Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 2: Moving forward, school city

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Considering that she had been involved in her escape to life by this girl named Inticus, Ma Yuan simply planned to break the jar and fall, and followed Inticus to the academy city, first After understanding this world.

However, what Ma Yuan cares about is what kind of place the school city is.

After all, it is not Ma Yuan's character to enter a place that he doesn't know.

"Oh, why are you going to the academy city?"

Ma Yuan asked.

"Because, the academy city is a city dominated by scientific civilization. Most of the people in it have super powers. Not to mention, more importantly, in order to ensure balance, there is actually a church inside. As long as you enter the church, we Your life is guaranteed!"

Inticus excitedly explained to Ma Yuan. From the words of Inticus, Ma Yuan found out that he had been included in the ranks of "us" by Inticus, that is to say, she was taken by her The companion who forcibly pulled on was now officially on the thief ship.

Although he wanted to remind the other party about this matter, Ma Yuan still gave up. At least this poor little girl needed someone to **** her. Otherwise, from her pitiful appearance, Ma Yuan didn’t think she could go to the one she said. church.

As for Ma Yuan, at least Ma Yuan still has his own illusion ability, and his physical ability is the same as before. Even if he doesn't know how this world works, it is always better than this girl who has no power.

"But it's getting late now, let's take a rest first, and it's not too late to go on the road tomorrow. It seems that the people of the magical association will not find out that the person you just chased is your ability."

Inticus reminded Ma Yuan that he had just reacted. The time he was in was now dark. Although he didn’t know what time it was at night, he could feel it from the deep night, not very early. The thing is.

Ma Yuan froze for a moment, but the night in this world was also brightly lit, leaving Ma Yuan unresponsive for a moment and a half. The time at this time turned out to be night.

"Then I will rest first, good night."

Inticus said, and walked to Ma Yuan's side. They had just dragged Inticus to the side alley just to avoid the magical association. Didn't expect Inticus to be here Inside the alley, one day was the top, and the ground was the floor. It was just leaning on Ma Yuan and closing his eyes.

Hey, what is this little girl's escape life?

Ma Yuan touched his pocket, and there were tens of thousands of yen that he put in his pocket when he was in the last world, but what I didn’t expect was that this time he passed through, he actually brought the money to this world. Come here.

But thinking about it carefully, Ma Yuan is not very clear. In this world, is the yen usable? In addition, Indyx is already asleep, and Mayuan is too lazy to wake up Indyx.

A girl can go with her in this environment, and Ma Yuan doesn’t need to beg for anything, just take off her coat and change it to Indix’s clothes, and fall asleep with her. .

Ma Yuan slept very lightly.

After all, he didn't encounter frequent meals, and it was a miracle for Ma Yuan to take a nap.

Fortunately, this night was not very cold.

When the first ray of sunlight hit Ma Yuan, Ma Yuan woke up, and he noticed that he was where he was, the roof of a residential building, which he originally thought was an alley, but it was only a building. The same thing as a partition that will only appear between buildings.

Of course, this is a conjoined building, otherwise Ma Yuan and Inticus fell off long ago.


Seemingly because of Ma Yuan's movements, Inticus was also awakened. She said good morning to Ma Yuan, and then bit her on Ma Yuan's hand.


Ma Yuan was screamed in pain at the sudden.


Ma Yuan's screaming also awakened Inticus. She asked for the confused situation of just waking up, looked at Ma Yuan's hand in her mouth, and quickly apologized.

"I'm sorry, I thought it was breakfast."

Looking at Inticus, Ma Yuan couldn’t say anything. It’s okay for a rough man to be hungry. Since Ma Yuan didn’t care much about food, he often had to wait for his hunger to be strange before he remembered everything. did not eat.

But it seems that Inticus is not like this, she is very hungry now.

But she didn't say that, she just stood up, pointed to the side, and said to Ma Yuan with a vowed face.

"The school city is over there."

Inticus said, and ran in the direction that she was pointing. When she jumped from one roof to the other skillfully, Ma Yuan understood the meaning of Inticus.

Her purpose is to jump from the roof into the academy city.

If you think about it carefully, Ma Yuan is not incapable of understanding this situation. Although the academy city is described as a very difficult place to enter in the mouth of Inticus, it does not mean that they cannot go there, but it will be more troublesome.

And any defense cannot be flawless. Jump from the roof of one area to another. Consider entering from the path above, even if the defense of the academy city does not notice this. It is normal.

According to Inticus, if the church in the academy city can protect Inticus, such an attempt is not indispensable.

"Hurry up here."

Just jumped to the next building, seeing that Ma Yuan did not keep up with his Inticus and stopped, beckoning in the direction of Ma Yuan, telling him to keep up with him quickly, otherwise he would let those magic The associate was discovered.

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