Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 183: decisive battle

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Although he knew that Bishui was a dead person in a certain sense, Ma Yuan did not expect that he actually needed a wheelchair to move.

Of course, he also compared the current of not standing in a wheelchair but standing up without doubt. After all, with the help of Drakeston slate, it should have recovered to its best level.

Humans who were supposed to have died have now gained a new "life". With the help of Drakeston slate, if there is anything that requires wheelchairs other than water flow, then it is only a habit.

"Welcome to the hut."

He smiled and said to Ma Yuan and Izana.

"The King of Origins, Adolf K. Weitzman, and the King of Blues, Amanohara."

From the words of Bishuiliu, Ma Yuan can hear that this person is more afraid of the Izana Society around him than he is. Even if he had beaten him to find his teeth, he still had an instinctive fear of the "king of origin", the first king directly.

The resistance to this fear is also one of the "transformation" contents of the current.


There was a roar not far away.

Ma Yuan glanced at the place where there was a roar, how much he knew the purpose of Izana.

"You have no way to stop me. After all, my life exists in connection with the Drexton slate, so I have a connection with the Drexton slate now, as if I got the core, I can feel it A steady stream of energy is pouring into my body."

Talking to the side of the water, his expression was a little distorted, like he was talking about something terrible.

Ma Yuan looked at the slate behind Bishuiliu, and it was true that the slabs were giving Bishuiliu strength, which made Mayuan frown. If he was fighting with Bishuiliu, he felt nothing. But if the opponent is a slate, Ma Yuan's odds are not great.

After all, I have also felt the power and strength of slate.

"I will destroy the slate."

Izana said that he glanced at Ma Yuan.

What he meant was that he did it for him. As the king of origin, even if he is no match for any king in battle, he is still a little confident if he is simply a sword slant and destroying a slate.

"Don't be funny, you don't know the physical toughness of the slate..."

Ma Yuan understood that the meaning of the current is that the slate can not be destroyed casually, even if it is used by the power of the king, after all, it is the power given by the slate.

As a slate that can choose who the king is, it is not stupid enough to give others a power to destroy themselves.

However, all systems are caused by loopholes, and Drakeston Slate is no exception.

The Drakeston Slate has a fatal loophole that Ma Yuan didn't find. This loophole will directly destroy the entire Slate.

"Don't be too self-righteous."

Ma Yuan took a step forward with a smile. The division of Izana was very clear just now. What he had to do was to fight the green man in front of him, so that Izana could have time to destroy the slate.

"Look at you, the channel has been opened."

Ma Yuan pointed to the top of the finger-water, which is a passage directly to the outside world, and the sword of Damocles hangs above.

By now, it should be known to Ma Yuan and their plans.

That's right, Ma Yuan's plan is very simple, that is, let the sword of Damocles fall and hit the Drakestone slab directly.

There is no way to destroy the power of the Draxton slate, but the sword of Damocles is not the same. The sword of Damocles is not Dray itself. Everything created by the Keston Slate is a natural existence.

The falling power of the sword of Damocles will also directly destroy the Drexton slate. As the first physicist to study the Drexton slate, Izana is more aware than anyone else.

Not only that, Izana has a power that no other king has.

Izanasha saw a little effort. After a while, the silver sword began to collapse gradually, faster than the blue sword.

"Can you... can control the deviation of Witzman?"

Ma Yuan expressed surprise earlier than the current.

He had just thought that the goal of the Izana Society was to let the blue king, let the sword of Damocles of the priestly priests fall, but he did not expect that he would plan to use his own.

"This thing has been learned for decades," Izana said with a smile.

"Well, it will take some time for the sword of Damocles to fall, and now it is not like it will fall directly, so just kill you before it falls."

Than the current once again gained power from the Drakeston slate. His hair flew all around due to the expansion of his strength, and the green shining on his body was stronger than he had ever been.

He attacked the Izana club in a straight line than the current, he was very fast, even Ma Yuan was a little surprised.

Even if Ma Yuan was surprised, it doesn’t mean that Ma Yuan couldn’t stop him. Immediately, Ma Yuan stopped the current. Although his abilities and speed increased, Ma Yuan was absolutely surprised, but these abilities were better than But myself.

While getting in touch with the Drexton slate than the current and getting tremendous energy, Ma Yuan can also feel the power of the Drexton slate entering his body.

Although I don't know why this happened, it also gave Ma Yuan a chance to prevent people from getting their energy directly from the Drakestone Slate.

Ma Sui's attack was stopped by Ma Yuan, and a surprised expression appeared on his face.

The next second, he took a step back from the current and watched Ma Yuan show a strange smile.

Ma Yuan looked numb from this smile.

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