Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 4 Chapter 103: Chairman Ji Ji is here

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"Really, I have convinced you."

Seeing the skylark attacking the Magic Knight in this way, Ma Yuan sighed and went to check the situation of Yamamoto Takeshi.

It seems that Yamamoto took a heavy blow and fell down. Considering that the opponent is a man with a sword knight himself, Yamamoto's wound was injured by a blunt device rather than a sharp weapon, which has made Ma Yuan very happy.

It seems that Yamamoto takes the illusion knight in front of him a threat, so it is possible to use illusions to frame Yamamoto Taken by blunt objects.

It seems that this illusionist is not very powerful.

Ma Yuan thought so, and moved Yamamoto to the side, because the reason of the six Dao skeletal skylark's obsession with the illusionist Ma Yuan still knows, it is not good for Yamamoto to get involved in the battle.

Immediately after Ma Yuan moved the Lal on one side to the edge of the battlefield, although the surroundings were covered with the illusion of the dark spring, Ma Yuan could still see where the edge of the illusion was.

On the other side, because of the resentment to the illusionist, Lark is also very serious in fighting. The rings on his hands are broken one after another. Although a lot of rings have been picked up on the side of the combat team, the inventory of Lark rings is not much. It is almost exhausted now.

"Skylark, it's almost enough for me to come here."

Ma Yuan put Lal on the ground and said to the lark.

Because Yamamoto Takeo is too simple, it is normal for the illusion to be deceived. As for the opponent without the flame and the weapon box, it just happens that the body skill and the skylark can be divided almost equally. If you want to fight the flame, once the skylark ring You can only recognize the plant after use.

After all, the battle in this era is dominated by the flame of the ring.

"This is my prey."

Lark rejected Ma Yuan, put the remaining three rings on his hands, and then put them into the box one after another.

The man's grudge against the illusionist made it impossible for him to overlook the illusionist in front of him.


Since the other party has said so, Ma Yuan can no longer run unknowingly and **** the lark's prey, not to mention that he doesn't know what other plans the lark has. If it disrupts his plan, he will get involved and lose. Too.

The cloud needle rat was released from the skylark's box. It quickly bred and played, and finally wrapped the skylark and the phantom knight inside while blocking the others from the outside.

That space... as if it were completely sealed, Ma Yuan had heard that in such a closed situation, neither side can use the box.

This is also the judgment of a lark. Of course, without a ring, you can’t use a large amount of box weapons as usual, which can make your embarrassment a little less disadvantageous.

However, this does not mean that the flame of the ring cannot be used. If the skylark has no overwhelming power, it may not be able to defeat the phantom knight even without the weapon box.

The main fighting force of this era is the fire of death, and this Ma Yuan felt exactly after coming to this era.

Even though Mamon had talked to himself about flames ten years ago, saying that the flames of the future battle ring would be crucial, it was so important that Ma Yuan had not thought of it.

Before long, the confined space of the skylark collapsed, and only the Magic Knight appeared in front of Ma Yuan.

It seems that, as Ma Yuan thought, the skylark was defeated by the Magic Knight, so the confined space would collapse.

Ma Yuan ignited his ring and led the flame to Yanhui.

Yan Hui sorted out another Tai Dao, and Ma Yuan attacked the Magic Knight with two swords.

Replace your opponent.

At this time, it was Ma Yuan's turn to be the opponent of the Magic Knight.

"Oh, there is a swordsman here."

Seeing Ma Yuan's double swords, the Magic Knight quickly used his own sword to resist. In this world, swordsmanship and swordsmanship belong to the same system. Even if the swordsman is said to be a swordsman, there is nothing wrong with it.

The speed of the phantom knight is very fast, and it can be almost the same as Ma Yuan, so that Ma Yuan has to increase his speed faster, at least in this battlefield, it must be done in a short time.

"I'll barely admit that you have the ability to be six hanging flowers."

At the corner of Ma Yuan’s eyes, Yu Guang glanced at the ring in the hands of the magic knight, which was the ring of the sea, a ring only available to the core cadre-level figures of the Mio Fiore family known as the "six hanging flowers", and other cadres. Not to mention the qualitative difference between elite players.

"Is it just barely?"

Regarding Ma Yuan's contempt, the Magic Knight felt uncomfortable, he kicked his feet towards Ma Yuan.

There is not much difference between the speed of the phantom knight using his feet and the speed of his hand. Ma Yuan notices that he also has two swords on his feet, so that Ma Yuan has to jump and turn behind the phantom knight to avoid this attack.

Originally, it was enough to just hit back with your feet, but Ma Yuan’s legs had no solid defense.

"It turned out that the flame was used to connect the foot and the sword together?"

Originally, Ma originally wanted to spit out the position of the opponent's sword, but then he discovered the secret of the sword at his feet and couldn't help laughing.

"Basically based on technology, but there are also reasons for flames."

The Magic Knight did not deny Ma Yuan's views.

"Then you should know how unlucky it is to meet me in an age where flames are at the heart of the battle, and I noticed that you support the illusion with flames of fog, not that you are true Illusionist."

Ma Yuan smiled and inserted Yanhui on the ground, and immediately all the flames began to move closer to Yanhui, not only the Magic Knight, but also his box weapon.

"Then do you know that when you absorb the flames, there may be only a moment, but this moment is enough for me to defeat you."

It was at this time that the sky came and Hesheng Middle School wanted to sing school songs, which attracted the attention of Ma Yuan and the Magic Knight. They saw a cloud bean flying in the air, while singing the song of Hesheng Middle School The school song flew into the ruins on the other side.

In the ruins, there is a hand that catches Yun Dou, and above this hand is a Penglie ring with a cloud attribute.

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