Virtual World: Conquering the World

Chapter 1006: Boundless hatred

Ling Yue's body became hotter as if to burn it.

The morning light fell on her perfect face, and she was indescribably intoxicating. She was closing her eyes, her long eyelashes were shaking like a brush, and the moment she opened her eyes, her beautiful eyes were as deep as stars, and she could see me. Uncomfortable, as if all his secrets could not be hidden.

People say that beauty is like a jade, this sentence is true.

At this time, Ling Yue was like a jade person, and he did not dare to hold it in his arms. He was afraid of crushing. The warm breath wafted in his ears. People are lost.

There were two delicate, straight and upright chests, almost breathless.

Just a shallow kiss, but it is enough to make people think about life, this is the kiss passed down from generation to generation.


"Ling Xue is coming back soon?" I looked up out of the window.

Ling Yue still snuggled up in my arms and fluttered a smile: "Don't be nervous, it's like stealing-love, we haven't reached that point yet."

I asked, "Which step?"

Ling Yue smiled and said nothing, but drew a circle on my chest, and said, "I was thinking, how can I keep you from forgetting me? I have to leave a memorial for you, right?"

My heart chilled: "What do you want?"

Ling Yue didn't speak, she sat up, folded her skirt and sat on my lap, spreading her arms around me, and seemed to be very enthusiastic, which also resolved some of my vigilance.

However, there was a sudden pain in my shoulder, *!

"Ling Yue, what are you doing?" I frowned and asked in a hurry.

Obviously, Ling Yue took a bite on my shoulder, and the mark was printed.

"Well, is it bleeding? It hurts?"

Ling Yue was a little nervous and distressed. She looked at me carefully, as if she was afraid of being angry.

I turned my head and looked at my shoulder. A trace of blood reflected the shirt. I couldn't help but look at Ling Yue and said, "You must be a dog, but it hurts so much ..."

Ling Yue hurriedly went to the room to get some Yunnan Baiyao, and a band-aid, and laughed: "Great, I also let you take a bite and leave a lifetime imprint, OK?"

I shook my head angrily: "Forget it, you may not actually marry me. In case this sign is seen by your future husband, ask you, what do you do?"

Ling Yue gritted her teeth and said, "If he dares to ask, I will destroy him. Is there a problem?"

"it is good……"


"So poor ... your future husband ..."

Ling Yue narrowed her eyes and laughed, "Why, did you persuade?"

Speaking, Ling Yue stretched out Bai Bai's arms, rolled up his sleeves, and smiled, "Come, I'll let you take a bite, okay? That's flat ..."

"it is good!"

I promised, dragging Ling Yue over, she also took the opportunity to sit in my arms, and then sent my white shoulder to my mouth.

Opening her mouth, facing Ling Yue's long neck, is like the pose of a vampire trying to bite a beautiful girl.

Suddenly, Ling Yue whined softly, closed her eyes forcefully, and trembled.

I couldn't help it, and kissed her face lightly, and said, "Forget it, this is the mark ..."

Ling Yue opened her eyes, touched her cheek, and asked, "This is the mark? Washing your face is gone ..."

"Then don't wash your face."

"Halo, you bite ..."


Noisy, suddenly the door of a room next to it opened, summer mm rubbed his eyes and came out, just to see Ling Yue sitting on my lap. Suddenly, Summer mm was shaken, Ling Yue instantly blushed, the whole People seemed to be frozen there, unable to move.

Summer was calm and said, "Yo, Ling Xue came back so early?"

Ling Yue responded: "Uh, yes ..."

Xia Xia turned and entered the room again, faintly heard: "Ling Xue is wearing Ling Yue's clothes today ..."

Ling Yue even blushed and gave me a glance, saying, "It's all you!"

"It's my **** ..."

I stood up, supported my shoulders, and said, "How is it in the game? Is the hunting of the soul returning uniform still smooth?"

Ling Yue nodded: "Fortunately, the seven-star lantern is a good friend. After you issued a hunting order yesterday, the seven-star lantern also issued an expedition in the guild, calling for members of the soul to return to the battle robes for a long-term hunting for three days. God, just avoided the time when Xueyue chased the soul and returned to the shirt. But ... "

Ling Yue sank, and said, "However, this morning, a team of Snow Moon players entered the outer realm to pursue the soul and return to the members of the uniform."

