Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 8 Chapter 67: Shenwei (four k)

"Then let Xia Yin follow you first." Kuang three paused, then added: "If she wants to."

Mo Xiao frowned instead, "Will it be dangerous for Xia Yin to follow me?"

Kuang San gave him a reassuring look, "In the small world of the last black universe, your strength is considered the first-class group, or is don't have the confidence to protect Xia Yinchan?"

"Of course!"

"Tsk." Kuangsan slapped his lips, seemingly disdainful, "Xia Yinchan's potential is much taller than your puppet. It might not be who will protect whom in the end."

Mo Xiao's face instantly became weird, and it was as funny as it was.

"Go and talk to Xia Yinjiang, I hope that little Nizi won't be too excited to sleep tonight."

...Mo Xiao is gone, Kuang San's originally agile eyes are quite dim, and his gaze towards Xiao Ancient City is like a dead thing.

"This world... should also end."

The city of eating time in a small area quietly opened, enclosing the whole person of Xiao ancient city, and unscrupulously ingested the time of the immortal fourth ancestor.

The time in Ke Ke Di Nei has been swelling upwards, even reaching a level that makes Kuang San incredible!

"Oh~" Kuang San sighed lightly, "It's a pity, I don't know how much time it will be compressed to the advanced plane."

"It's very likely that it won't be usable." Xiao Honghou's voice intervened, "I suggest you spend this amount of time in the blood-eating raid world as much as possible."

Seeing that the accumulated time is getting more and more, Kuang San sighed again, this time even Xiaohong Empress was confused, this is good, why do you always sigh?

"I knew that Xiao Gucheng had so much time to absorb, so what was the purpose of my running around for half a month?"

After Xiao Hong was silent, because she was the one who had the idea, she decided to be a turtle, the owner would not call her, she would never make a sound!

"So many beautiful nights were wasted in vain." Kuang Sandai frowned slightly, and she looked like a weak girl who was abandoned by a grief, and she couldn't help but pity.

"With this time, I might as well play games of this world at home~"

"That..." Xiaohong Empress finally couldn't help it. "With your master's thinking ability, playing those games is abusive..."

"What do you know, abuse of food can bring joy to people."

After Xiaohong: "..."

"Master, I forgot to tell you that, like the fourth true ancestor, the immortal vampire, the huge amount of magic power contained in the body is mostly derived from the continuous growth of time, so... you **** the ancient city of Xiao With so much time, it is very possible to cultivate a fourth true ancestor at the peak."

"Yeah." Kuangsan nodded and said: "With the world consciousness and the protagonist's urinary nature, these are completely possible. But it doesn't matter, it won't be long before the Fourth Real Ancestor's Empire of Night is established, let the Blood Eater Let's demote the world."

"How is Xiandumu Aye preparing?"

"Enthusiasm is high every day."

"Heh~ With her personality, how likely is it to survive in a modern city after losing her strength?"

"Not low." Xiaohonghou said in a nutshell, Kuangsan didn't care. After she left, let it be flooded.

In order not to affect other people, the small-scale City of Eating Time was full of power, and I snorted the ancient city of Xiao for a whole night! However, Xiao Gucheng itself has not changed significantly.

When the city of eclipse time stopped, dawn broke on the horizon, and Mo Xiao also came to the third bedroom of Kuang, nodded at Kuangsan, and disappeared when he lifted the ancient city of Xiao.

If the true ancestor's magical power increase can be calculated according to time, then Xiao Gucheng is undoubtedly the strongest vampire right now, there is no one!

Even if he doesn't **** blood, with the huge amount of magic power in his body, it is enough to support all the twelve beasts to appear.

And the Beasts of the Fourth True Ancestor, each has the ability to destroy the God of String Island. When the twelve Beasts join forces to participate in a battle...

Kuang San changed into a black dress, which surprised Xia Yin.

"Xia Yinjiang, were you happy last night?"

Xia Yin's face flushed, "Brother Mo Xiao is very honest, he didn't do anything to me, and he told me a short story before going to bed."

Kuangsan raised his eyebrows, is this the rhythm developed by taking Xia Yin as a little loli?

"Did Mo Xiao tell you anything?"

