Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 4 Chapter 110: xburner

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However, Ma Yuan was wrong.

Even under such a powerful attack, when the smoke from the nuclear bomb dissipated, he could still see that it seemed to be an unscathed regional knight.

"This attack is useless."

On the other side, Spana, protected by Tsunaji, is holding his computer and seems to be calculating what it looks like.

It looks like he is Johnny II. He is a brain-destructive technician, as long as he is interested in things, he can come up with computer calculations at any time.

"According to the current phantom knight...should it be called the regional knight? According to his data, he is no longer a normal human being. Even with hallucinations, it is useless to simulate a real nuclear bomb attack, let alone you imitate it. The outbreak of the nuclear bomb attack is only one-third of the real nuclear bomb."

Spaner is right, even if the nuclear bomb simulated by Ma Yuan can attack, its effectiveness is only a part of the real thing, but this is normal, because he has not really encountered a nuclear bomb or missile, and can only use it. Attack with the strongest attack you can imagine.

"In this case, I recommend XBURNER."

Spaner said again.


Ma Yuan was stunned for a while. He heard from the Temple of Prison before that. During training, Gangji came up with an attack method that used a soft flame as a support, and then released the flame pressure attack with a pure death fire.

But that attack method seems to be because there is no way to fully control it, but it has not yet been developed.

"Is that finished?"

Ma Yuan asked.

Gangji nodded.

Ma Yuan can probably guess the reason for Spana’s proposal. If the flame pressure is large enough, the entire space will be covered by this flame pressure, not to mention the Magic Knight, everyone in the flame pressure range will be burned. Into ashes.

"But you have so many flames to decide...Can Tsunayoshi's body support it?"

Ma Yuan couldn't help asking.

"Almost, but I need a little time to maximize the flame pressure."

Gangji added.

Although there is an attack method that can directly cover the entire space and area, but if you want to fight against the Magic Knight, Tsunaji cannot be equal to him.

The phantom knight is now a skeleton, Ma Yuan's attack can't smash it directly even with the fire, and the power to succumb to **** will give him a very fast recovery speed and adaptability.

It seems that Spana is right, Tsunayoshi, who can use XBURNER's X gloves, is the most convenient way.

"If you can't control the Magic Knight, Penglie may be attacked, and the whole plan will fail by then."

Spaner added.

"I know. I have knocked down this man three times."

Ma Yuan gave Spana a white look and rushed towards the Magic Knight again.

The fantasy knight did not act, but only when Ma Yuan rushed in front of him, he waved his sword in his hand and attacked Ma Yuan.

Simple and neat, and powerful.

Ma Yuan had only one explanation for this blow, which also made Ma Yuan know that it was so impossible to fight head-on with the fantasy knight. He began to use his speed to get behind the magic knight and then create an illusion. .

The attack of illusion affected the judgment of the illusion knight. He struggled with the illusion, but he ignored the Ma Yuan behind him.

Ma Yuan subconsciously thrust Yan back into his body, but this body is just a skeleton, which is not necessary for him to attack.

This gave the Magic Knight time to turn around to face Ma Yuan, and his horse-slashing sword began to attack Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan launched his own flame ability as a thrust, burning Yan Knight from Yanhui, and also evaded the attack.

The flame burned the phantom knight, rendering his **** armor with burning traces.

This let Ma Yuan know that if it is a high concentration of flame pressure, this monster can be eliminated in an instant, such as XBURNER.

But this is not Ma Yuan's job. Ma Yuan's Yanhui was not designed for him to use as a battery.

After avoiding the magic knight's attack, Ma Yuan once again used Yingyanhui. He used a double knife to dance a wonderful dance step in the air and attacked the magic knight at once.

The phantom knight was suppressed by his violent attack and retreated.

Because of the tremendous strength gained, but the phantom knight who lost his own speed also lost the opportunity to fight and attack Ma Yuan. When retreating to nowhere to retreat, the Magic Knight floated into the air through his non-human capabilities.

It made Ma Yuan more happy.

Ma Yuan's feet began to ignite a fire of death, supporting Ma Yuan to attack the Magic Knight again.

The phantom knight who can only use the hacking sword to stop the attack of Ma Yuan slowly moves up more by his attack, and Tsunagi also starts to aim the flame in his hand upwards to continue to start to save force.

"Ma Yuan, you let go."

When Ma Yuan drove the illusion knight into the air, Ma Yuan heard Gunji's voice.

It seems that the task of containing the enemy is over.

Ma Yuan thought of this, igniting the fire of death gas on his feet, and moved quickly behind Tsunae. By the way, he made a barrier with the flame of death gas, and wrapped himself and Spana in.

In this way, it will not be hurt by the returned flame pressure.

Ma Yuan just deliberately led the phantom knight to the top of the space. If XBURNER really said so much to Spana, not only the phantom knight, but the space area here will also be penetrated.

Ma Yuan could feel that the laboratory was on top, and it would be a way to let Gangji go through it in one go.


Tsunaji yelled in a low voice, the Magic Knight wanted to come over and attack them, but Tsunae's flame pressure had all been released, and all the Magic Knights flying towards them would be covered.

Under the attack of this flame pressure, both organic and inorganic substances will be reduced to ashes, it is like a pillar of fire spraying straight up.

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