Virtual World: Conquering the World

Chapter 1007: Sky Charge Boots

A trace of coolness dripped on my cheeks, and I looked up, and the dark sky dropped countless raindrops, hitting the flames of the Chixiao sword, making a rustling sound.

Looking at the tragic sight in front of him, Twilight Ranger? Ao Dan issued a sharp cry, the whole person was standing in the rain and let the rain flow freely, she seemed to be crying, crying this unjust world. The girl knelt down in the rain and mud, her body trembling slightly, the night was vast, and the thunder was rumbling.

Odan's mother died tragically in the sea of ​​fire, and her home was burned to ashes.

I know that all of this is actually just history, not real, no matter what I do.

Ao Dan cried for a long time, the surroundings lit up, and it was already the next morning.

I stepped forward, reached out and patted Ao Dan's shoulder, and said, "I know your pain."

Ao Dan's eyes ignited sky-high anger, and said, "So, I hate this world, hate the nobles, hate the defiled kingship! I will destroy all this with both hands and wait for a new order!"

I raised my eyebrows and said, "Is it possible? You can usher in a new order after you destroy the kingship. Since ancient times, the replacement of the kingship has been only the glorious glory of the blood and red of the people, at the cost of life in exchange for another kingship, bullying And insults have never stopped, human nature is so inferior, and what you do has no meaning at all. "

Ao Dan looked back at me, and said lightly: "Then I will destroy humanity and make this world more real."

I raised my arm, and the Chixiao sword crossed the girl's neck, and I said, "You only saw the ugliness of human nature, but you never saw the bright side of human nature. If you try to destroy the order, I I'll kill you! "

Ao Dan shuddered, shaking his head with a bitter smile.

At this moment, a team of cavalry came galloping and entered the town quickly. Under the canopy, an upright female warrior rolled over and dismounted, a **** moonlight on the head? Jasmine.

I didn't expect that Jasmine 20 years ago would be so young. Even now, Jasmine still looks glorious and peerless. Sure enough, powerful women are not easy to get old, and women in the sacred world are able to keep their youth forever. They are all living examples, oh no, Annie should not be alive anymore.

Jasmine pressed the hilt of the sword and entered the town, frowning, dissatisfied, and yelled, "Viscount Whitelin! Is this what you did to the fiefdom ?!"

Behind Jasmine, the Viscount rolled off his saddle and panicked, "Master Jasmine, please listen to me!"

"Explain to death in Hell!"

Between lightning and flint, Jasmine's lightning bolt, Viscount White's head has been flying high, Jasmine's fierce style has not changed at all.

On the big bell in Zhenkou, I don't know when the body of Ao Dan disappeared. It should have been taken away by some undead creatures, and then there was the Twilight Ranger.

Jasmine slowly walked into the town, suddenly pulled out a long sword and inserted it into the ground, then saluted on one knee, and turned around after a while, saying to the soldiers behind him: "Burner the dead, they are all innocent. It was Princess Anne in the matter. It was my jasmine who took the lead, and I took all the responsibilities. "

"Yes, sir!"

A group of soldiers nodded in unison, and Jasmine stunned again towards the town, and turned to leave.


Ao Dan and I witnessed all this in the forest. Ao Dan was a little moved and asked, "She ... is the leader of the Blue Dragon Army in the future, is it **** moonlight?"

"Huh!" I nodded and said firmly: "Yes, it's Jasmine."

Ao Dan showed a look of relief, saying: "I did not expect that there was such a leader among the nobles of Baiyun City. Fortunately, I did not kill her at the Scarlet Castle that time, otherwise ..."

I couldn't help but smile: "You also saw that not all nobles are cruel and inhuman, Princess Feiya, Princess Anne, Lin Qiu, Link, they are all good people."

"Is Feiya?"

Ao Dan groaned and said, "She is indeed an outstanding commander. Without Feiya, I am afraid that the Dark Legion would have occupied all the main cities of the Silvermoon Alliance ..."

I nodded, and led Ao Dan slowly along the town, and soon came to a village.

