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Chapter 869 The Prince's Spy

On the evening of the Lantern Festival, the capital is full of excitement, and a cluster of lights lights up the whole city. But the excitement outside has nothing to do with Gu Chunzhu, she will face another farewell on the day of the excitement.

"When you officially leave, you still send someone back to tell me."

"Okay, then I will leave." Su Wangqin said without leaving his head.

Gu Chunzhu stood at the door holding the door frame, watching Su Wangqin walk to the wall and turn over the wall to leave, watching his back disappear into the field of vision. After all, the holding tears rolled down his eyes, drawing a line on his cheek.

Su Wangqin couldn't help but look back outside the wall. He secretly thought that this time the hastily came back was still too hasty, in the end, he had to pay for this hasty decision, and even made Gu Chunzhu feel sad for himself once.

Packing up the mood, Gu Chunzhu asked Ms. Liu to bring hot water to wash her face and put on makeup again. Su Wangqin's departure is only the first signal that the battle started, and the next thing needs Gu Chunzhu to respond with a full mental state.

Su Wangqin had just left here, and the prince brought a group of people to the General Mansion with great momentum.

Gu Chunzhuduan was sitting in the first place in the main hall, his eyebrows were fierce, and he sneered.

Xuanyuan stood up and walked around in the main hall. Xinbu walked around and looked at him as if he was comfortable. He replied in front of Gu Chunzhu, "Mrs. General, this is a misunderstanding. The Beijing side is peaceful."

"Then I will tell you that the General Mansion is definitely the territory that Xiao Xiaomo dare to enter every road. The prince can rest assured."

Xuan Yuan was surprised, "but I just passed the street in front of the General's Mansion, and I saw a figure over the wall. Didn't the General's wife find it? I think you better let me search it to make sure the General's Mansion Security."

Gu Chunzhu resolutely refused again, "Even so, the matter of my general's palace is still working, your prince is bothered, and I will solve it myself."

Xuanyuan Xian persuaded for the third time, and Gu Chunzhu also refused for the third time. Facing Gu Chunzhu with such an attitude, Xuan Yuanxian seemed to accept it, turned helplessly and walked out.

But he had just taken the first step, and a man rushed in behind, looking at his clothes as if he was the servant in charge of the general house. I saw him rushing into the main hall in horror, fell directly to the ground with a thump, crying out loud, "Mrs. General has an assassin!"

This unexpected occurrence made Gu Chunzhu stunned for a moment. At this moment Gu Chunzhu froze, Xuanyuan shouted with excitement and suppressed his opponent, "Someone dared to offend me towards the general's mansion, you search for me! Search! When digging three feet, we must find everyone!"


With a cry, the prince's men dispersed the blocked general's house and searched under the general's house. They watched every room, not even the rockery in the garden. Occasionally, it will be beaten to confirm that there are no darkrooms and underpasses on walls, floors, etc.

Seeing the prince's inspection being overwhelming, Gu Chunzhu simply got up and walked to the servant, watching carefully. The man was thin and short, and looked as tall as Gu Chunzhu. His hands were also rough-looking like those who worked all year round. Those cocoons were also concentrated at the tiger's mouth.

Such a palm is somewhat similar to Su Wangqin's, because he holds a weapon all year round and grinds many calluses at the tiger's mouth. However, Gu Chunzhu has not observed any other situation and is a little afraid to confirm. But one thing she was sure, this person was definitely sent by the prince or was bought by the prince.

Gu Chunzhu stopped in front of his servant, "You are in the General's Mansion? What's your name? Why have you never seen you?"

The man's upper body was all attached to the ground, and there was a frightened muffled voice, "The villain is a cheap man, because he consciously has a low status. Mo dare to appear in front of his wife and dirty your eyes."

Gu Chunzhu walked back and forth in front of Huzi and sneered, "Dare not show up? Now you want to dirty my eyes again? Since you said there are assassins in this house, if you don't find it, I will blame you. Hundreds of big boards, and then expelled from the house."

Huzi bowed down on the forehead several times, and some blood stains were printed on the ground, "Lady Mingjian, I have never had a lie!"

Xuanyuan stood up pretendingly to save the tiger, "I think this kid is also loyal, why the wife of the general is so harsh."

Gu Chunzhu hooked the corner of his mouth, glanced at the prince obliquely, turned around and walked back directly to the position to sit, greeted Ms. Liu to send herself a low-sugar supper.

Oh, loyalty? I'm afraid who needs to be considered carefully after all?

"Isn't the hospitality like Mrs. General wrong? I haven't talked about eating for so long, why don't I even have a cup of tea?" Xuan Yuanxian looked at Chunchun Zhu and ignored himself so much because he was able to catch Su Wangqin this time The handle and the joy of joy also cooled immediately.

"The teapots and cups on this table are all there. Does the prince not have long eyes or long hands? Besides, it's ridiculous that you are rude and expect me to be treated with courtesy?" Gu Chunzhu took the spoon and tasted the supper happily. Smiled back.

Xuanyuan shook his robe and sat down on the sidelines, giving himself a glass of water angrily.

And Xiao Bing no longer cares, and can only kneel down on the cold ground.

The prince's men returned to the main hall one after another and reported the situation to the prince, but it was all a sentence, "The subordinates are incompetent, and no trace of an assassin has been found."

Therefore, as the number of people returning returned, the crown prince's face grew longer and longer, and he occasionally flicked an eye knife to Gu Chunzhu.

Gu Chunzhu is just the opposite. She is more and more contented and enjoys her own food with peace of mind.

"How about the prince? I told you that I don't dare to enter Xiaoxiao Mo in the General's Mansion. I should believe it this time." Gu Chunzhu put down the bowl and wiped his mouth with a handkerchief gracefully, asking with a decent smile.

Xuan Yuanxian looked at Gu Chunzhu with his teeth clenched, and he didn't understand why this woman had long seen through her plan and let Su Wangqin leave early.

Gu Chunzhu ridiculed the prince, then pointed his spear at Xiao Bing, and told Wang Kun, "This Xiao Bing disrespects the main house, and he throws out a hundred large boards and throws me out of the general's palace. The stick is executed in the courtyard in front of the main hall. Responsible, remember to block this person's mouth, so as not to disturb the dreams of others in the house."

"Rao Ming! Around... Um..." Xiao Bing's eyes widened in panic, but at this time he wanted to ask Rao to be too late.

After Wang Kun stuffed an old cloth into Xiao Bing's mouth, he dragged Xiao Bing to the courtyard, and the family members quickly brought a bench to tie Xiao Bing to it.

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