Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 3: Cyan power

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The blue flash of Ma Yuan's body flashed slowly, flashing. When Ma Yuan used his power, he disappeared from the front of Fushimi and Hatta.

Then Ma Yuan appeared on the other side of Fushimi and Hatta, like a trick.


Looking at the lively side, Alice, who didn't know she was in danger at the moment, exclaimed.

For this little girl, the power that Ma Yuan is now showing is a new experience, and she is very excited about it.

"Brother Ma Yuan is so good~"

Alice exclaimed and clapped her hands while Fushimi and Hada glanced at each other.

No matter how uncomfortable the other party is, there is a more thorny existence at this time-Ma Yuan.

"Speaking of which, Isaac seems to be wearing the same clothes as you."

Ma Yuan pointed to Fushimi and said.

"the same?"

Fushimi noticed something, and then began to think about the memory in his mind.

The Blue King's clan is not many, but it is quite a lot. Fushimi is not sure that he can remember the names of all his companions.

But Isaac was vaguely impressed.

That's a person who often hangs his sister's mouth. To be honest, Fushimi feels a little annoyed with this attribute.

Not only does she often hang her sister's lips, but she also uses the resources of Scepter4 to help her sister find some lost children's parents or contacts to adopt a small pet or the like.

Because it’s not a bad thing, the sect statue ritual has little opinion, but all the work naturally falls on the Fushimi intelligence analysts.

"Oh, do you mean that Isaac's sister controls?"

"It doesn't mean anything else, it's just that Isaac and I don't seem to be in harmony. If you know, can you tell him not to trouble me?"

Fushimi said angrily.

Ma Yuan glanced at Alice, and Alice's expression became a little strange. It was obvious that she heard Fushimi's saying that it was her brother.

When talking about her brother's bad words in front of other sisters, Ma Yuan judges that this is not a good person.

"Hey, what's wrong with the same clan helping each other."

Even Hatta complained a little.

"Don't compare us with your violent group."

Fushimi responded to Hatta.

"Yes, yes, your group of four-eyed ghosts, even of the same race, have no sentiment. Of course, we are envious and jealous of all kinds when we see us."

"Hey, please pay attention."

Fushimi thought and drew his sword at Hatta without thinking.

Ma Yuan can see that although there is no special expression on Fushimi's face, it should be very hot at this time, of course, it does not rule out the reason why he just wanted to fight with Hatta.

Hada catches Fushimi's attack with a skateboard, and then hits back.

Soon the two fell into a fierce fight, accompanied by subtle blue and red flashes.


When he saw the two of them fight together again, Ma Yuan could only understand the reason why Alice said that the two of them were always diametrically opposed. What if the innocent people are involved?

Ma Yuan was inexplicably angry at the thought of this place. He ran between the two and forcibly separated them.

It is not exaggerated to say that it is forced, because at this time Ma Yuan blocked Fushimi's knife with one hand and supported Hatta's skateboard with one hand.

It is not difficult for Ma Yuan to do this, because they almost feel like they are smashing past each other, so just rush in and control Hatta’s skateboard, then stop the Fushimi knife. .

However, it was not easy to stop the knife. Ma Yuan made a strange air shield between his hand and Fushimi's knife, so that Fushimi's knife was not cut off.

Of course, it's just impossible to stop it. Ma Yuan controls the power again, and even controls Fushimi's knife to prevent it from moving again.

As for Hatta, it is much simpler, and it is enough to restrain it with your hand.

"What is your name."

Fushimi asked, frowning.


Ma Yuan replied unkindly that he was not afraid of Fushimi knowing his name and coming to retaliate. Anyway, the situation is very clear now, this person can't beat himself at all.

Ma Yuan’s hand that controlled Fushimi’s sword glowed slightly blue, and Hatta suddenly glanced at midair, then turned back and continued to stare at Ma Yuan.

"What's wrong Misaki~"

Fushimi made a nearly abnormal laugh.

"It's nothing, there seems to be an illusion...who else made you call this name!"

As he said, she propped up her skateboard and kicked Fushimi.

Fushimi too, simply put down the knife in his hand, flashed away to the other side, and then continued to attack Hatta.

"Don't you understand people! I said you don't want to fight in this kind of residential area!"

The green muscles on Ma Yuan's face are about to burst. These two people do not know whether they are enemies or enemies, and they will fight in any situation. Ma Yuan does not like this connection, but if he puts himself aside.

After coming here, Ma Yuan knew for the first time what he could do and knew that there was some kind of power in his body, although he did not remember why he had them.

Then Ma Yuan rushed towards Fushimi and Hatta.

Seeing Ma Yuan rushing over, Fushimi quickly flashed aside, and Hatta came back with a punch.

Ma Yuan easily flashed Hatta's counterattack, and then punched him in the stomach, hitting him into the air.

Immediately after Ma Yuan's hand was released, Hatta fell to the ground from midair.


Hatta reluctantly wants to get up from the ground, and at this time, Fushimi also returned to the place where Ma Yuan dropped his knife and skateboard, picked up his knife, and rushed towards Ma Yuan.

At this time, Ma Yuan ignored Fushimi, but added a foot to Hatta on the ground.

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