Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 16 Chapter 135: Quick battle

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Ma Yuanke doesn't care whether the other party is on his own.

When Zuo Zuo attacked again, Ma Yuan immediately evaded Zuo Zuo attack, and then flew the shuriken in his arms.

Although it is said that there is no way to summon the armor, it is okay if only a few shurikens.

Ma Yuan's blueprint is a ninja.

As a ninja, when Ma Yuan was not wearing armor, he was more like a samurai, but he didn't have so much katana spirit.

Ma Yuan directly threw his shuriken directly at Zuozuo.

After he knew where Liehua was, he knew that he had to make a quick decision.

Otherwise, the place where Liehua is located will bring enough danger to Liehua.

Lost Forest.

It's a famous place in the Devil's World. Although it's not a very strong base, what can charge Hora, but this place is still very famous.

Unless they are local elves, people who basically enter the jungle will be disoriented.

Sometimes, when the space is not very stable, it will devour pedestrians.

If unfortunately entered this lost forest while looking for materials, so there are many Lord of the Rings Masters who will never come out again.

Zero knew this, and Ma Yuan knew it.

The longer Lihua spent in that lost forest, the more troublesome it was.

Zero started to attack the right and right. Ma Yuan's attack on the left and left shuriken also achieved results. They quickly hit the opponent, causing some damage to the left and right.

But it's just some hurt.

As a Hora whose original ability is much higher than the current ability, he has almost reached the point of despair at this time.

Their ability as a "human" is no better than the ability of a Lord of the Rings when they are not wearing clothes.

But this is also natural.

For Hora, to become a "human", there are too many things to give up.

Their abilities and everything they need to be abandoned.

But for a human being to become a Lord of the Rings, it takes many years of hard work. They need to learn a lot of things to get this step.

If it is really necessary to divide the height, the Lord of the Rings is definitely more powerful than any human or any Hora.

Although the armor gives the Lord of the Rings a shield and a strength bonus, it is not the Lord of the Rings itself.

The Lord of the Rings itself is more determined and pure.

After Ma Yuan's shuriken stabbed Zuo Zuo, the two twins, Hola, immediately glanced at each other, as if there were any plans.

Immediately afterwards Ma Yuan felt what their plan was.

This is what zero is aware of.

"Time! Ma was time!"

Zero said quickly.

"Of course I know."

Ma Yuan nodded. For these two Hora, if there is no way to solve them in human form, then only Zeng can rely on his Hora form.

Fortunately, however, the previous Lord of the Rings had a lot of delay. When Zero and Ma Yuan arrived, it was already approaching the evening.

Hora, the twins, had thought about throwing Zero and Ma Yuan directly into the Lost Forest, but they finally gave up.

Although it is said that Hora does not need to care about such things in the Devil Realm, but for the Demon Knights, they also do not need to care about these things.

They can wear armor.

Two Lord of the Ring Knights plus one Lord of the Rings, even if these two Horas are narcissistic, they can still know that they have to risk against this lineup.

Of course, the same is true for Ma Yuan.

Even if he doesn't think he will be defeated by Hora.

But as a person with a brain, Ma Yuan was also reluctant to start until the time of evil.

If it is time to meet the demon, these two hora are even more difficult.

Since it is difficult, it is more likely to cause time to be dragged down by the two of them.

Ma Yuan didn't like to be dragged down.

To be honest, if what had to be said was delayed by Hora, they lost to Izanami regardless of the outcome.

Because Izanami only needs time.

It's just that Ma Yuan once saw Hora's loyalty, and zero is very rare.

Even if you sacrifice your own body, you must help your boss to complete this task.

Zero has never encountered it again.

Ma Yuan gave Zero a look, and then Afu flew to Zero's side.

Even if zero is not able to understand Afu's words, but as an auxiliary, it is enough.

Instead, this caused Silva's dissatisfaction.

Zero's partner is his own, but Silva will not say how dissatisfied he is.

Because as a ring, Siluva simply does not have much scope to move.

Silva was only able to help Zero find Hora and give advice.

If Afu is present, buffs can be added in ordinary battles, which Siluwa can't do, so it won't be too mindful.

The shuriken in Ma Yuan's hands seemed to be dressed in armor, and began to fly around Ma Yuan.

For Ma Yuan, the use of these shurikens, whether or not he is wearing armor, can be used with ease.

If it is only confined to the armor, it is a bit wrong for you to be the name of the genius Lord of the Rings.

Ma Yuan directly attacked left and left.

The shuriken was flying around Zuo Zuo's side, even though Zuo Zuo had beyond human ability and beyond human speed, there was no way to do anything under Ma Yuan's offensive.

And at this time, Ma Yuan spotted the left and left action gaps, forced Zuo Zuo directly to himself with his shuriken, and then lifted the sword to stab him directly to Zuo Zuo.

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