Xia Yin's complexion changed slightly, and then she straightened her face, making herself more serious, "I am willing to follow Brother Mo Xiao, wherever he goes!"

"Think about it? You might never see Naisa, Xuecai, etc. again."

Xia Yin gritted his teeth and insisted: "Yeah!"

"Okay, then." Crazy smiled, the charm that bloomed in an instant even Xia Yin was fascinated by it, "Help me ask the teacher for a leave today, the reason is whatever you want."

"Okay." Xia Yin was very witty and didn't ask Kuang three reasons, and went to the kitchen to start breakfast.

Today is obviously a day of trouble.

Ji Tuan Xuecai had just rushed from the High God’s Forest to Xianjin Island, whose physical examination was unobstructed, and Xiao Gucheng, who was in pain, had just opened his eyes. Even the little fat man and Zheng Sheng who had just been thrown out of the laboratory were there. Waking up gradually in inexplicable pleasure.

As soon as Xiao Gucheng opened his eyes, apart from his own pain, the only thing he felt was the terrifying magic power in his body.

Early in the morning, he almost failed to control himself!

Because of the huge increase in magic power, Xiao Gucheng couldn't control this powerful magic power, and could only let the magic power wreak havoc on three feet of the body's surface.

As soon as I got up, a hole was drilled in the floor by magic. I wanted to take a cup and pour a glass of water to drink. Before my fingers touched the body of the cup, the swelling magic broke the cup first.

Xiao Gucheng stretched out his hands and looked incredible at the powerful magic overflowing from his body.

Muttered: "I just slept, what is going on?"

Thinking that Xuecai would definitely question when she came back, Xiao Gucheng couldn't help but had a headache, and became a lot of decadence for a while, and fell directly to her knees.

This kneeling doesn't matter, the whole apartment shook suddenly! Even the floor under Xiao Gucheng's knees was shattered! He could even hear the overwhelmed voice of the steel bars in the building.

With a flash of purple light, Nangong appeared in front of Xiao Ancient City that month.

The little face was full of seriousness, "Xiao Ancient City, what did you do last night?"

"Me?" Xiao Gucheng looked dazed, just about to scratch the back of his head with his hand, Nangong exploded and said: "Don't scratch your head!"

Xiao Gucheng was immediately shocked and stunned. He sat in a precarious position and did not dare to make any movements.

He knew how dangerous he was now, with a bitter face: "I slept for a while yesterday, and...then it became like this."

Nangong had an expression of "You lied to ghosts" that month, but his little head was still spinning very fast, thinking about countermeasures.

"You control your magic power a little bit, I will teleport you to other places first."

"other places?"

"Huh! I don't want this apartment building to collapse, just do it quickly!"

Xiao Gucheng sank his heart and tried his best to control the leaked magic power. With a "swipe", the two came to the edge of Xian Shen Island...

"Well, starting from today, I'm going to tutor you here. Don't worry, there is no charge."


Xiao Gucheng shivered under the pointer of Nangong that month, and the little fat man and Zheng Sheng of the main **** team were not much better.

In their dreams, the two experienced a blissful sensation, like mother's tenderness and love between lovers. In short, it is not an exaggeration to use all the good words.

...The two opened their eyes at the same time.

Big eyes stared at small eyes, the little fat man's bayonet stood upright, Zheng Sheng faintly felt the warmth inside his thighs.


"Mom sells batches!"

"Go away!"

Zheng Sheng was the first to wake up from his dream and kick the little fat man out!

The two of them hugged each other naked! Oh my god, that scene, Zheng Shengguang felt sick just thinking about it.

Unexpectedly, this dead fat man was as good as Long Yang, and sneaked into his bed while he was asleep in the middle of the night.

Zheng Sheng's complexion changed slightly, and he touched his **** with his hand again, and he was relieved when he found that there was no pain.

Until this time, Zheng Sheng had time to look at the surrounding environment.

"Oc? This is not my home?"

In the distance, the little fat man who was kicked on the wall by Zheng Sheng got up, his fat face was angry.

Loudly roared: "Zheng Sheng, you **** guy! Attacked me in the middle of the night while I was asleep! Damn, the look in my eyes wasn't right the other day, did you finally do it today?"

