Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 4 Chapter 109: Hell knight

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When the Magic Knight was blown out by Ma Yuan, Ma Yuan obviously felt wrong.

The attack that I just made had a slight deviation because of Tsunagi's sudden appearance. Even the phantom knight who had become cumbersome should be able to dodge away.

Ma Yuan was even prepared for what he would do if he dodged, but the Magic Knight did not dodge at all, but just took the attack and flew out.

All things that the Magic Knight can do, only temporarily blocked Ma Yuan's Yan Hui with his own swords, did not allow Yan Hui to split his body again.

But Yan Hui's flames again covered his armor, seeping through his wounds.

Through so many practical exercises, Ma Yuan felt that he had become more comfortable with his own use of black flames.

The phantom knight's expression was a little strange. After coming out of the wall, he attacked Ma Yuan again. This time, his actions were more stiff than before.

"Gunji, you back away."

Ma Yuan said this to Tsunaji, and Tsunaji retreated back, taking Spana to the rear of the battlefield.

Immediately afterwards, Ma Yuan attacked the Magic Knight again.

Faced with a slower movement than before, the phantom knight was also stiffer than before and hit the ground again. After several successive attacks, the phantom knight did not keep up with Ma Yuan’s speed and was crushed by Ma Yuan with Yan back. Pair of swords.

Yan Hui passed through the gap between the armor of the phantom knight's chest and directly penetrated into it.

The black flame instantly enveloped the phantom knight. Ma Yuan controlled the flame from his body to spread to the brain. He wanted to know the reason why the phantom knight suddenly slowed down.

This is definitely not without reason.

Ma Yuan remembered that he had linked to the place where the six Dao skeletons were imprisoned during the War of the Rings, so if he believed that he could control the flames well, he could see some things that the Magic Knight did not want to be known.

For example, why the attack he just made is a bit strange.

As Ma Yuan expected, the things that appeared in the mind of the magic knight let Ma Yuan know one or two through the flame.

After Bailan rescued the phantom knight, the phantom knight wanted to allegiance to Bailan, and Bailan gave him the test of bringing the boss of his original family, that is, the big empty pacifier of the princess of their family, to Bailan.

Originally the knight wanted to kill the boss of his own family, and Princess Uney got a pacifier, but before the hands started, he let Uney's gentle eyes shake, and finally did not start.

Although the pacifier finally reached Bailan's hand, Uni was not injured, and the two families merged into the current Mio Fiore family.

"I will never repeat the same mistakes."

At this time, it seems to be affected by his own memory, and the consciousness of the magic knight becomes even more strange.

Through the behavior just now, Ma Yuan can know that the reason why the magic knight's action became strange is because Tsunagi suddenly appeared here, and the eyes that were as big as Yuni's eyes made him a little shaken.

"Quickly open Kaiyuan!"

At this time, Gang Ji, who had been watching Ma Yuan fighting in the field, suddenly shouted.

Ma Yuan frowned and took a step back. Yan Hui pulled it out of the Magic Knight's chest.

Not only Gangji, but Ma Yuan also felt something wrong, and the super straight sense hidden in the lineage of Gangji Penglie let Ma Yuan know that he felt right.

What other tricks did this phantom knight not make?


The phantom knight screamed again. This scream was even more tragic than before, as if the entire life had been put out.

It's not that physical pain can make it out.

"For Lord Brandan..."

The Magic Knight whispered.

"I will give all of my."

Immediately after the phantom knight was swallowed by the armor of **** on his body, he no longer possessed any human posture, just a skeleton, wearing armor that also looked like a skeleton.

It's like coming from hell.

"Ma Yuan, are you okay?"

Tsunaji untied the rope around his waist and asked Ma Yuan.

"You still protect the technician over there, if I am not wrong, he probably does not have any self-protection ability?"

Ma Yuan said while looking at the Magic Knight. If he could hit the evil spirits in Hell, the Hell Knight's bad, maybe the person who always said that he came back from the reincarnation would also be surprised.

"It's not something in this world, it's better to return to hell."

Ma Yuan said that he used illusion again. This time he turned the surrounding space into a mechanical space that the phantom knight had used against him before. Numerous shells came out of the walls of the space.

"You can understand this thing even now."

Ma Yuan said with a smile, he didn't even want to cover up the existence of the shell, because it was too much trouble. Ma originally just wanted to use these hallucinations to blow the illusion knight into the sky.

Even if he came to this world from hell, this level of shells can blow him back again.

"Ma Yuan... Would you use illusion?"

Tsunaji was also a bit surprised to see Ma Yuan use magic.

"Well, I used to know the trick once to protect Xiaochun before, but this is nothing. Aftermath, the aftermath will be a bit big. You better do the protection work."

Ma Yuan smiled and directed the nuclear bombs, and attacked the Magic Knight directly.

However, Phantom Knight did not dodge, and even did not mean to dodge. I don’t know if it was because the power from **** completely destroyed his consciousness, and he did not respond to these nuclear warheads.

However, even if the mind was completely destroyed, Ma Yuan would not be afraid of any problems with his hallucinations. As long as he has these subtle concepts of nuclear bombs in his subconscious mind, the hallucinations formed by these hallucinations will definitely be useful.

The next second, hundreds of nuclear bombs attacked the Magic Knight.

The aftermath generated by the nuclear bomb reached Mayuan and Tsunaji, and Mayuan and Tsunaji used flames as protective shields, respectively, to prevent these aftermaths from being involved.

Under this attack, no one will be spared.

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