Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 44: Two people with the same disease

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Watching Awashima Shiri call the members of Scepter4 into the track and field, Ma Yuan was relieved and made a gesture to the location of the night knife **** dog Lang and the Izana and Neko, they just started Acted.

After Awashima Shiri brought people to the track and field, there were not many members of Scepter 4 in the waiting area of ​​the entire track and field.

Without the order of the chief or deputy chief, these members of Scepter4 did not dare to attack Ma Yuan without authorization, which allowed Ma Yuan to leave the place directly.

As for the Night Sword God Dog Lang, Izana Society and Neko, it is more convenient to pass the magic channel created by Ma Yuan and leave the track and field.

Seeing the Izana Society, they walked away slowly, and Ma Yuan just broke out of the track and field.

Outside of the track and field are Scepter 4's tracking members.

And very unfortunately, it happened that Fushimi Ape took the lead.

If Ma Yuan remembered correctly, he just said a word when the statue priest just came out and broke Neko's illusion directly.

The specific content Ma Yuan did not remember, but it seems to be complaining that Fushimi complained in his ear that he didn't do anything. From the expression of Zong Xiang Lisi, it can be seen that he likes this guy very much.

But in the final analysis, Fushimi is also the youngest cadre member in Scepter4, so the ability is not to be underestimated.

But I don't know why. When Ma Yuan saw him, he would think of Hatta of Barbara. He always felt that the relationship between them was not as simple as it seemed.

"Hey, what about our boss?"

Just when Ma Yuan was thinking wildly, Fushimi stopped Ma Yuan.


Ma Yuan said casually, but he didn't expect that Arishima Shiri actually didn't tell outside tracking members about his battle with the statue prince.

"In this way, it looks like you are a little stronger than our boss."

Okay back the preface.

Judging from Fushimi's words, Ma Yuan was just too arbitrarily. Actually, Awaji Shili had told everyone outside, but because Fushimi did not have too many expressions, Ma Yuan would have been wrong. meaning.

"How? If you are dissatisfied with your boss being knocked down by me, you can challenge me, I don't mind."

Ma Yuan said half-jokingly.

He thought that he wanted to hit it anyway, so he just started playing it for so long, and he didn't want to paint too much.

However, even with such a large number of clan members, even if they sneak attack, they may not be able to sneak attack themselves, Ma Yuan is still not too worried about this.

"Our mission is only Izana and Night Sword God Dog Lang."

Fushimi said casually, but he did not say this to Ma Yuan, but to his companions.

He wants to let those members of Scepter4 who are restless and want to revenge like the priests know what their top priority is.

"Furthermore, you are a king. Those of us can't beat you. We might as well put our focus on our original tasks."

Fushimi's words successfully prevented those restless teenagers, which made Ma Yuan feel emotional.

If there is a chance, Fushimi will probably become the next blue king. He has this strength and potential, and Ma Yuan can be identified from his behavior.

But that is also the future.

Fushimi is not a king now, so no matter how he can stabilize the military, it is useless because the target of their mission has left here at this time.

They may not see Fushimi, but Ma Yuan could clearly know that as they went further and further, they began to walk into the small alley they said.

"Come on, let me go first."

Ma Yuan waved his hand and walked towards the alley.

In the alley, the night knife **** dog Lang and Izona and Neko stopped running. They glanced at each other and then laughed.

"Hahahaha, I said why do we listen to the blue king."

Neko began to complain.

"It seems that the king is planning to help us, but whether or not he is a trustworthy person, we still need to observe more and not make a decision."

Night knife **** dog Lang is not as willful as Neko, but just analyzes the situation seriously.

But no matter how the situation is analyzed, their actions here should be based on the decision of Izana.

Izana shook his head for a moment and said.

"I think he can be trusted, at least for now."

As Izana spoke, he looked at Neko.

"I think that the person, like himself, seems to have lost something, as if he had lost his memory."

Izana looked at Neko, and his goals and words seemed clear.

"Oh? Are you saying that you also have amnesia?"

Ma Yuan suddenly walked into the alley.

Actually, Ma Yuan arrived here shortly after the Izana Society and the night sword gods Goran and Neko arrived at the alley, he just didn't want to disturb them talking.

When the three of them were together, they still experienced these things. Most of them would talk about more important content. Ma Yuan knew that staying here with an outsider would only make them unable to talk about the topic.

So he hid.

He didn't come out of the alley until he heard that Izana said he was similar to him, as if he had just arrived and took a breath and heard their conversation.

"I said you also ran too fast."

In order to pretend that he was only breathing, Ma Yuan heard the contents of their conversation, and even started to take a breath against the wall.

"What about the same amnesia?"

Hearing Ma Yuan's words, Izana also froze.

His amnesia is not the same as Ma Yuan's, but since Ma Yuan is like himself, it seems to be amnesia, then this incident is not just about Izana, it may even involve Ma Yuan.

"I'll talk about this later, let's talk about your situation."

Ma Yuan threw the ball to Izana again. He couldn't fully believe the person in front of him, so he had to listen to what happened to him.

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