By the stream, women were washing clothes, ignorant children were chasing fish and shrimp by the river, laughter was heard, the village smoked smoke, men came out of the jungle with hard wooden bows and cross bows, hunting on their shoulders The hare and fawn that were killed, and even two others returned from a log carrying a wild boar.

Everything was so peaceful, and Ao Dan and I looked very fascinated.

At this moment, a woman stepped forward and said enthusiastically, "Young people, you must be adventurers lost in the woods?"

Ao Dan froze, wondering how to answer.

I nodded quickly: "Yes, we are adventurers from Baiyun City. I wanted to hunt some undead mages. I didn't expect to get lost here, alas, this is my sister."

Ao Dan was stunned again, apparently did not expect that I would say that, but in the face of the enthusiasm of the village woman, nodded.

"Hunting the Undead Master?" The woman was very excited and danced: "Listen to the men, those Undead Masters are very evil and very powerful. Young adventurers, you actually have the ability to kill the Undead Master. It is really amazing. However, there have been no traces of the Dark Legion here. Now that you have come here, take a break in the village? "

Ao Dan looked at me with a blank expression, wondering if he promised or refused.

Although she is the tragic Twilight Ranger in the legend, it is clear that the emotional intelligence is still in the state before death. She has been exposed to living humans all year round, and she has no idea what to say except for killing.

So I replaced her and promised: "Okay, that's troublesome for you, I will pay gold coins as a reward!"

The woman spoke kindly, and then took me and Ao Dan into the small village.

This village is really small. Only a dozen families are hunters. They make a living by hunting. Women have planted a few plants, crops such as oats in the surrounding mountains, which is enough to support their livelihoods.

The villagers are very enthusiastic, especially when we learn that we are NB adventurers from Baiyun City. This makes us more popular. Several teenagers asked me to learn sword skills, so I promised to take it with me. They came to the open space outside, and Ao Dan watched from a distance, expressionless.

"Ha! Sweeping thousands!"

I yelled and trained the wooden sword to sweep out the basic combo skills of the soldiers very aggressively.

The teenagers in several villages clapped their hands and shouted, "Brother, that's great!"

I smiled proudly: "Low-key!"

Ao Dan grinned, "This sword is really bad ..."

I pretended not to hear that, anyway, it was no shame to be despised by one of the top ten Twilight Rangers. No, it should be glorious. Ordinary people do not have such despise qualifications!

After teaching a few teenagers to learn how to sweep thousands of troops, dinner began soon after. A group of villagers gathered around the village center and lit a bonfire. Wild boars were grilled on a shelf and a seductive fragrance overflowed.

The spit stars flew in chaos, and I told the villagers outside stories, such as the heroic deeds of slaughtering ghouls, or the heroic legend of singles running on the ice floes, and finally the story of the killing of the rebellious Tyrannosaurus rex. A group of villagers were stunned. After a long while, the old village chief's low voice came: "Oh my god, our village has a dragon-slaying hero today!"

I quickly yelled to be low-key, but a group of hunters who have never seen the world regard me as a hero, and even asked to learn my archery, of course, I will not mention my archery, any hunter here It ’s enough to be my ancestor, so I did n’t dare to show ugliness. Not to mention, Ao Dan was the real master of archery. As a twilight ranger, she should have used arrows. Her archery must have reached Ascend to the top.

Seeing me bragging everywhere, Ao Dan just sat with a smile and said nothing, maybe she didn't know what to say.

As he was enjoying himself, there was a roar in the forest!

A hunter warned: "What !? Not a beast, what is this ..."

I was very experienced, and said lightly: "Ghoul, this is the sound made by high-level ghouls. These hungry things must have come here to look for food."

"Ghoul?" Asked a village woman. "Isn't ghoul eating a corpse? Why did you approach our village ..."

I groaned and said, "Perhaps, when they are too hungry, they don't care, and they make food by themselves."

"Making food ..."

The villagers were stunned. Obviously, they had never played such a battle against the dark forces of the enemy.

