Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 79: A hundred mouths

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Yi Xuantang said that he felt more at ease, and even whispered in Ma Yuan's ear, said: "Teacher, you're going all the way, you should pay attention to your body for a while."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he could not help but glanced at him, and then he smiled and scolded: "Go, get out, our relationship is innocent, nothing, don't talk nonsense."

After listening to Master Yi Xuan Tang, he smiled, and then said, "Master, I know, you don't need to explain it, I know it!" After that, I laughed a bit.

Seeing Ma Yuan, he suddenly kicked at Yixuan Tangzhu and said with curse: "You don't need to control, go out and talk nonsense."

The Lord Yi Xuan Tang even said, "Okay, Master, then I will go back first."

Ma Yuan nodded and entered the room. Yi Xuantang saw that Ma Yuan entered the room and left.

As soon as Ma Yuan entered the room, he saw Xin Mudie sitting on the stool. Ma Yuan then asked with confusion: "Why don't you go to rest? What are you doing sitting here?"

Xin Mudie puckered her lips and moved her mouth towards the bed. Ma Yuan swept away at once and saw that there was only one bed in the whole room, and she couldn't help laughing.

Then he said, "What should I do? Or do you want to sleep? I sleep underground? It's only five hours anyway."

After hearing it, Xin Mudie thought for a while and then said, "That's fine, but I let you sleep on the ground. Isn't it a bit bad? How can you be an instructor? Otherwise, I'll sleep On the ground."

Ma Yuan was on the road, and he confessed to Xin Mudie. His identity, after Xin Mudie heard it, was also shocked. She didn't think about it. The venerable Mingjiao dean, who would actually be an assassin, was even more puzzled. She pressed down the doubts in her heart and did not ask.

After listening to it, Ma Yuan thought for a while and then said, "Otherwise we will all sleep in the bed! You can rest assured that I will not touch you. If I want to touch you, you think you can still say that you still can. Okay."

After hearing Xin Mudie, she could not help but blush a little, and then even she said, "Well, then, that's OK, but there should be a quilt in the middle, otherwise I'm afraid you will move your feet."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he couldn't help but roll his eyes at Xin Mudie, then he said, "Yes, listen to you, let's go, let's go to bed."

After hearing Xin Mudie, he couldn't help but yelled, and then he said, "Yeah, don't say that, it's like what you said."

Ma Yuan hey laughed, and then walked to the bed, then he said, "Are you sleeping inside, or sleeping outside?"

After hearing Xin Mudie, he thought about it and said, "Sleep outside, it's more convenient."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he nodded, and even lay in the bed, laying the quilt in the middle of the bed.

Xin Mudie saw that Ma Yuan had already done it, and she was lying on the bed. The two of them lay on the bed. After a while, they both went to sleep.

The two of them didn't have a good rest on the 5th. After all, there was a lot of inconvenience when going out. It must be guarded against others everywhere. Otherwise, they wouldn't even know how to die.

This time, when I got to my place, I also put down my guard. After a while, I went to sleep. Both of them didn't know when, like the summer, I felt cold, but a little bit, and put on the quilt. On them.

Ma Yuan was dreaming where she was lying. Suddenly, she felt her chest sink. Ma Yuan thought someone was going to assassinate herself. In an instant, she opened her eyes, but at first glance, who was there?

I saw that Xin Mudie was lying on his chest for some reason, and she was covered with a quilt somehow. Ma Yuan looked at Xin Mudie and saw that she was sleeping, and there was a trace of her mouth hanging. Smile must be a good dream,

Ma Yuan saw that she was sleeping soundly, but did not disturb him, shook his head, and smiled bitterly. I don't know, Xin Mudie woke up, how to explain it.

Ma Yuan saw nothing, but continued to sleep. After a while, he went to sleep.

I don't know how long after that, there was a knock on the door outside the door, and Ma Yuan suddenly woke up.

There was a voice outside the door, saying: "Master, time is up, are you awake?"

After Ma Yuan heard it, he was awake and knew that he was the host of Yi Xuan Tang, and then he shouted loudly, "Okay, let all the host go to the main hall to wait for me, I will say right away."

After listening to Master Yi Xuan Tang, he even said, "Well, Master, I will go to the main hall to wait for you."

After talking, he left, and Xin Mudie was also awakened by the voices of Ma Yuan and Yi Xuantang.

When Xin Mudie woke up, she felt something was wrong. Why did her face look like a heartbeat? She raised her head in doubt and glanced, and suddenly her eyes widened.

Then he said angrily: "Ma Yuan, do you take advantage of me, woo, you eat my tofu, woo."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he gave a helpless smile. After seeing Xin Mudie, he even said, "You still laugh, woo."

Ma Yuan raised his forehead with his hand, and then even said, "My elder lady, please see clearly. I'm still in my place. It's up to you if I came by myself. I won't take advantage of you. Speaking of it, will you eat my tofu again?"

After hearing Xin Mudie, he froze for a moment, and then said, "No matter, I don't care. I blame you anyway."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he was helpless and didn't know what to say, and he remembered it at this time. This is true of modern women. He didn't expect that even ancient women were like that.

It seems that it is the same whether it is modern or ancient, it is really unreasonable.

Ma Yuansui even said, "Well, I'm sorry for you, I'm wrong, OK."|

After hearing Xin Mudie, he thought for a while and then said, "No, you admit a mistake, so simple?"

After Ma Yuan heard it, he immediately said, "So what do you want?"

After hearing Xin Mudie, he thought about it and said, "I haven't thought about it yet. I'll talk about it later. By the way, what's going on with this quilt, did you do it?"

After listening to it, Ma Yuan glanced at the quilt and said, "I don't know what happened. When I woke up, the quilt covered both of us."

After Xin Mudie heard it, she suddenly didn't believe it, and then she said, "Impossible, how could you not know it? You are so high in martial arts, the moment the quilt covers you, I'm afraid you know it. Right?",,...

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