai outside the door happened to interrupt him.

After hearing the news of the late arrival, Mrs. Qing hurried out to find Xuanyuan, afraid that Xuanyuan would accidentally agree. She just heard Chi father's proposal to marry An'an outside the door, and she couldn't care about the image. She lifted the skirt and walked a few steps. She smiled and said, "Brother, Yihe, why don't you come to the Prince's House and tell me Suddenly, I miss you so much."

Chi father had always been staring at Xuanyuanxian, and his heart was tense, and Mrs. Qing suddenly pulled up with him.

"I don't know what you are talking about?" Mrs. Qing walked gently to Xuanyuanxian, took his hand to take him back to the seat and sat down, and poured him a cup of tea and handed him.

Xuanyuan Xian was very fond of Mrs. Qing's warmth and gentleness, and she sat down with her movements and took a sip of tea. He didn't want to say anything, but when he thought that An An was Mrs. Qing's child and Chi's family was Mrs. Qing's natal family, he replied, "Your brother wants to put An An and Chi Yihe together."

Mrs. Qing, who came to the news earlier, was surprised. "Is this Xuanyuan Rong not allowed to be given to Chi Yihe? Is it to make An An a concubine? Why is it so hard to settle down? I was lost when I was a child. By my side, this is hard to come back, but I can't get a good relationship, I am sorry for her mother!"

Talking, Mrs. Qing began to pick up her handkerchief and covered her eyes, crying constantly.

Xuanyuan Xian didn't know how to comfort her, but she explained helplessly, "It's not a concubine, but they want to dissolve Xuanyuanrong's engagement and get engaged to An'an."

"Then I don't want An An to allow someone else so early, she has just returned to me not long ago." Mrs. Qing still cried.

Xuanyuan Xian had to wave his hands helplessly, "You can do whatever you want."

Mrs. Qing then stopped crying, pumped twice, and gently wiped the tears around her eyes with a veil. "Then I will talk about it later."

In the end, Chi's family reached the goal of dissolving the marriage contract with Xuanyuan Rong and was "invited" out of Prince's Mansion.

Privately, Mrs. Qing explained a few more words with Xuan Yuanxian, "Xuanyuanxian, the reason just now is actually only part of it. More is that I consider that the late family's actions have become more arrogant in the past few years, let's not give them more More opportunities to do more excessive things through the name of the Prince's House."

Xuan Yuanxian also makes sense to think about it. If he is a throne after the ascension of the throne, his family will be in trouble.

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