"What danger?" My heart moved, and I asked, "The soul returning to the battle robe bites back?"

"That is not the case. Our people have entered the Outland. The number is not large. A small group of many people, but the ranks are good, but in the Outland, they were attacked by the combined forces of several casual guilds. Several hundred people were almost The whole army was destroyed, and a few thieves escaped. "

"Oh?" I frowned, and said, "What is the name of the sneak guild? Is it terrible?"

Ling Yue shook her head: "It's not a big guild. Even the top 100 guilds haven't entered, but I suspect that these guilds are secretly organized or directed by someone else, otherwise Snow Moon's people are impossible Fortunately, there was only one such case. "

"Well, our Xueyue is too strong, we have a big wind, and we are low-key."

I smiled and asked, "What's for breakfast?"

"You slept too much, we all ate."

No way, I found a few loaves of bread in the refrigerator and ate them, then went online, and the Twilight Ranger Ao Dan's rebirth task was not done!

Appeared in Baiyun City, summoned to return to the capital of kings, now the capital of kings has been restored, and even the city defense construction is far better than before. , The defense ability has been enhanced a lot.

On the city avenue, a young girl in cyan leather armor sat cross-legged under the apple tree. It was Ao Dan, and many players around him pointed.

"I wipe! Isn't this Ao Dan? How could the Twilight Ranger be in our territory? It looks as if it's Congliang. Yesterday killed so many people on Xueyue. Let's abduct her.

"Okay, you're going to trick!"

"Get off, I don't want to die!"

I stepped forward and said, "Audan, let's get out!"

Ao Dan nodded, got up, held a wooden bow, and said to me, "Let's go!"

Launch Mode, Dreamland!

"Ding ~!"

The system prompts: Your mission [land of dreams] is officially opened, and you and Ao Dan will enter the big 6 years ago!


As soon as I saw it, there was no capital of the king. What appeared before me was a barren field. The scenery before the capital of the king moved, that is, the scenery of Lingdingda 6 to 20 years ago. According to the age, it should be the player. We entered pre-game history, at that time, the master of the Silvermoon Alliance was Queen Anne's father.

Looking at the surrounding scenery, Ao Dan was shocked. Shen knelt down in the grass, holding a handful of four-leaf flowers, and smiled at the corner of his mouth, saying, "When I am alive, my favorite thing is to take off Lots of four-leaf flowers for mom ... "

Twilight Ranger's mother?

I hesitated for a moment, I don't know what to say, I can't imagine what kind of person Odan's mother would be.

The girl instead stood up, followed the path towards the direction of Baiyun City, and stunned countless birds and beasts along the way, but I did not ride a dragon, just followed the sword, and resolved the beast that came to attack, this is also One of the tasks of my trip was to protect Uldan from harm.

After the rebirth, Ao Dan is no longer the Twilight Ranger. She does not know how much strength she has retained. Maybe she is already a wasteful man without a chicken.

Soon after walking, a scout team of seven or eight people appeared on the roadside.

Among them, a bearded man came over with a tomahawk and yelled, "Little girl, why did you come here and hurry up! Baiyun City is too unsafe recently, and undead often appear!"

These people are all 185-level elites; Ao Dan no longer stays, speeds up the pace, and after a short time, we have appeared under the Baiyun City, looking at this majestic main human city, Ao Dan has nothing in his eyes Feelings, but a little bit more hatred.

We were just passing by. There were two princesses under the big tree in front of the Baiyun City Palace. One of them was about seventeen or eighteen years old, holding a training iron sword, waving like a wind, fluttering, beautiful, and the other was The little girl, about ten years old, holding a wooden sword in her hand and waving it was not a rule, she screamed again and again: "Sister, sister, so tired, shall we go to eat Ziyun cake?"

I couldn't help but walked forward, the two palace swordsmen guards did not stop, because my prestige is very high, with the Baiyun City high rank badge floating on my shoulders, they are still their superiors.

Reaching out and touching the little girl's head, I smiled slightly: "Feiya, how are you?"

Little Feiya didn't know why, her big eyes flickered at me, and suddenly she cried, "Wow", and she was a pure little girl who couldn't talk to strangers.

