Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 3: Magic Prohibition

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Seeing Inticus beckoning himself like this, Ma Yuan hurried up quickly, simply jumping from the roof to the other roof, and he couldn't help him.

After all, the foundation of physical fitness is still here.

Instead, Indix, after jumping a few roofs, began to gasp a little.

Coupled with Inticus's unpretentious grunt, Ma Yuan knew that Inticus was mostly hungry.

"Shall we go eat something first?"

Ma Yuan asked Inticus that he took out a thousand-dollar banknote from his pocket, a look that Inticus intentionally saw, saying so.

After seeing the note, Inticus threw it over, then took a hard look at it.

"Is this one thousand yen? It's the first time I feel it."

"Hey, hello... how have you solved the food problem these days?"

Ma Yuan looked at Inticus with excitement and couldn't help vomiting.


Inticus tilted his head and looked at Ma Yuan.

Hearing Inticus's words, Ma Yuan sighed involuntarily and deserved to be a cleric. Such a thing can really be done. If Ma Yuan's words, he would never do such things as "beginning".

As Inticus is not a monk, Ma Yuan didn’t want to worry about using the word “apothecary”. After all, Inticus also asked himself whether she uses Japanese. To be precise, it seems that Japanese is not her mother tongue.

"Don't talk about this first. It's better to eat something first. After all, going to the academy city is not something that can be done in a moment. We need to save our energy."

Ma Yuan took his thousand dollars back. He just intentionally showed Inticus to see if he wanted to know if the banknote could be used in this world.

Judging from the expression of Inticus, even in this world, his own yen can still be used.

Although there are only tens of thousands, it is enough to be able to live these days, and then Ma Yuan can think about the way to make money in this world.


After knowing that she had money, Inticus was not polite. She obviously regarded Ma Yuan as her own.

"In other words, don't you mean that you have 103,000 magic ban books?"

When he arrived at the place to eat, Ma Yuan couldn't help but ask.

This is something that Ma Yuan thought about for a long time. Although it is said that because he has already seen the existence of magic, Inticus holds 13,000 magic ban books, but it does not show this on the surface, Ma Yuan can already understand .

However, there are more than 13,000 magic ban books that have not used this, and Ma Yuan cannot understand it.

It is the Magic Association that hunts Inticus. If Inticus can use the 13,000 magic ban books, most of them will not have to escape as miserably as they do now.

"Yeah, but you can't think of these books, and we have to go quickly after we finish eating, otherwise we will be found."

Inticus didn't know what Ma Yuan asked suddenly, but it was like a little adult, and said to Ma Yuan with his hands on his hips.

"No, I'm just curious why you don't use it."

Ma Yuan said.

"Magic banned books were originally prohibited by the church, and their contents violated the teachings of the church. But this is a treasure of the whole world. Even the church cannot completely destroy these things, so I carried them."

Inticus said so.

Hearing the words of Inticus, Ma Yuan felt that Inticus must be a very devout believer, otherwise, if the average person is exposed to this full of 13,000 knowledge, there is no need to say whether it is a church Prohibited, will definitely start using it.

However, after Inticus's words, Ma Yuan also withdrew this view.

"So, when the church chooses the carrier, it will definitely choose people who have no magic power and cannot use it, such as me. Although this is true, I can still use some blessing rituals that do not use magic power. Yes, it’s just that even the blessing ceremony is basically prohibited by the church.”

Inticus added that the reason why she did not use the magic ban book is that most of the reason is because she has no magic power at all.

Of course it is also related to faith, but this reason will be more important than faith.

"Okay, almost leaving."

After looking at the window, Inticus took Ma Yuan's hand and began to walk towards the back door.

"Wait...we haven't paid yet..."

Ma Yuan didn't know why Inticus was so anxious, but he knew the reason immediately.

Outside of this restaurant, he saw the man with red hair again. He seemed to be looking at something, and slowly walked towards the restaurant.

From his eyes, Ma Yuan believed that he didn't find himself and Inticus, but he didn't seem to know where Inticus was at all.

"How did he find us?"

Ma Yuan looked at Inticus. If Mayuan was to tell this scene, most of them had trackers on Inticus, and the man followed them to find them.

If this is the case, then according to common sense, Inticus will definitely look at Ma Yuan with grievances at this time and tell him "I don't know! They just know where I am, so I have to run away." "

Immediately after Ma Yuan will find the tracker from her.

Of course, this is just some classic bridge sections, and this classic bridge section does not appear on Inticus.

Inticus was just very calm, holding Ma Yuan's hand and running towards a tall building, as if he wanted to jump through the roof and go to the academy city.

After all, Inticus also told Ma Yuan just now that he has a map that can bypass all guards and enter the academy city.

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