Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 8 Chapter 68: Thinking about the terrified scumbag (four k)

The ‘Extinction Dynasty’ of West Asia’s Night Empire and the ‘Chaos Realm’ of the Central American Night Empire were ruled by the second and third true ancestors.

Among them, the ruler of the Extinction Dynasty, the Pupil of Extinction, caused Kuangsan a little trouble, but with the huge amount of time reserved by Emperor Keji, he still obediently became Kuangsan's puppet.

Secretly, Kuang San already mastered the three most powerful forces in the blood-devouring raid world, and truly realized that with a move of mind, it can stir up the world's great figures.

However, at this time, this big man took part in the sports test in the private Caihai Academy on Xianjin Island...

Zhang Jie greeted them for a meeting again, and Kuangsan stated that he had signed some kind of agreement with the fourth true ancestor, so that Li Yingjun and Zheng Sheng became the direct clan of the fourth true ancestor.

As for why the two were holding each other naked, the Kuangsan didn't know.

Although the working girl and Zhang Jie felt a pity, but there was no other way, and they helped Kuangsan "make plans" for a while, which was satisfied.

Xiao Ancient City has not come to class for many days. Among the unbuilt ruins to the west of Xian Shen Island, Nangong Nayue is teaching Xiao Ancient City to control magic power. The Cornerstone Gate Club can detect super magical explosions from the west from time to time, but it is very Suppress it quickly.

Come here from time to time, which is nicknamed "Magic Tide" by many people in the Cornerstone Gate.

Lan Yu Qian Cong heard that Xiao Gucheng had taken a leave of absence, and was still confused. He ran to his house to find it. Even Xiao Nasha moved to the next door to live in Qi's house for a few days. This made Lan Yu Qian Cong even more clueless what to do.

Even if it's sick leave, shouldn't it be so long? Many days have passed...

Ji Tuan Xuecai, who had returned from the High God's Forest, took all the responsibilities on her body, and even a scholar would not, so she ran directly to the ruins to the west to find the ancient city of Xiao.

Kuang San in his gym suit looked at the high jump mat not far away, stunned. This is almost the last plot information obtained from Li Yingjun.

In these few days, two decades later, Ji Tuan Xuecai's daughter Xiao Lingcai will travel to this era with special equipment to hunt down a monster born in the laboratory.

Kuang San calculated silently in his mind, assuming that Xiaolingcai in 20 years will be the same size as Ji Tuan Xuecai now, and that Xiaolingcai will be born in about five years. In four years, Xiao Gucheng will be able to complete a home run.

Four years later, Xiao Gucheng is twenty years old, and Ji Tuan Xuecai may be around eighteen and nineteen.

How can it be repaired, this enviable age.

The other daughter of Xiao Gucheng, Xiao Meng Cong, is his and Lan Yu Qian Cong's daughter, who looks about the same age as Xiao Ling Cai.

It is very possible that Xiao Gucheng got together with Lan Yu Qian Cong when Ji Tuan Xuecai was pregnant, secretly, but unexpectedly...

Thinking about it this way, the scumbag in Xiaogucheng!

"Next! Tokisaki Kazakh."

"Come on."

Kuangsan, wearing his gymnastics suit and exposing his slender thighs, stood at the starting position, working hard in three or two steps, and crossed the pole in a graceful arc.


The air cushion rang slightly, and Kuang San stood up from above.

"Wow!" Xiao Nasha, who hadn't skipped before, folded his hands into fists and hugged him on his chest, his big eyes turned into star eyes, "Kuang Sanjiang, you are so amazing! You should have pulled you in the previous sports games!"

"It's a coincidence." Kuangsan said modestly: "The pickled vegetable sauce is much better than me."

"Woo~" Xiao Nasha wiped tears, "You are all better than me, Nasha wants to hug her."

With that, Xiao Nasha hugged Kuangsan, her small hand easily encircled Kuangsan's slender waist, and half of her pretty face fell on Kuangsan's chest.

The boys who finished the test looked here from time to time. For these little boys, the actions of Xiao Naisa and Tokisaki were enough to make them blush.

And... they didn't expect Kuang San who put on gym suits to have such a great body! When I usually wear school uniforms, I don’t see it really, so I change into gym suits...

