Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 146: Respective choice (on)

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Ju Youjing was sitting back in the carriage alone, and he would see Ogiri Kei in a few moments, holding the flowers given to him by the elder Xi Yin.

It is said that this flower blooms at the entrance of the Junfang Temple, and is opened by the powerful vitality of the blood god. It also contains an amazing breath of life. If someone who does not know the inside rashly takes it, blood will burst into the body if you are not careful. Die.

It's been about a year since I disappeared. No, I can't say that. It will look like nine months and ten days after careful calculation. I hope Odagyu will not wait too much.

In addition, Ju Youjing also worried about the future of the two.

"Your life has long run out of light, and now after the battle of the king's palace, even I am unable to return to the sky... Do you have time left? This is not accurate, it can be as short as a few months, but as long as two years. …In short, the other side of the Demon Abyss Flower is something I promised to give you. Using this to cure the patient is just a secret method that needs assistance..."

The words of Xiyin, the elder of the Protoss Village, filled his mind, as if to warn himself that his future had already been cut off. It's just that this fact is hard to tell Ogiri Kiryu.

"She's just a teenager, she doesn't have to waste time on me..."

Ju Youjing leaned his back against the carriage's pad, and said slowly, saying that he choked up halfway and stopped, but there was no change in appearance.

He kept looking at the front, the golden sun was sinking step by step, most of his body was immersed under the horizon, and the converging light radiated out, burning like a flame on the ground covered with weeds.

He remembered Ma Yuan again, the hard-working child who didn't know what happened deep in the bottom of the sea.

Ju Youjing still has a deep memory of Xu Fu’s horror. If you want to describe it, just using a “horror” feels too lightly written.

There is such a thing in this world. In front of him, the Sanctuary level is like a weak child. When he comes back to God, Juyoujing can only be so emotional.

"Will I come back? Probably not, I will entrust Ma Yuan to them, I wonder how long they can be kept?"

Ju Youjing thought.

Quickly say goodbye, Ju Youjing did not have time to think so much.

Although he wanted to talk to Ma Yuan, the other party fell into a huge panic because of losing memory and became unconscious.

But learning that Xu Fu has been sealed, Juyou Jing needs to rush back immediately to rescue the mother of Oda Tonggui who is in danger, and he can't care about Ma Yuan.

With a sigh, Juyou Jing dragged his weak body and finally got into the compartment. His spirit had not recovered and he always wanted to sleep.

"Fate your destiny."

In the end he struggled to say such a sentence, then closed his eyes and immersed his thoughts in the night.

On the other side, Nako Lulu wiped the sweat of Ma Yuan lying on the bed, while wiping it carefully, while probing the vitality of his body. It seemed to be stable and no abnormality, but there was always a strange feeling.

Hearing that someone behind came in, Naco Lulu looked back and turned out to be the elder Xi Yin.

"Great elder! What... your injury is not good enough."

Nicole Lulu exclaimed.

Xiyin waved his hand and told Naco Lulu that there was nothing wrong with him, but he was worried that Ma Yuan would come over and take a look.

Put your hand on the wrist of Ma Yuan's right hand, the index finger fluoresced, and Xi Yin checked it again.

She let go of her hand, expressionless, and turned to ask Na Kelulu:

"Do you know what's wrong with him?"

Nako Lulu asked the other party for advice.

Xiyin sighed, then stood up, and the moonlight came in through the small window, reflected in her face, and looked pale.

"The problem is that you can't perceive anything, there is no abnormality, even if there is no disease in the ordinary people, the vitality fluctuations will occasionally show up. This pulse of Ma Yuan only appears in two kinds of people..."

Hearing this, Nako Lulu covered her mouth in fright, as if remembering something.

That's right, it is actually very difficult to want the pulse to be as smooth and stable as that of Ma Yuan at this time. Even the Sanctuary level people can't maintain it for a long time.

There are only two kinds of people who can do this on the mainland of the king. The first kind is the one who has just died and the vitality can still be dissipated in the future. The second kind is the person whose meridians are completely abolished and unable to call the vitality in the body.

Xi Yin said slowly, "I am afraid that all his skills will be abolished."

Naco Lulu said: "What should I do? Although there is no vitality to be able to live in this world, but there is no vitality at all, wouldn't it be difficult to live? This is too heavy for a child."

A trace of gloom flashed on Xiyin's face, and she had been thinking about this matter. Now she can think of the best way to do that.

"Let him live here for a while, but the Protoss Village cannot take in foreigners for a long time. I have an acquaintance in Jixia Academy, and I am going to write to him, let him take Ma Yuan, and teach him enough knowledge to survive."

Hearing the words of the elders, Nakolulu felt relieved. Jixia College was the most famous institution in the entire continent. It was not influenced by the influence of various countries, and even the magic family and the family of organs could live in harmony and accommodate Ma Yuan. It's a trivial matter.

Those who graduated from Jixia College will be scrambled by various places, so Ma Yuan’s descendants have no worries at all. This does indeed seem to be the best choice.

Nicole Lulu knelt down towards the elder.

"Troubled elder."

Xiyin looked at the moon and was fascinated, but he didn't notice the grateful Nako Lulu, who looked back.

Nakolulu was startled.

She only knows that the sun and moon in the Shenzu village are virtual images reflecting the weather changes outside, but she does not know that this spell was created by Xiyin's parents.

Xiyin recovered, told Nakolulu to go outside with himself, found a place where no one was, and then slowly said:

"I have something I want to ask you."

Nakolulu said: "Please tell me the elders."

Xiyin stretched out the forearms of his hands hidden in the cuffs and showed them to the other party. There was a scarlet thing swimming on his skin.

"what is this?"

Nicole Lulu was shocked.

"This is the power of blood."

Xi Yin said tremblingly, with a fear of unknown things in her tone,

"In the battle of the king's palace, I repaired the Moon God tactics to the top floor, and I discovered that all the exercises in the Shenzu village have a tendency to ethnicize human blood."

Nakolulu didn't say anything, if the other party said the truth, it would be a disaster.

It is these exercises that urge the enclave of the Protoss Village to operate. If no one is practicing in the village, it is equivalent to abandoning the Protoss Village and being forced to move to the outside world to live!

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