Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 43: Evacuation of track and field

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Ma Yuan followed the Izana Society and left the track and field, but the outside of the track and field is not as harmonious as the inside.

In order to avoid his Scepter 4 players being involved in the battle between Wang and Wang, the statue of Li Zong let his team members leave the track and field.

But did not let them leave this place, so that these members of Scepter4 even filled the outer perimeter of the entire track and field.

Even with Neko's ability, Ma Yuan felt it would be difficult to get out.

Ma Yuan’s plan was to kill him directly, but it would be easy to expose the behavior of Izana to the statue priest, which would directly lead the members of Scepter4 to nest out.

The black cat sent a message at this time, saying that Alice had successfully transferred, and it didn't matter.

After seeing this message, Ma Yuan almost did not drop the terminal to the ground.

What the **** is the transfer success! Ma Yuan could not remember that he had let the black cat transfer Alice.

Although it is normal to let Alice believe her and walk with her with the ability of the black cat, Ma Yuan's original plan was to prevent Alice from being threatened and hurt by Scepter4, and did not say to transfer.

Besides, what if Isaac did? ! The black cat was almost frivolous, and Ma Yuan now had no idea what the black cat was thinking.

"Meow, Xiaobai, there are so many people here, what should I do? Can't go out?"

Like the black cat, it was Neko who kept Ma Yuan speechless.

Ma Yuan, who wanted to hide his whereabouts, sighed. What is the point of hiding himself now? Instead, it is a waste of time. At this time, he just wants to hurry to Alice's side to see if Alice is there. Big deal.

"You go straight from here, go through that place, and then go to that place, and then to the door, I will hide your figure with illusion."

Ma Yuan pointed to the terrain and gave Izana a pattern of behavior.

"If you use your illusion, you can indeed leave here, but if you encounter them, it will directly cause the illusion's ability to disappear?"

Night Sword God Dog Lang asked.

It is worthy of being the original colorless king, the lover of three words and one round, and the night knife God Goulang said is indeed the focus of the whole thing.

That's right, it's not the field control, but the simple stealth illusion, Ma Yuan is indeed very easy to destroy the entire composition of the illusion because of a "collision", but this is not difficult for Ma Yuan.

"Here is going to pick up your love knife and use my brother."

Ma Yuan smiled and pointed at "reason", and later think about it or give it back to its owner, the night knife **** dog Lang.

"Forget it, if you don't have a knife, you can't protect this simple-minded idiot in any case, um... these two simple-minded idiots."

Ma Yuan glanced at Izana and Neko and changed one to two.

"You listen well. There is a small alley outside. We gather in the alley. As for me to attract their attention, you will move after you count to thirty."

Ma Yuan rushed out of the cover while talking.

After all, there was no intention to hurt the ordinary clan members of Scepter4, so Ma Yuan shouted and rushed out.

A little stupid he admitted.

However, because of this stupid behavior, Ma Yuan successfully attracted the attention of Awashima Shiri. It seems that the players of Scepter4 who retreated from the track and field are all in the inner circle of the track and field.

There may be some members outside who were originally there. Ma Yuan didn't know the specific situation, but Ye Dao Shen Gou Lang should be enough.

"Yo, Awashima Shiri~"

Ma Yuan greeted Awashima Shiri.


Seeing that the other party is Ma Yuan instead of the night knife **** Goulang, Ashima Shiri sighed. It seemed that she was not stupid enough to fight Ma Yuan, just withdrew her knife and asked.

"How's the room manager?"


Seeing the other person calmly talking to himself, Ma Yuan immediately had another plan.

Since Arishima Shiri doesn’t plan to fight with himself, Ma Yuan will not have the need to fight Ashishima Shiri, just put them apart and it will be more convenient for Yedao Shengoulang to leave, and you can avoid other appearances. Of the fork.

Although the Night Sword God Dog Lang is somewhat combative, the Izana Society can't see the "combat power" at all. As for Neko, this cat mostly only interferes with the human brain. Other things are nothing. Desirable place.

"In the case of Secretary of Statues and Statues, it has already fallen into the stadium just now. It seems that the trick I used behind him caught him off guard, but it is also good to be able to play freely with someone who is as capable as you. It’s better to look at your room manager, after all, it’s a battle with the king."

As Ma Yuan said, the entire face of Awashima Shiri was instantly pale.

Arishima Ashima knows what Ma Yuan said.

It is probably because of all the dangers of fighting between the king and the king, and the reason for not allowing others to participate.

Because only the king and the king can participate in the battle between the king and the king. If other clan members enter without permission, their own king cannot protect the safety of their clan members. Needless to say, other people’s kings will not care about you at all. Security.

In the end, it will only lead to innocent involvement and then serious injuries.

However, if the battle between King and King is not the end of the game, if you admit to each other, if one of them really fails, then the losing side will also be very hurt.

"All the fourth team entered the track and field!"

Arishima Ashima knew this deeply, so she immediately ordered her members of Scepter4 to enter the track and field.

Ma Yuan’s words here mean that the princes and priests are inside. Although they are unwilling to admit that their king has lost things, but now it is not wayward, their king is probably seriously injured, and it is in urgent need of rescue.

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