Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 147: Respective choices (below)

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"You can rest assured that if you don't practice to the extreme, there will be no signs of blood ethnicization."

Xi Yin placated.

If it was not attracted by the power of the blood clan origin in the Junfang Temple, it would be at least ten years before the secret of Xiyin's talent was discovered.

The practice of the Protoss Village is actually a magic Taoism. This fact has been discovered by the elders of all generations, but it has been avoided.

This inside story made Naco Lulu feel numb.

The source of vitality in the body circulates continuously, passing through its own meridians, like a sharp knife across the edge of Na Kelulu's heart.

"Is the truth that the village of the Protoss suppress the big devil is to **** the power of the big devil?"

Nicole Lulu suddenly lost her feet and just stood up and knelt down again.

"I and the elders of Tsing Yi and Qiao have already discussed. Now I can no longer stay in the clan, and I will be found if I am not careful. If I cause panic, it will be a disaster. So, I want to ask you to take care of me It is my request to temporarily manage the affairs of the village."

Xiyin turned around, behind which was Bai Yueguang's wall. She knelt down halfway and said infinitely softly to the person in front of her.

Ever since I picked you up and brought it up, it has become slim and beautiful.

"Great Elder..."

With tears in her eyes, Na Kelulu still maintained a kneeling posture, and was very embarrassed by the request of the elder.

At that time, Xiyin's parents abandoned her, even with the duties of the patriarch. I am afraid this is the reason, because I can't stay here anymore.

"Okay, that's it, I'm leaving tonight."

Xi Yin wiped away Na Kelulu's tears.

When she madly urged the two great schools, and then turned into a blood family, the intention and Xu Fu died together, at that moment, she thought that there would be such a scene.

"Although in the end, it seems that he was saved..."

Trying to recall the scene at that time, Xi Yin was a little ignorant and a little uncertain.

"Should not be saved by him."

With a slight smile on Xu Fu's face, Xi Yin couldn't understand what the other party meant. It seemed that in the eyes of the other party, what she did was like a naughty child next door.

Holding Na Kelulu crying, Xi Yin raised her head.

Cool moonlight, escape into the vast sea of ​​clouds.

There was a heavy rain that once swept across all corners of the king's continent, and at the same time there was a breath that made all the old monsters startle and disappeared quickly.

This made it difficult for many conspirators to settle down, and sent their hands to investigate what happened. Of course, there was no definite result, except for the blood.

Just when they all put down their guards, thinking that the rain ended with the victory of the Three Kingdoms, the victory of the Wei Kingdom, and everything was calm again, they did not expect that this was just the beginning of a catastrophe.

Of course, these are just words.

After the rain cleared, Liu Bei left Wu Guo with a male and female double-stranded sword. Liu Siquan didn't know where to go and disappeared completely, but Sun Shangxiang did not go with Liu Bei, but chose to return to Zhoufu on the same path.

Although, Liu Bei did not want Sun Shangxiang to travel with his colleagues, after all, Shu State is not as safe as Wu State.

"Don't you still have a brother in Zhoufu? Don't you pick him up first?"

Before leaving, Sun Shangxiang seemed to think about it and asked Liu Bei.

Liu Bei's right hand rested on the hilt of the male and female double-stranded swords, his left hand sagged, and the brim lowered his eyeline, making Sun Shangxiang unable to detect his expression.

I saw a slight twitch in the corner of his mouth and said:

"Since then, I will no longer be the former me, and I will be in a hurry for the cause of the world."

Sun Shangxiang couldn't understand the deep meaning in Liu Bei's words, and asked:

"But what does this have to do with taking him back?"

Liu Bei did not intend to explain more, turned his head away, and added another sentence:

"Let Tyumen wait for Ma Yuan to come back. In case Ma Yuan fails...forget it, you give him a little care, it will be regarded as my reward for helping the Zhou family this time."

Sun Shangxiang had to accept it.

Soon, Liu Bei and Sun Shangxiang couldn't see each other's backs and disappeared into the distance. They couldn't help but feel that this encounter was like the ripples of a butterfly on a water surface in a dream.

I'm afraid I missed goodbye.

At the celebration feast of the general, Aman, who was present at the table, had already gone through life and death.

Even if he was granted a huge official position and had a lot of bonuses, Aman still kept Mu Ne's expression, feeling like a dead man.

Some people can't help but talk about:

"This man is so kindly treated by the generals, obviously he wants to earn his money. Why should he not frown, and feel that the ancestral grave has been shaved..."

"Wait, this person didn't just assassinate Emperor Wu Guo, was killed by the generals of the opposing camp, and he had already returned to Xi Cai..."

"What? You said it was a dead man!"

"Don't talk nonsense, you don't know that the general has rescued him with a precious secret medicine."

"Everything can be saved in such a way! I saw it with my own eyes. His lungs were shattered, and his body was like a deformed face. His face was dead, and he couldn't die anymore. This secret medicine What exactly is it?"

"This...I don't know."

The following discussion sounds had long passed into the ears of the general, but he did not intend to explain more, but picked up the wine and asked Aman:

"Aman, how are you doing?"

Everyone held their breath and stared at Aman to see how he would react.

A Man seemed to have lost his vital head, moving so strangely that the people around him suddenly had goose bumps all over his body, and then answered word by word:

"General. The subordinates are well."

After a short answer, Ah Rang stiffly lifted the glass and drank it, but most of the wine ran down his mouth and his chest was wet.

The general laughed aloud at this, but did not expect that the research results left by the blood tribe in Wei Kingdom more than ten years ago could save Aman.

Although Ah Man was sometimes crazy and quiet, but the general was able to judge that Ah Man's consciousness was not lost.

"By the way, I have another good news to tell you."

The general said that apart from Ah Man, everyone present could not help looking away, wondering what more advanced rewards there were.

It is indeed possible for Aman to win Wu and Shu, and to win this war, but the rewards are enough. They don’t think there will be anything more powerful.

The general said: "Wei's royal family is willing to accept you!"

As soon as this remark came out, he was shocked all over, and the camp was suddenly silent.

"Since then, would you call Cao Cao?"

Aman nodded and grinned reluctantly.

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