Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 99: Monk

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After listening to Zhang Wuji, he was immediately anxious, and then he said, "Oh, look at my head, I forgot it for a while, go away, brother, martial arts, I will talk about it later!"

After Ma Yuan heard it, he nodded, and he mounted the horse with Zhang Wuji and headed towards Wudang Mountain. The two were not far from Wudang Mountain at this time. I saw Wudang Mountain.

At this time. The two heard the sound of a horseshoe in front of them, apparently there were a lot of people. After they heard it, they glanced at each other, and they brought the masked veil of the group of people they killed before, and then they were directed towards Wudang Mountain went away.

The team of people, looking at the direction of walking, obviously went to Wudang Mountain, and they were all masked, obviously not good people. The crowd of horses saw Ma Yuan and Zhang Wuji rushed over, and suddenly a little vigilant, brought them to the front, see Both were masked, and they thought they were all together, and they didn't ask much.

After all, they went to Wudang Mountain, but they were not the only ones. Of course, they couldn't know all of them, so they didn't care about them.

When Ma Yuan and the two people saw that these people did not control them, they said nothing, and hurried toward Wudang Mountain. The two were covered in this way. After driving for half an hour, they saw it. In front of there was a group of people, heading towards Wudang Mountain.

The two were just like this. They met five batches of enemies in total. Each batch included more than thirty enemies and as few as ten. The two didn’t want to waste time. Too.

When Zhang Wuji saw the fifth batch of enemies, he couldn't help being anxious. Although he was not a disciple of the Wudang faction, due to his father's origins, he always regarded the Wudang faction as his sect, and his teachers took care of him from childhood. His uncles and uncles were also accommodating him in every way, even if he was deeply poisoned by Xuan Ming God, it was also his uncles and uncles who dispelled the cold poison for him.

Although it can't be cured, it is still for him to continue his life. Otherwise, Zhang Wuji can't even live at the age of ten. If it is not Wudang, how can there be Zhang Wuji today? Wudang is a life-saving party for him Um, even if there are some villains, it can be ignored. After all, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. This is really no blame for the Wudang faction.

Zhang Wuji thought like this, and suddenly said: "Brother, let's go up the mountain quickly. I don't know how many people have gone up the mountain."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he nodded, but he was not speaking. The two followed the fast horse to whip and hurried toward Wudang Mountain.

Soon after, the two reached the foot of the mountain. Zhang Wuji saw that he hadn't met the enemy. He couldn't help but relax. When the two drove halfway up the mountain, they suddenly saw a bald head in front of them, galloping toward the mountain.

The two took a closer look and saw that the bald head was actually a monk. When Ma Yuan knew what he was here to do, Zhang Wuji saw a monk galloping on Wudang Mountain. He could not help wondering what the monk was for.

Ma Yuan was very puzzled to see Zhang Wuji, but he dared not answer Zhang Wuji, because he was afraid that because he leaked something, it would cause the original thing to deviate from the trajectory. That was not what Ma Yuan wanted to see, so Ma Yuan was the horse. What the original said more, just want everything to follow the original plot.

After Ma Yuan thought about it, he greeted Zhang Wuji. Zhang Wuji looked at Ma Yuan suspiciously. When Ma Yuan saw Zhang Wuji suspiciously, he said, "Second brother, let's hide the horses first. On this mountain, we ride horses, More inconvenient."

After Zhang Wuji heard nothing, he followed Ma Yuan and found the horse casually on the mountainside. He hid it. After hiding the horse, the two followed the monk and ran towards the mountain.

The two saw that the monk was on the mountain all the way. When they were about to reach the top of the mountain, a voice came out and shouted: "Which force's friend is the person coming to Wudang Mountain late at night, but what's the matter?"

As soon as the words fell, there were four people in the woods, two Taoists and two lay disciples, both of the third and fourth generations of the Wudang faction.

After hearing the words, the monk saw the four men who sprang out in front of him, and said quickly: "Ping monk is the empty phase of the Shaolin Temple. He came here late at night. When there was a big event to see Zhang Zhenren, he hoped that some donors would give a loud voice. Real people."

After listening to Zhang Wuji, I realized that this monk was the master of the Shaolin Temple's empty character generation, and the three masters of the Shaolin Temple's abbot, the rumors, wits, and emptiness, were brothers, but Zhang Wuji never seemed to have heard of him. I am afraid that the name of the person is a person who retreats in the temple all year round. Zhang Wuji didn't think much about it, but looked at a few people.

At this time, one of the four priests of the Wudang faction said: "The master came from afar, presumably tired, please move to this Taoist temple to drink tea!"

The air-phase monk listened to it, but gave the Taoist sword to the Taoist to show that he did not dare to enter the Taoist temple with his sword. Ma Yuan and Zhang Wuji saw that the person introduced the air-phase monk to Zixiao After Gong Sanqing Hall, the two were squatting outside the window.

At this time, the two only heard the air phase saying: "Please also ask the governor to report to Zhang Zhenren quickly. The monk still has important things to report to Zhang Zhenren. Things are urgent and can't be delayed for a moment."

When the Taoist heard the air phase saying this, he replied: "Master, it is a coincidence that you came here. It has been more than a year since my ancestor went to retreat, and my disciples have not seen the ancestor for more than a year Now, forgive me for not being able to communicate."

After listening to the monk, the air-phase monk anxiously began to say, "I don't know if I can report to Song Xia, let Song Xia and the monk see it at first sight."

After hearing that, the man responded, "Song Shibo and his family teachers and all the uncles, and the other four major alliances with the noble faction, went to expedite Mingjiao, and have not yet returned."

After listening to this, the monk of the air phase couldn't help but sighed, and then even said, "How can this be good? It is the same to see Wudang and my Shaolin, and this robbery cannot be avoided!"

After hearing that, it was unclear, so he asked, "Where did the master say this?"

After listening to the monk of the air phase, he immediately replied: "My Shaolin faction was broken by a gangster, and now I am the only one left in the temple, so I came to Wudang and wanted Wudang to avoid this robbery."

After hearing that, the man was horrified, and then he said, "My Wudang is now hosted by Brother Gu Xuzi. I will take the master to see Brother Gu Xuzi."

After listening to the monk of the empty phase, he said, "Which is the master disciple of Gu Xuzi?"

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