Feiya was crying, would Annie sit back and ignore her immediately, and iron sword pointed at me and yelled: "Soldier, say your legion number, why did you appear in the palace of Baiyun City, here It ’s only going to go in and out of the Guards. Is it that you are a deserter on the edge? ”

I glanced at Annie. The human queen, who would be famous for a few years later, was just a girl who had not taken off her shame.

Ao Dan didn't go far, she just hid in the bush and looked at me. Her clothes were very simple, just like before, except for the leather armor, there were only linen shirts. The contrast was sharp, Feiya and Annie is a royal family, and Ao Dan is just a civilian.

So I got some interest and said, "Princess, need to consult with me?"


Annie looked cold, covered with a layer of frost on Qiao's face, and unleashed the power of the silk field!

So strong! You can cultivate to such an intensity at such a little age!

Looking at the level, Annie is a legendary level 255. Well, I don't deserve it in the attributes.

"Drink!" Annie grabbed the iron sword to take the lead, and yelled, "Flame!"

There is a layer of flame on top of the iron sword. The magic sword skills of high-level fire attributes!


The iron sword fell on the glacier barrier, and I suddenly trembled my arm and shield hit!

Annie was dizzy, and I flew forward and entered the sanctuary to transform, and a heavy punch hit Annie's chest!


The Bauhinia badge on Annie's chest flew off, and the whole man fell into the grass embarrassed. The two guards next to him immediately pulled out their sharp swords, and angered, "What? Dare to hurt the princess!"


Annie stood up, drank the two guards, and said to me, "What's your name, this brave soldier?"

I casually said, "Andy Lau."

"Okay, I remember you, I hope that I will have the opportunity to discuss with you in five years time. At that time, I will not lose to you. Five years is not enough, just ten years, twenty years!"

Looking at the firm look in Annie's eyes, I was a little bit persuaded. Twenty years later, you will be the blade of Frost, the oss, the divine presence, I ca n’t fight you, but fortunately I used a fake name, Twenty years later, you should go and find a man named Andy Lau. It has nothing to do with me.

She lied to tease Little Feiya again. Little Feiya hid behind her sister. She didn't bird me, but just looked at me with a hostile pair of big eyes. Annie laughed and said that Feiya's guts were too small.

Leaving the White Cloud City Palace and continuing west.

Ao Dan walked side by side with a slight smile: "Annie looked like this when she was young. It seems that Queen Anne's legend is true, oh, what a pity ..."

I didn't know what Adan was sorry, so I said nothing.

Through the jungles, finally, a small village in the night appeared in front of us.

"That ... that's my hometown ..."

Ao Dan trembled, his tears slipping down his cheeks, and he flew forward in despair, whispering: "Mom, mom ..."

I followed, and I could see in front of a small cabin, four soldiers were shouting something, and in the small cabin, a mother and daughter, the mother was a woman in a linen robe, and the daughter and Ordan in front of Generally no two, all around the age of fifteen.

When we approached, the captain of the soldier pulled out his long sword and angered: "Everyone in the town of Hualin must obey. Viscount Whitelin's territory covers here, and surrender your daughter to serve as a slave, otherwise ... "

The mother hugged her daughter tightly, crying and begging: "She is still young, please let her go ..."

Who knew that the captain of the soldier was staring at the body of the young mother, full of beast-like, he licked his lips and said: "You don't need a daughter, but you ... hehe ..."

Several soldiers approached, and the young mother cried in despair.


Seeing here ~ ~ Audan beside me bit his lips and bleed. Suddenly, the whole person went crazy and roared at the sky: "Mom ... you **** beasts!"

I finally understood why Ao Dan hated humans so much.

Lift the sword forward, my task is here!


The Chixiao sword hole penetrated the captain of the soldier. He looked at the blood hole in his chest, his eyes were filled with disbelief, and the other soldiers were angry and pulled out their swords: "Where did this **** boy come from ?!"

I showed no mercy, turned around and killed all of them with one sword, to deal with this ordinary; the plot continues, and will not change because of my actions.

The noble Viscount was so furious that he sent a cavalry team to calm down. The town in Ao Dan ’s hometown was slaughtered, blood stained the ground, and corpses were everywhere. The young Ao Dan was hung by the heartbroken Viscount On the big clock, the vultures were pecking at her body and were scarred.

Beside me, Ao Dan knelt on the ground slowly, tears in his face, and murmured, "Now, can you understand my hate?"

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