Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 98: UI

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After eating the dry food, the two went on their way and rode their horses, and drove away. The two of them rushed to the three palaces without any rest in the middle.

When the two arrived at the three palaces, they were at the dock and hired a big boat with a boatman. After they got on the boat, they told the boatman the address and went to rest. The two ate a few mouthfuls of dry food. It is no longer eating.

Although the two did not pick anything to eat, the dry food was difficult to swallow. The two just used the dry food for the belly. It was fine if they were not hungry. After they had eaten, they found a place on the boat and leaned on it. Where did you rest?

Two hours later, the boatman called the two, and when they saw that they had arrived on the shore, they gave the boatman the money, and then took the boat to the shore. Then they continued riding and heading towards the south.

At this moment, the sky had just turned black, and when I looked around, it was hazy. The two of them rushed away for another hour. Suddenly, there was a whizzing noise. The two knew that someone was attacking.

They turned over and dismounted. After dismounting, they only heard the whizzing noises. The two secretly had a bad secret. Fearing that there was an archer ambushing in the secret, both Ma Yuan and Zhang Wuji withdrew their weapons and took out the arrows.

The two could block seven or eight rounds of bows and arrows, and they were not injured at all. In fact, in terms of their internal force, even if they only used internal force, they might be able to break the arrow they shot, just Both are not so simple.

Because that kind of internal force was used up, the two didn’t want to go to Wudang Mountain, but the internal force was severely consumed, and there was no fighting power, so they took out their long swords to resist.

At this time, the two stared at each other, because no arrows were coming, they thought they might have run out of bows and arrows.

In fact, otherwise, more than thirty people ambushing in the woods are all holding bows and arrows, and there are seven or eight arrows in the arrow pots behind them. Their leaders, seeing the bows and arrows can't help Ma Yuan, the two are one. Shake hands and signal to the crowd not to shoot.

Then he said, "The two of them have strong martial arts and ordinary bows and arrows can't deal with them anymore. We can only go out and fight the two of them. The two of them must be masters of the Central Plains martial arts. This time, we both have The danger of death, but the county master ordered us to stop anyone passing by, we have to go, brothers, are you afraid?"

After listening to more than thirty people around him, he shouted angrily: "Don't be afraid, die, we are also killed in battle, what terrible are we!"

After listening to that, the leader nodded happily, then even said, "Okay, brothers, then let's fight together for the last time!"

After listening, everyone shouted: "War! War! War!"

After that, he followed the leader and appeared in front of Ma Yuan and Zhang Wuji. Ma Yuan looked quietly at the thirty people in front of him. Both he and Zhang Wuji heard what they just said.

But they didn't hear what the leader said. After all, the leader just spoke normally, and the thirty-odd people were angry. Of course it was different.

Ma Yuan and Zhang Wuji hurried on the road, not wanting to waste time, they just said, "You let it go, I don't want to kill you and waste time, you are not our two opponents, we two let you live your way, you escape Don’t waste our time.”

The leader listened to Ma Yuan's words, and then replied: "Want to let us go? That's impossible. If you want to go, then step on our corpses."

As soon as the words fell, the leader just saw a flash of light, and even felt a pain in his neck. He touched it with his hands, and when he saw blood in his hands, he covered his neck and said, "You, you, you." "

Before the words were spoken, he fell to the ground and died. Ma Yuan looked at his body lightly, and even said, "Since we don't give way, since we let us step on your body, then we will step on In the past, and you, then die."

After Ma Yuan killed him, he looked at the remaining thirty people, and then said, "Do you want to live? Or do you want to die?"

More than thirty people look at me, I look at you, they see the firmness in each other's eyes, they snorted, and then rushed towards Ma Yuan.

After Ma Yuan saw it, a cold light flashed in his eyes. Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you. Ma Yuan pulled out the Yitianjian that had been sheathed before, and he rushed up to meet more than 30 of them.

Zhang Wuji looked at Ma Yuan where he was so powerful. Suddenly, he was shocked. What did he see? It turned out to be Ma Yuan. With Zhang Wuji's martial arts, he was just able to capture Ma Yuan's figure. When he saw several cold flashes in the field, Ma Yuan stood beside him.

Ma Yuan looked at Zhang Wuji, and then even said, "Let's go!"

Zhang Wuji looked at Ma Yuan, and then looked at the more than thirty people who seemed to have been fixed. Then he asked, "Brother, what are they going to do? How did you give them a hole? Why didn't you kill them?" ?"

After Ma Yuan heard it, he looked at Zhang Wuji in a funny way, and then replied, "Look." After Ma Yuan finished speaking, he pointed to more than 30 of them.

Zhang Wuji followed Ma Yuan's finger and looked at it. Seeing no abnormalities, he looked at Ma Yuan with confusion.

Ma Yuan smiled, and then gave a ring with his fingers, and then the thirty-odd people seemed to be dumplings, cracked, all arrived.

After seeing Zhang Wuji, he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. He stepped forward to look at it. When he came to the front of the body, when he looked at it, he saw more than 30 people, all with a fatal scar on his neck.

After seeing Zhang Wuji, he couldn't help but wonder, and asked Ma Yuan: "Brother, what's going on?"

After Ma Yuan heard it, he immediately replied: "Second brother, you should have heard a sentence, martial arts in the world, but don't break it, you have heard this sentence."

Zhang Wuji nodded after listening, Ma Yuan saw Zhang Wuji nodded, and then continued to say: "As long as your body speed and sword speed reach a certain level, you will do what I do!"

After listening to Zhang Wuji, he secretly thought for a while, then even asked, "Brother, how should I practice?"

After listening to it, Ma Yuan smiled faintly and then said, "Second brother, are you in a hurry to go back to Wudang Mountain to save your teacher? You know, those people have gone for two or three days before us. I will teach these martial arts later. Here you are!"

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