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"Mrs. Su, let me introduce you to you. This is my fiancee, Chen Yueer. Chen Yueer, this lady I knew since I was a child, is a wonderful person and has always taken good care of me."

Jinhan took Chen Yueer's wrist and stood up together to see Gu Chunzhu. Chen Yueer gently broke away from Jin Han's hand. Presumably it was embarrassing to be so intimate in front of everyone, and then whispered a good word to Gu Chunzhu.

Gu Chunzhu smiled brightly and brightly, and nodded happily, "Jinhan, your fiancee is good, gentle like water. Just looking at the weaker point, you can't bully her in the future."

"Actually, I intend to let Yueer exercise a little bit, don't you know if there is a gentler way for my wife?" Jin Han was a little worried about Chen Yueer's body. Chen Yueer was always kept in the house by his parents. It's true that you will get tired after walking a little.

Gu Chunzhu thought about it, there are indeed a lot of ways, but Chen Yue'er, like everyone's boudoir, is probably not willing to try it? But let’s first explain to Yu Jinhan.

"Actually, I think you should try jogging first. Running can be exercised in many places. If it is another way of looking soft, it is yoga."

"Yoga means?"

Although Chen Yue'er was shy, he was curious about what Gu Chunzhu said. He stood behind Jin Han and quietly looked up at Gu Chunzhu. But it happened that Gu Chunzhu, who had been watching her, was caught. When the eyes of the two men collided, the blush that Chen Yueer's face had just faded rose quickly.

Gu Chunzhu waved his hand mysteriously, "This matter, if Yue'er wants to practice coming to me, I can't explain it to you."

An An Mimi quietly leaned close to Gu Chunzhu and asked, "Can I learn?"

Gu Chunzhu nodded, and then An An smiled and sat back.

Wei Zhixing looked at Chen Yue'er and found that this type of Jin Han's favorite was completely different from An An's, and he was more happy in his heart. The danger of this "love rival" is completely reduced to the minimum, and his chances of winning are more.

Wei Zhixing, who is full of spirits this time, is completely unscrupulous with Jin Han as a brother. After all, An An's rounding off is his own. He took Jinhan's neck and ridiculed, "Brother, you are really a blessing. This glass of wedding wine can't miss me."


Several people were joking happily at King Han, but there was a sudden burst of noise outside, listening as if to say they were grabbing the assassin. Gu Chunzhu immediately asked Ms. Liu to go out and see that an assassin really appeared.

At that time, the kitchen lady was cooking, and when she went out to wash a dish, she found a sneaky figure spinning around the boiler. The kitchen lady threw away the dishes and shouted, picked up the broom next to hit the man. Because at the time of the meal, there were many people over there in the kitchen. The kitchen lady roared and alerted the people below. Wang Kun also quickly learned that the news had arrived and was chasing the assassins with his family.

Gu Chunzhu, who confirmed the news, changed his face suddenly, his eyes shaking. Was Su Wangqin in the room hungry and went out looking for food but was found to be an assassin? At the thought of this possibility, Gu Chunzhu couldn't calm down, rubbed up, and hurried out.

"Xiaocheng, you are here with everyone, don't follow me."

Xiaocheng and Jinhan glanced at each other, and Ben decided to follow up and listen to Gu Chunzhu's words.

Gu Chunzhu ran into his bedroom and looked at it. Su Wangqin was still staying in the house and reading a book, and she felt relieved and sat down to give herself a glass of water.

Su Wangqin stood up and twitched his brows together, "Chunzhu, what happened to you so panic?"

"Assassins appeared in the house."

"It's not good, I'm afraid it's for me." Su Wangqin walked quickly to the window, and when he pushed open the window, he happened to see a black shadow rushing out of the wall and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Kun ran in, and his left hand pressed a little to the right side of his abdomen. There was blood in his fingers, and he was obviously injured.

Wang Kun looked at Su Wangqin in surprise, but his years of life let him know what to say and what not to say. He only knelt down on one knee and reported the situation to Gu Chunzhu with guilt. ."

Gu Chunzhu was furious and stood on the table, pointing at Wang Kun and scolding, "What are you going to do with me? Is it used to let the assassins go in and out of the General Mansion as if they were in no man's land?"

Wang Kun’s face was pale and the sweat on his forehead was falling like a ball. It’s also to avoid the Prince’s inability to put another eyeliner on him and keep him there.”

Gu Chunzhu glared at Wang Kun violently. After listening to his explanation, he took a deep breath and sat back again, slowly mixing himself with a glass of water. Gu Chunzhu didn't speak, and Wang Kun kept kneeling there. And Gu Chunzhu also turned to Su Wangqin when he didn't exist and talked about this assassin's problem.

"Since the prince has been arranging the secret line in the house, most of my things have now reached the prince's ears." Su Wangqin followed Gu Chunzhu's side, and wanted to seize the last time to look at Gu Chunzhu more.

"This prince, just give me some moths just after the New Year." Gu Chunzhu grinded his teeth bitterly, sparks in his eyes.

"I don't blame Wang Kun on this matter. Would it be better for him to go down to heal and deal with the follow-up affairs?" Su Wangqin took Gu Chunzhu's catkins carefully.

Gu Chunzhu nodded, and Wang Kun pushed away with quite a bit of color.

As soon as Wang Kun left the room and closed the door, Su Wangqin pulled Gu Chunzhu's hand hard, and let the unprepared Gu Chunzhu rush directly into his arms. He buried his head in Gu Chunzhu's faintly fragrant hair and took a deep breath. "Although I am reluctant, it is the right choice to leave immediately."

With tears in his eyes, Gu Chunzhu held his clothes on Su Wangqin's side with his hands, and resented, "Don't blame the prince! He'd better pray not to fall into my hands on that day, and see me not dying him in time!"

"Okay, you are good, protect yourself at home, if you have something wrong, remember to discuss with Xiaocheng." Su Wangqin gently rubbed Gu Chunzhu's head, and then held Gu Chunzhu's cheek with both hands and gently wiped her. Tears, "Don't cry, I'm very distressed."

Gu Chunzhu sucked his nose and his eyes were red, but he finally shed his tears.

Su Wangqin puts the scattered hairline behind Gu's ear for Gu Chunzhu, and then a soft kiss falls on Gu Chunzhu's forehead.

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