Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 16 Chapter 134: opponent

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Ma Yuan realized that there was a problem on their side.

A spiritual vein has almost been protected by the enchantment, and it should be the last finishing work.

And another spiritual vein.

There is no doubt that it is almost finished.

Ma Yuan knew that what he needed to manage now was not another spirit vein, but this one, the spirit vein of Liehua's past.

And Ma Yuan was very curious about what happened here.

He started to run towards the place where the spirit was, and finally saw the park, but he could only see zero.

There are no other people in the park.

Before Ma Yuan came to this place, he used that map to lay out the enchantment.

The enchantment drove out all the irrelevant people outside.

And zero is fighting against the two twins Hora.

Hora of the twins can hardly tell which is which. The only difference is that it is not because of a dramatic problem, so the two Horas have a bang to the left and a bang to the right.

On their hands, they have different bracelets.

Ma Yuan directly called them "Left Left" and "Right Right".

He didn't know the other party's name, nor was he interested in knowing what the name of a hora looked like a human.

It probably has a name.

Even if there is no humanoid Hora, it has its own name, and it can be traced in the Senate.

So now that these two human beings are the same, Hora who imitates humans will of course have its own name.

At this time, Ma Yuan also began to wonder why the other party used human appearance. The other two Hora are also humans, so Ma Yuan is also curious why Izanami people like to use humans.

Now right and left should probably tell Ma Yuan why this is so.

If it is Hora, then right right and left left can not move during the day, but now it is different. Because they are humans, they are basically human skills, so the two of them must be able to fight during the day.

That's why they use the human form.

Ma Yuan thought so.

"Space magic has been used here."

Ma Yuan said so.

Zero was a little stunned. He heard the word magic for the first time.

For Ma Yuan, after passing through different worlds, magic is definitely an existence that can be used to describe the magic of the Lord of the Rings.

But for zero, there is no magic in this world, so for zero, there is no magic option.

On the contrary, it was a little dumbfounded.

But since there is a word "Fa", it is basically related to the magic of the Lord of the Rings?

There is nothing more witful about Zero.

"So that means...?"

Zero looked at Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan's words are already very clear.

That is, Liehua is no longer in this place.

"Most of them have entered the Demon Realm."

Ma Yuan sighed.

If you use this technique without leaving traces, it is a good way to trap the strong flowers.

It's just that their method is not applied to Ma Yuan. You must know that Ma Yuan can feel the existence of this space technique.

Of course, Liehua is not necessary.

"It's really troublesome."

Zuo Zuo said.

"The Lord of the Rings Master is really too powerful, but fortunately, the experience is not enough, so we were quickly tricked into that space."

Youyou added a sentence.

"Since this is the case, then quickly release the strong flowers."

Zero looked at the twins Hora and said.

"There is no way."

"There is a lost forest over there. Only in certain places can we open the channel from the inside, that is to say, we can't help even if we want to help~"

"But do you think we will help you~"

While talking, the twins attacked Ma Yuan and Zero directly.

His attack was very rapid.

As a human being, their attack is basically a force that does not exist.

But as a Hora, the very simple thing is that they quickly rushed to Ma Yuan and Zero before giving them a punch.

Zero quickly blocked the attack with his sword.

Ma Yuan is no exception.

Although he said that he did not expect that the other party would directly attack himself, but his conditioned reflex had kept up with the other party's speed and directly blocked the other party's attack.

In the next second, Ma Yuan directly bounced back the other party's attack, and stepped forward, trying to stab the left sword with his long sword in his hand.

As for zero, I rely too much on my own experience. Instead, I don’t have the conditioned reflex ability like Ma Yuan, but just resist the right and right attacks. Right and right immediately began to jump back, trying to attack zero again.

Ma Yuan's long sword pierced the opponent.

Like Hora, if it is not at the time of the devil, the demon armor cannot be summoned, then the Lord of the Rings will not be established.

Therefore, the battle between Ma Yuan and Zero can only rely on their own physical combat experience to fight.

And Hora.

Hora should have been more tragic than the Lord of the Rings.

They should not have any ability to move during the day, they can only hide.

However, if the European equity is used as a human being, it can also achieve the attack ability of the twins Hora.

It made Ma Yuan a little surprised.

Ma Yuan's long sword did not stab Zuo Zuo, so Zuo Zuo escaped the attack, and Zuo Zuo was not to be outdone.

Although the physical quality of the Lord of the Rings Knight is very strong, it is also something that the other party did not anticipate.

So Zuo Zuo quickly attacked Ma Yuan, as if fighting Ma Yuan, trying to prove that he could be stronger than Ma Yuan.

And zero did not relax, and attacked directly to the right.

He wanted to solve the right and right. Since left and left are aligned with Ma Yuan, then for zero, there is only right and right.

Zero is also comparing with Ma Yuan and wants to be more powerful.

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