Xiao Nasha shook his head in Kuang San's chest, and his smile gradually became idiotic.

Lifting his head, clinging to Kuangsan's ear, whispered: "I didn't expect Kuangsanjiang to be a hidden giant~"

"Heh~" Kuangsan turned his head and was also close to Xiao Naisa's ears, exhaling warm breath, but getting closer, "Go home tonight, Xia Yin and I will treat you well~ I will never die~"

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his small tongue and licked Xiao Naisa's earlobe in a place where no one saw it, making Xiao Nasha tremble all over.

Until the end of get out of class, Xiao Nasha was soft, and Xia Yin thought she had a fever and a cold.

In the locker room, Kuangsan took off his gym suit, replaced the white base shirt of the private Caihai Academy, and put on a dark blue jacket. Thinking of what Xiao Naisa had done just now was a little funny.

I think she was able to suppress even the blackened Xun'er backhand, not to mention the little girl Xiao Naisa, who released Agurola from her body, maybe she could fight her.

Soon there were no other people in the locker room.

Kuang San was in the hallway and saw the unsuccessful Xuecai. After greeted her, he took the lead to leave.

Kuang San found a place to sit at random in the connecting corridor of the Junior High School Department. At this time, generally no one passed by here.

The little hand stroked the school badge on his chest, Kuang San left the nano camera in the locker room and started working.

Having nothing to do, Kuangsan wanted to see how Xiaolingcai appeared.

Although the timeline of the Mohei Universe can be shuttled at will, it also needs to reach a certain level of strength. The space of the blood-devouring raid on the world is still solid. The real ancestor-level powerhouse can't break the limit of time and space at all, and ran to the past.

Perhaps in the future, science and technology will be developed, and technology and magic will merge again, forming an unprecedented prosperity.

Kuang San immediately thought of Lan Yu Qian Cong, the electronic empress who is loved by the world consciousness, and it is possible for her daughter to become a research and development expert.


In the shot, Ji Tuan Xuecai did not realize that the process of changing her clothes was being watched all the time. Kuang San just glanced hurriedly, instead of focusing on Xuecai, but observing other things in the locker room.

Suddenly, there was a sound of electric current from the nano camera, and a dim blue light appeared on the floor in the dressing room, which seemed to contain some magic circles, but because the light was too strong, Kuangsan could not see clearly.

A naked girl almost completely similar to Xuecai appeared in the locker room. Before Xuecai could react, the fruit-body girl took the lead in attacking. A palm hit the lower abdomen of Xuecai, and the lightning erupted from her palm paralyzed her Cai passed out into a coma.

"Oh~" Kuang San exclaimed, "Just treat the place she used to be? She is not afraid of making Xuecai infertile."

After Xiaohong: "..."

The fruit girl didn't care about the Xuecai lying on the floor, instead she took her school uniform and put on it as a matter of course.

When Xiao Lingcai put on the base shirt, she felt something was wrong. In the stunned expression of Kuangsan, she stripped off all the remaining underwear from Xuecai and put it on herself.

"Um~ this thing is so tight."

Kuangsan: "..."

Xiao Lingcai, who had changed into Xuecai's clothes, left her future mother naked in the dressing room, not afraid of being picked up by others.

Don't doubt, the perversions in school are no less than those in society. For example, the yellow hair who sneaked into the women's locker room to steal things...

Before Kuangsan came to the teaching building, Xiao Lingcai was surrounded by a group of people, and even outside there were many students watching the excitement. Beautiful girls like Ji Tuan Xuecai are very well-known in the school, not to mention the current "Xue Cai Jiang," which seems a little different in normal times.

First, he called Xiao Gucheng as "Gucheng Monarch," and then immediately changed his name to Xiao Senior.

Kuang San looked at Xiao Gucheng's scum man's eyes unchanged. He had been living together for so long, and he couldn't recognize that the "sweet vegetable sauce" in front of him was not himself at a glance, showing how high the scum man's attributes were.

The cups are different, it is understandable not to be seen, but! Xiao Ling Cai and Ji Tuan Xue Cai's eyes are different! If you can't recognize it like this, it's too ridiculous, right?

