Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 184: Goodbye k finished)

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"So you and I are the same."

This is more so than the current.


Ma Yuan didn't know what Bishui was talking about.

"You are the same as me, don't you know? You exist in this world because of the Drexton slate, which is like the reason why I live is also because of the Drexton slate , If you help Izana, you will lose your foothold in this world, is that really okay?"

Than the current, it reminded Ma Yuan.

It is true that when I first came into this world, it was on the Drexton slate. There is no doubt that the Drexton slate has any significance for himself, but Ma Yuan did not expect such a deep level. Reason.

I only exist here because of Drexton slate.

If Izana destroyed the Drakeston slate, then his existence would not be maintained, that is to say, Alice and Black Cat, and Kanda Shou would not have their own king.

"What's wrong with that?"

Ma Yuan glanced at the sword of Damocles in the sky, and the silver one had begun to collapse to the edge, and could fall at any time.

These swords of Damocles will no longer exist.

Without the power of the king, this world is just one of countless ordinary worlds.

"Neko, my friends will ask you later."

Ma Yuan glanced at Neko and said.

And Bisuiyu also seized this opportunity, once again gaining strength from the slate, and then rushed towards the Izana society.

"Come on."

Ma Yuan also used his own power to catch up with Bi Shui Liu and stopped his attack again.

A huge cyan barrier emerged from Ma Yuan's body. With Ma Yuan's body as the core, he began to attack Bishui Current, and blocked Bishui Current's attack.

He changed his method than the current of the water. He used his spiritual pressure and wanted to treat it like a current, attacking behind Ma Yuan, the body of Izana.

But his plan failed.

The Izana Society was not attacked, because Ma Yuan extended his spiritual pressure even further, blocking all attacks from the water.

The next second, Ma Yuan used his own ability to directly enter the defense circle of the current, and gave him a jaw.

It was at this time that the sword of Damocles began to fall.

Knowing that there is not much time left for him than the current, he can only attack the Izana again.

But it was still in vain, because of the existence of Ma Yuan, this attack was over before it even started. Ma Yuan saw that Bi Shuiliu had the idea of ​​another attack and stepped forward, grabbing Bi Shuiliu's arm. , Directly fell to the ground.

The green spirit pressure was released from the body of Bi Shuiliu, and Ma Yuan was not willing to use his own blue spirit pressure to block it. The attack of Bishuiliu could not hurt Ma Yuan at all.

"Ma Yuan, back away!"

At this moment, Izana shouted at Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan is too close to the Drakeston slate, and the sword of Dharma at Izona is about to land on the Drakeston slate, so he reminds Ma Yuan to leave far away.

In fact, Ma Yuan did not care about this kind of thing. After the Drakeston slate was destroyed, he would be forced to go to another world. After all, his connection with this world no longer exists.

But Ma Yuan still walked back two steps obediently, watching this spectacular thing happen.

The moment the silver sword touched the Drexton slate, the slate glowed, covering the entire base of Jungle. After the light disappeared, the sword and the slate disappeared together.

Ma Yuan can also feel that there is a force flowing in his body, and everything caused by the Drexton slate has not disappeared because of its destruction.

At least it did not disappear immediately.

But the power also slowly began to pass because of the disappearance of the Drakeston slate.

Ma Yuan saw that all the swords of Damocles in the sky had disappeared. That was what happened in the world after the stone slabs disappeared. After all, the power of the power of the king made by the Drexton stone slabs Transformation is your sword of Damocles.

Of course, there is a more obvious reaction, which is generated in the body than the current.

Bishuiliu is a man who lived to the present only because of the Drexton slate. If there is no Drextonian slate, he is a dead person. At this time, Bisuiliu also returned to the moment of his death.


The explosion sounded again, it seems that the plan failed and someone started to detonate the base.

"I still have unfinished business."

The chief culprit of the detonation base was Iwaki Sky Chicken. After the matter was over, he began planning to destroy this place with all the memories of Jungle.

"Let's go together."

Ma Yuan said to Panzhou Tianji.

"No, I want to be with Bishui Liu, after all, I am his guardian."

Iwaki Sky Chicken refused Ma Yuan's invitation, and Izana began to signal that Ma Yuan would leave here.

After all, they don’t have any ability now. If the base collapses, it’s really a disaster.

"Let's go, I'm almost out of time, just wait here quietly till the end."

Ma Yuan looked at Izana with a smile.

Then the night knife **** dog Lang and Neko didn’t know what Ma Yuan was talking about, but Izana Society understood Ma Yuan’s words and nodded, instructing night knife **** dog Lang to take himself and Neko out. .

Ma Yuan sat down on the spot, and finally lay on the ground, feeling the power of the Drexton slate in his body disappearing little by little, and finally even the blue sky in front of him disappeared.

Ma Yuan knew that he was no longer in the previous world, maybe he would never see the black cat and Alice again, but when the light began to appear around him, he would reach another new world.

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