"What's even more hateful is that you actually bit me back! Look at whose room this is! You disgusting gay, get out of me!"

The little fat man's roar caused the room to faintly shake three times, throwing Zheng Sheng's curse with blood on his head, falling into self-doubt.

‘Is it possible that I’m really a **** like the little fat guy said? ’

"Fuck you!" Zheng Sheng took the sheets away and covered his lower body. "You must have attacked me in the middle of the night and said! Did you secretly put drugs in the bottle of drink you asked me to drink yesterday?"

"You fart!"

"You just fart!"

"Fat Lord fights with you today!"

"Fatty man, do you think I will be afraid of you?!"

"You are a pervert!"

"I'm pooh! I would rather go to Zhang Jie than be with you, a disgusting perverted fat guy!"

The little fat man shuddered, and pointed to Zheng Sheng with a look of grief and said: " are really a die-hard guy."


However, neither of them found out how powerful Zheng Sheng's kick was, and the little fat man was kicked so far, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Suddenly, a mechanical sound appeared in his mind.

"Second Mission 1: The Vampire Grand Duke (Completed

"Complete the goal: Li Yingjun, Zheng Sheng."

The little fat man and Zheng Sheng were stunned at the same time.

Even Zhang Jie, who was smoking in the bedroom, was stunned. Except for Kuang San, no one knew how they completed the side mission issued by the Lord God...

Can you become the direct clan of the fourth true ancestor? A person at the archduke level?

Zheng Sheng felt the intimacy from the little fat man, and even Li Yingjun felt a blood-connected warmth from Zheng Sheng.


"younger brother!"


"Puff!~" Kuangsan sitting in the "Nightmare" almost squirted out the soy milk from his mouth.

"After Xiaohong, why did you choose these two live treasures?"

"Master, Li Yingjun has helped us and should give him a place."

Kuangsan nodded and said curiously: "What about Zheng Sheng? Compared to physique, isn't Zhang Jie more suitable than him?"

"Master, you are right. From a physical point of view, Zhang Jie is indeed more suitable than Zheng Sheng, but Zhang Jie has other powers in his body. In order to prevent conflicts between that power and magic, I chose Zheng Sheng to be conservative. ."

"Whatever you want." Kuang's three cups of warm soy milk emptied, "How far is it from the domain of the King of War?"

"It will be here soon, and the specific location of the Forgotten Warlord has been determined."


The "Nightmare" is rapidly approaching Eastern Europe, and the area of ​​Eastern Europe is under the rule of the "Warlord Domain" of the Empire of Night.

The real name of the Forgotten Warlord is Kay Juran Barada. The clan related to him is called the D species, which has the ability to transform into Similar to the "Silver Mist of the Shell" in Xiaogucheng, it is the closest human impression of vampires. .

The Forgotten Warlord is also the main promoter of the'Sanctuary Treaty', possessing a total of 72 blessed beasts.

Kuang San's brain calculated some soul secrets in the Dou Qi continent. She came this time mainly to control the other three true ancestors. When the "story" came to an end, she immediately announced the establishment of the fourth true ancestor's Night Empire.

She didn't have time to wait for the ancient city of Xiao to build the Empire of Night after twenty years.

As early as when Kuangsan decided to degrade the world, Pan Continental Heavy Industries began to produce building materials that could support the Island of the God of Strings.

Because many of the materials used to build the Xianjin Island are composed of magical building materials, once the world is completely degraded, the building materials that lose the magic will collapse in an instant, and the entire Xianjin Island will sink to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

There is also the artificial intelligence named ‘Monster’ on Xian Shendao. Kuangsan is also going to let Xiaohong empress’ subsystem replace it. That guy connects various forces and knows that it’s not a good thing at first glance.

With the maintenance of the subsystems of the Electronic Empress and the Empress Xiaohong, Xian Shendao can also leave a living soil in the game of great powers.

There is only this Kuang San can do.

As for the name of Xiaohong's post-system, Xiaohong's own thoughts about it, so she is called Xiaohong's......

The domain of the king of war.

Kuang San felt the breath of the first true ancestor, and he escaped from the "Nightmare", and the spirit of God was possessed in the black and red streamer.


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