Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 4: Hallucination use

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After being attacked twice, Hada was kicked by Ma Yuan to the wall.

The great strength is that Hatta, who just had a tendency to demolish the house just now, can't fight it.

" are really a bit strong."

Hatta shook his body from the wall and wanted to stand upright. He did not smash the wall he smashed up or hit a hole, but he could see that it was not light.

However, if you think about it carefully, Ma Yuan doesn't know where he came from. He feels that the human body can smash a hole in the reinforced concrete wall.

And Ma Yuan didn't use his full strength.

I just said not to fight in the residential area, so as not to involve other people, and I started to fight with the type of Huibo and others. It can only be said that it is a face, so Ma Yuan controlled his strength and did not let himself be too much. Hard, but quickly and accurately solved one.

At this time, Fushimi waved his sword and attacked Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan realized his actions, but he did not fight back.

Knowing that Ma Yuan's abilities are more than that, Fushimi did not have much reservation, and he directly cut down the past. He felt that if he did not use his full strength, there was no possibility of resisting Ma Yuan.

However, Fushimi was wrong.

Ma Yuan didn't dodge Fushimi's attack this time, but let Fushimi cut directly to his body.

Seeing this scene, Fushimi was stunned immediately, but what surprised Fushimi was later, because when Fushimi's knife hacked Ma Yuan, his surprise was that Ma Yuan had no defense. And when his knife slashed across Ma Yuan's shoulder, splitting Ma Yuan's body into two pieces, his surprise was that this extraordinary thing happened.

Fushimi's knife did not pass through any bones, hindered, and so cut perfectly from Ma Yuan's shoulder, turning Ma Yuan's body into two halves.

Anyway, it is beyond common sense.

And Ma Yuan's body, which was split in half, was still laughing, as if laughing at Fushimi, and then disappeared.

"Oh, be careful not to show **** things to children."

Not waiting for Fushimi to react to what happened, Ma Yuan appeared behind him, as if the one just now was just his phantom.

Not as if, but it is.

The original Ma Yuan was just the illusion reflection created by Ma Yuan when he just started to get angry and emit a cyan color because he wanted to try the ability he felt.

But Fushimi and Hatta will not know this.

This is Ma Yuan's ability, and it has not been known by any clan nor belongs to any known king.

"Brother Ma Yuan, what was that just now?"

Unexpectedly, Alice is still watching by the window. She is amazed at how Ma Yuan did it. This is like a trick. Let this little girl with little sense of crisis have a little interest.

"Hahaha, this is some kind of magic I have mastered."

Ma Yuan suddenly rose and said this to Alice.

But Fushimi had already thought that Ma Yuan was lying on the ground after the attack behind his neck, and he was already unconscious-if he was not pretending.

As for Hada, when I heard the word magic, I didn't think about whether Ma Yuan was comforting children or the like, and I began to look at Ma Yuan inconceivably.

"Isn't the magician's words only characters in the story?"


Looking at such a simple and straightforward Hada, Ma Yuan didn't know what to say.

But instead of talking about the magician, he began to play with sex, and he planned to use the magician to name himself like this.

"The magician seems to be good. Now, you just call me the magician. I don’t want to be against you, but if you fight in the residential area again, or if you want to involve Alice in my house, it’s better Pay attention, because I will definitely not let you go."

Ma Yuan bent down and looked at Hada who had just been beaten by himself, and said with a smile.

It seems that Hatta is still a little bit unconvinced, but Ma Yuan's strength just seems to be overwhelming. Even if he is the clan of the blue king, it is at least more powerful than him.

Hada has no doubts about his ability, but he also knows that he must be able to admit that the world has unbeatable people, such as his king, such as other kings, such as Ma Yuan.


After thinking for a while, Hada could only give up the struggle and began to think about how to leave this place.

Before waiting for Hatta to think about it, Ma Yuan did not intend to let his embarrassing illness happen, but just walked to the entrance and dropped a sentence "Remember to take away the big garbage on the ground." Then he took off his socks and entered the room again.

He came out barefoot just now, his socks were stained outside long ago, and Ma Yuan didn't want to stain Alice's house.

Hatta glanced at Fushimi on the ground, slowly dragging his body, kicked him in the past, and in his experience, Fushimi could not be stunned like this.

Fushimi also slowly opened his eyes. Ma Yuan was just too strong just now, and under the overwhelming power, he could only choose to admit defeat.

"Brother Ma Yuan just changed the magic just now."

While living in the house, Alice's innocent laughter came, and then came the sound of Ma Yuan and Isaac almost doting.

Alice seems to have a magic power. She used the same smile that day to infect everyone around her and become her friend. She couldn't help but want to protect her and help her.

"Wait for me to change the window, after all, your brother will see me like this when he comes back."

Ma Yuan's voice came from the window.

Hatta and Fushimi picked up their skateboards, and picked up their knives, and put them away in their waists. After glancing at each other, they parted ways.

But when they left here, they all looked at Ma Yuan in the window, and in their blood, they vaguely felt that this person was a big man.

What they don’t know is that the real story is about to officially start.

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