Does a beautiful girl with plain face like Ji Tuan Xuecai wear colored pupils? Think with your toes, and know it's impossible!

"Scumbag man." Kuang San whispered.

"Woo woo woo~" Xiao Nasha, who was called "auntie" by Xiao Lingcai, saw Kuang San, and ran over with aggrieved expression, hugging Kuang San for comfort.

"Kuang...Kuang Sanjiang, Xue Caijiang called me an aunt, you can't say too much? I know I'm usually very long-winded, like an aunt, but...but... ...Oooooo~"

Kuang San touched Xiao Naosha's head and comforted a few words. In Japanese, the pronunciation of "Auntie" and "Auntie" are exactly the same. At first, Xiao Lingcai wanted to call Xiao Naisha his aunt, but it was misunderstood...

"Wow!-isn't this Dr. Qian Cong? It's the first time I have seen such a young doctor!" The excited "Ji Tuan Xuecai" looked at Lan Yu Qian Cong with wide eyes.

But Lan Yu Qian Cong was stunned, "Huh?! Bo...Doctor? Are you talking about me? Although I plan to take the exam, I am only a high school student now."

"Don't be humble, I believe you!" After saying that, "Ji Tuan Xuecai" gave Lan Yu Qiancong a thumbs up.

This made Lan Yu Qiancong completely confused. Originally, she regarded Ji Tuan as a love rival. What was the situation? Could it be a new routine? Even if I watch the news every day, I can't keep up with the times...

When Lan Yu Qiancong was thinking carefully, "Ji Tuan Xuecai" turned his attention to Nangong Nayue who was beside Kuangsan again.

Nangong wore the same black Gothic costume that month, even if the sun was not dazzling, it still supported a small umbrella.

"Wow! ~ It's Xiao Nayue! I didn't expect that you still haven't changed at all. I thought you would be younger. Sure enough, you haven't grown taller in twenty years!"

The speed of "Ji Tuan Xuecai" was incredible, and even Nangong didn't react that month, and his little head was held down by "Ji Tuan Xuecai"'s little hands and kept touching.

Nangong closed his eyes tightly that month, a black line, on the verge of an outbreak, "I haven't seen you for a few days, I have transferred to the school to grow up."


The closed umbrella knocked off "Ji Tuan Xuecai"'s little hand that was doing a strange thing, and Nangong's eyes narrowed, and he actually grabbed the full chest of "Ji Tuan Xuecai"!

At this time, Xiao Gucheng noticed that Ji Tuan's chest seemed to be much larger than usual.

He only saw Xuecai in the Western Ruins yesterday, why today...could it be that Xuecai drinking papaya milk broke his brain?

He had just gotten control of his magic power, and Xuecai took care of this affair.

When Xiao Gucheng saw Nangong kneading back and forth that month, he even took a breath, even he hadn't kneaded unexpectedly...

Nangong had no choice but to touch her with the tallest height, but she wouldn't admit it even if she died...

"Huh!" Nangong snorted proudly that month before removing her little hand from "Ji Tuan Xuecai"'s chest. "The transfer student comes to my office after school."

"Huh?! Wait! Wrong!"

"Ji Tuan Xuecai" successfully moved her gaze to the stunningly beautiful girl in front of her, and her aunt was hugging her for comfort.

The seemingly unreliable "Ji Tuan Xuecai" finally got serious and stared at Kuang San: "Who...who are you?"

An imperceptible light flashed through Kuang Sanyun's smiling burgundy eyes.

In other timelines of the Mohei Universe, she gave up the routine arranged by her "self" and chose another path to move on. Since Xiaolingcai 20 years later does not know who she is, does that mean that this path has never been "Tokisaki Kuangsan" passed by?

not always.

But Kuang San was quite happy in his heart.

"Aren't you pickle sauce?"

"Yellow vegetable sauce? Are you familiar with her?"

"It's a friend who talks about everything~"

The girl was serious, "They can't recognize me, how did you recognize me?"

Kuangsan pointed to his eyes, "Eyes are the windows of people's souls. No matter how big the pickle sauce changes, it is impossible to change the color of the pupils."

"Oh? Really?" Xiao Lingcai touched her face, then glanced at Xiao Gucheng with disgust, "I finally know who is used to her bad temper."

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