Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 78: Out of town

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After hearing Xin Mudie's heart, he moved his heart, and even said, "Well, I haven't been in the prime minister's office for so many years. I have been serving this every day, and that one, just happening today."

After Xin Mudie said it, she was also very happy, and after Ma Yuan heard it, she looked at Xin Mudie sympathetically, and then she said, "It’s been really hard for you for so many years. Not at all?"

After hearing Xin Mudie, he just yelled, but did not speak, did not see her, did not speak, nor did he speak, but instead took her hand and walked out of the yard.

When Xin Mudie held her hand in Ma Yuan, she glanced at Ma Yuan and saw him staring straight ahead, staring at the front, as if something attracted him, Xin Mudie pulled out. After pulling his hand, he did not pull it out, but let Ma Yuan hold his hand.

After seeing Xin Mudie twitching his hands, Ma Yuan didn't twitch, that's it, he couldn't help but smile.

After Ma Yuan left the Riyue Restaurant, he let go of his hand. After all, the two of them are now dressing up, but they cannot be mistaken by others for being gay.

Although Ma Yuan is not afraid of those, but those people are not good at pointing, Ma Yuan also specifically reminded Xin Mudie, said: "Mu Die, when you are on the street, you should pay attention, after all, we are now."

The rest of Ma Yuan did not go on, but pointed to his face.

Xin Mudie nodded when she saw it. The two took more than two hours on the street. See you. At noon, they went back to the restaurant to eat.

After the two had eaten, they returned to the room. Ma Yuan sat on the bed and said, "Modie, go to bed over there. Of course, you can sleep with me, I don't Disgusting your appearance."

After hearing Xin Mudie's voice, he yelled, and then even said, "Yeah, who wants to sleep with you, why do you sleep so early?"

Ma Yuan listened to Hu Hu and smiled, then he said, "Aren't you afraid of not sleeping together? We have to hurry up at night and can only sleep during the day."

After hearing Xin Mudie, he squinted at Ma Yuan, and walked to another bed without a word. When Ma Yuan saw this, he even said, "Mo Die, what are you anxious to do? Come and sleep together." ?"

Xin Mudie this time, after hearing Ma Yuan's words, she didn't even look at Ma Yuan. She just lay on the bed and closed her eyes. She was obviously ready to sleep.

Ma Yuan saw Xin Mudie sleeping, hey laughed twice, and then even lay in bed.

In the evening, after nine o'clock, the shopkeeper knocked on the door outside the door, waking up Ma Yuan and the others.

After Ma Yuan opened the door, the shopkeeper said, "Master, you can go out of town. The horse is ready for you."

Ma Yuan listened to Oh Hu and nodded, then even said, "Well, let's go."

After a while, the two Ma Yuan led the horse and walked out of the restaurant. Half an hour later, the two led the horse to the gate. At the gate, Ma Yuan gave the token from the shopkeeper to him and gave it to the defender. The man who kept the city opened the gate.

The two went all the way, and after a while, they disappeared.

After riding for three hours, Ma Yuan and his wife saw a small village. They randomly found a farmhouse in the village and stayed there overnight.

When the two had just lighted up, on the farmer's house table, after putting twelve silver, the two discerned the direction, and then galloped away in the direction of Yi Xuan Pavilion.

The two found a place to live in the evening, and rushed during the day.

Five days later, the two went to the headquarters of Yixuan Pavilion, and the two went to the foot of the mountain. They had more than ten people, all holding bows and arrows, and shouted, "Who?"

After Ma Yuan heard it, he stopped the horse and said, "It's me!"

A few people looked at it, seeing it was Ma Yuan, and hurriedly saluted. After seeing Ma Yuan, he beckoned, and then said, "No need to salute anymore, how are you? Are all the hosts here?"

One person replied: "Informed the leader, every host, all arrived two days ago, and we are waiting for you now."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he nodded, and he and Xin Mudie gave the horse to several people, and the two walked up the mountain.

After the two left the city, they took off their masks, and Xin Mudie also changed back to women's clothing.

After the two arrived on the mountain, all the hosts on the mountain also received news that they were here to greet Ma Yuan.

When Ma Yuan came up with a woman, they all saluted and shouted, "Congratulations to the leader."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he hurriedly shouted: "Brothers, please hurry up."

Everyone got up slowly, Ma Yuan saw everyone was up, and then he said, "Many brothers, you must do your own business first. I and I rushed all the way and wanted to take a rest and wait for five. After this hour, we will meet again in the hall to discuss major events."

After listening, everyone shouted loudly: "Yes, the leader."

Ma Yuan nodded, looking at the host of Yi Xuan Tang, who saw Ma Yuan looking at him, and instantly knew that Ma Yuan and the two had a place to live.

Immediately, he walked to Ma Yuan and said, "Master, I will take you to the room, please."

The two Ma Yuan followed the host Yi Xuan and went to a room. The host said, "Teacher, you two will live here."

Before Ma Yuan had spoken, Xin Mudie was anxious, and she even said, "Do you have no room here? Give me another room."

After listening to it, Yi Xuantang looked at Ma Yuan and saw Ma Yuan's expressionless face. He couldn't help but moved and said, "Sorry, this lady, because we have too many people on the mountain recently, so There is no room anymore. In this room, I still know that the leader is coming back, specially prepared for the leader."

After finishing the speech, Lord Yi Xuantang looked at Ma Yuan and saw that Ma Yuan was looking at him. There was still a trace of approval in his eyes.

After listening to Xin Mudie, he couldn't help but say, "Is it really gone?"

In the eyes applauded by Ma Yuan, Lord Yi Xuan Tang said, "I really don't have it anymore. If you don't believe me, you can go and see for yourself. Every room is occupied."

After hearing Xin Mudie, he glanced at Ma Yuan involuntarily, and then said fiercely to Ma Yuan: "Please pay attention, don't mess up, hum."

After finishing speaking, before Ma Yuan answered his words, he led the room. When Ma Yuan saw Xin Mudie enter the room, he turned around and smiled and nodded at Yi Xuan Tang. ,, ..

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