Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 4 Chapter 102: Fantasy Knight

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After cleaning up the members of the Mio Fiore family in ambush, Ma Yuan stretched his waist and cleared his muscles.

After all, I was called by the lark forcibly. It should have been the time to sleep, but it was not too early or too late. It was probably regarded as morning exercise.

"Oh, have you cleared your bones?"

Lark smiled.

"That's right. It's almost time to catch up with Gangji and their activities."

Ma Yuan yawned and said, at this time Xiaoyan also jumped from above and stood beside Ma Yuan.

Although Lark said that he would not go with Tsunae, Ma Yuan knew that he had to go to the Japanese branch to solve the problem of entering into Jiang Zhengyi before he could destroy a circular device.

This is the information I heard from Gangji before they said that they can only go back to the past if they destroyed the circular device.

Lark can't ignore this information.

"Who said they would catch up with them."

The skylark said, then she crouched down and took off the ring from the combatants of the Mio Fiore family who had just beaten.

Looking at the skylark doing this, Ma Yuan couldn't help but help, but fortunately there weren't many rings in the cloud. He also picked up a few fog attributes by the way. He heard that the skylark also has fluctuations in the fog attribute.

A lark without a Penglie ring, the ring can only be a consumable for him, because he can not withstand his strong fluctuations, almost everything will shatter and disappear after the first use.

Unlike the people whose flames and fluctuations are controlled by the ring, the lark is forced to adapt the ring to its own type.

"If you don't catch up with them, how can you get to the frontline? You should have discovered when you just fought. Although these combatants can be regarded as elites, they can't be regarded as cadres. The Mio Fiore family's branch in Japan can't even be connected. No one at the cadre level has two."

Ma originally wanted to use a powerful opponent to lure Lark to join him in the Japanese branch of Mio Fiore. After all, Tsunaji and they were led by Lal. He did not know the specific route, but only knew the approximate location.

"The herbivores just use the herbivore method in the past."

Lark smiled and put a ring that he had just snatched on his hand and lit it.

The ring burned with a blazing flame, and before it shattered because it couldn't stand the strong waves of the skylark, the skylark stuffed it into its own weapon.

The Lark's Box Weapon, the Cloud Needle, appeared again. It slowly became huge, and stopped until it became as tall as two people. Then it hit the front wall.

A big pit was immediately smashed out of the wall, at this time Ma Yuan knew the meaning of the skylark.

He seemed to plan to go straight away, and unlike Gangji's infiltrating technique, he forcibly created a path for the walls between the spaces to be crushed.

"It really... convinced you."

Ma Yuan groaned with a black thread on his face and followed the lark.

However, Ma Yuan has to admit that this method is indeed more convenient, although it is very savage.

After several walls were smashed, Ma Yuan could clearly feel that the space in front of him began to be different from that of normal people.

After the next wall broke, the first thing he saw was Yamamoto Takeshi on the ground.

After seeing Yamamoto Takeshi, Ma Yuan knew that he had brought Lark to the enemy's base, but he didn't know how the other party did it, and even knocked Yamamoto Take down to the ground.

Then Ma Yuan saw the man with the younger sister's head.

It was a man with strange eyebrows and a perverted tights. From the shoulder armor on his shoulder, it probably belonged to the curse team, but because the clothes were black, I didn’t know it was the black curse. Still a Hundred Curse, Ma Yuan guessed it was a black curse.

In addition to clothes, the man has some strange things, such as holding two swords in his hand and two swords around his waist. Treat all these swords as your own weapons.

"This man is a fantasy knight."

When he saw this strange man, Lark said so to Ma Yuan.

Hearing the skylark's words, Ma Yuan suddenly knew this was the case.

A knight using illusion probably means that. In the Mio Fiore family, it is also one of the best. Ma Yuan could not have his intelligence, just because in a decade later his intelligence could not be connected with the real thing.

"It looks like Penglie's most powerful guardian and mysterious outside consultant."

Seeing Ma Yuan and Lark, the Magic Knight immediately received the message. He lit his ring and stuffed it into his box.

No hesitation, just accept the reality and make a decision, which makes Ma Yuan feel the strength of this man. It is worthy of being the master of the other party. If there is no such degree, what ability is there to go with Penglie The family fights.

The magic knight's ring emits fog-like flames, and the creatures coming out of the box are naturally fog-like.

Ma Yuan did not carefully see what kind of creatures it was, but only saw the scene emerge from the box in the hands of the phantom knight, slowly covering the entire area, turning the area into a tropical jungle.

It is not unreasonable for the opponent to choose this coping method. Probably in this scene, the Magic Knight can better display his own strength.

If Ma Yuan can only show his strength in certain scenes, he will do the same.

"Huh, it's not for you to state in advance."

When talking about the phantom knight, the skylark did not respond much, but when he really saw the illusion, he didn’t wait for the entire room to be filled with the phantom knight’s box weapon, he just put the remaining few cloud needle rats directly. When he came out, he took the duckweed and turned on the magic knight.

"I am very unhappy with the illusionist."

Hearing the skylark's words, Ma Yuan suddenly came down with a black line.

Lark was probably talking about things that were calculated by Liu Daomu when he was in Obsidian Middle School. He didn't know how lark was vengeful. He had been remembering hatred for more than ten years.

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