However, I was familiar with it with ease. I drew a sword, summoned Linger, and began to swim around. Soon after, ghouls appeared, all over the mountains, it seemed that the entire family had come out for food!


The first ghoul appeared, level 255, just an ordinary monster, 1.2 million points of blood, very bad!

Going forward with a sword, the ghoul immediately turned into two segments, and the hunters behind them applauded.

I was in a hurry and turned back and yelled, "Everyone comes home, closes the door, no one can come out! Hurry!"

Suddenly, the Orion took the woman into the house, and the gate closed.

I observed it carefully, killing the ghouls here can get experience, but not much, but I dare not summon the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Once I ride the dragon to the sky, these ghouls will definitely lose their hatred and attack Villagers, in case the villagers die, my mission may be ruined. Who knows what this bizarre mission is going to do! ?

Ao Dan stood idly by the campfire, watching me kill a ghoul and was at a loss.

Soon after, some black figures galloped from the direction of the town. They were a team of Baiyun City scouts who came to reinforcements. They were well equipped. Once they arrived, they joined the battle and fought with a group of ghouls.

The scout captain is a fat man, wielding a tomahawk, and shouting, "Soldiers, protect the safety of civilians, you can't take a step back when you die!"

The soldiers were determined, and they fought steadily.

But after all, they are flesh and blood, and the ghoul's teeth and claws are enough to pierce the steel shield, let alone flesh and blood?


A soldier near the edge fell into a pool of blood, and the body was immediately torn by a group of ghouls, and the sound of biting the flesh was unbearable.

The battle continued, and the small scout team was killed in less than an hour. In the end, the scout captain severely chopped a giant axe into the head of a ghoul, and he also lost too much blood and fell.

Surrounded by a large group of ghouls, I couldn't take care of them at all, and shouted helplessly: "Audan, help ..."

Ao Dan was motionless. She was a member of the Dark Legion, surrounded by ghouls, but these ghouls were very awesome to Ao Dan, and detoured.

They began attacking Orion's hut, breaking through the door, and screaming.

One after another, the small village has been slaughtered.

Finally, with a bang, a ghoul screamed and fell to the ground, his head was pierced by a tree branch. It was not someone else who shot it. It was Twilight Ranger Ao Dan. The dark leader finally killed the dark creature!

Ao Dan really broke out, the whole body was cyclonic, screamed, and the deceptive skills were fully opened. More than half of the ghouls were deceived and began to bite their companions. After several counter-measures, the super power was undoubted. After killing the army of ghouls for a long time, they all fell to the ground with several skills of Ao Dan. This is the advantage of killing with a knife!

Looking at the bodies of several Orion, Ao Dan said with tears in his eyes, and slowly said: "I see, what you protect for life and death is not the kingship, but ... they ..."

I smiled slightly and said, "Yes, see what you want to protect, you don't have to be angry with the entire human race, the world has always been justice, but many people have no courage to defend."

Ao Dan groaned, as if venting his pain, and asked after a long time: "Can I protect them?"

I pointed to the bodies of ghouls on the ground and said, "In fact, you have protected them once."

Ao Dan nodded and said lightly, "I want to join the Silvermoon Alliance and become an adventurer. Can you help me join the human camp?"

I smiled slightly: "I'd love to introduce you. After we have dreamed, I'll take you to see Princess Feia!"


At this moment, the system bell echoed in the sky, and this bizarre mission was done!

"Ding ~!"

System prompt: You have completed the mission [Dreamland ~ ~ gain some experience, get 2 million gold coins, reputation +120000, luck +1, get quest items: [Chongchao boots]!



Leaving the land of dreams, I appeared in Baiyun City with Ao Dan, without saying a word, first look at the equipment!

Sky Chong combat boots, 255 level worldly holy weapon, additional stunts: **** battle!

Not bad. The **** battle is a skill to increase the attack speed for a short time. It can't be better for PK. It is not a problem to sell it to the auction house for tens of thousands of dollars.

"Let's go to the Adventurers' Union?" Odan whispered.

I shook my head: "No, find Feiya in the palace!"


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