The Witcher’s Nightmare Wagon

Vol 3 Chapter 114: Dressel's legacy

"Stop them!" Appleard shouted loudly, spitting out blood. He didn't care to check Dressel's injury. He led Newcomen and others into the secret world quickly.

"Teacher!" Sigmon immediately came to Dressel's side. At this time, Dressel looked terrifying, but Sigmon could sense the rapidly passing vitality in him.

"Eat this, and this..." Sigmon took out bottle after bottle of potion and carefully brought it to Dressel's mouth.

"It's useless, that's the price." Dressel sighed with a calm face, "I did what I was supposed to do, and the rest will be left to you."

"Now, I can finally take a rest." Dressel stretched out his only intact left hand and placed it on Sigmon's shoulder. At this moment, he had no fear of dying, just nostalgia, and glanced at last of this city at a glance.

"One more thing, the person you once said, is she okay?"

Sigmund was stunned for a moment, and Teresa's face appeared in front of him, "She's fine..."

"It's just lonely." When he raised his head again, he saw Dressel's frozen body and a smile that remained on his lips.

Ka Ka Ka!

The next second, Dressel's body shattered inch by inch, and the wind from the North Sea blew from afar, bringing his body into dust into every corner of the city.

"Sigmon!" The voices of Charlotte and Malek came from not far away. The two rushed in front of him and asked eagerly, "Where is the teacher? Where is the teacher?"

Taking a deep breath, Sigmon tried to control his emotions, "He's in this city, everywhere."

At this moment, in the place where Dressel disappeared, the energy gathered and formed a **** eye of the secret pattern. Sigmon felt a familiar breath on this item, he stretched out his hand, and the secret pattern was His eyes automatically fell into his hands, and at the moment of receiving the remaining information, Sigmon's eyes were slightly red, and he almost burst into tears.

"What is this?" Charlotte asked.

"This is the memory and strength left by the teacher. After accepting this thing, if I have entered the sixth order at this time and raised my strength to the limit, I can safely enter the seventh order by relying on it, and even avoid mental suffering. animal cruelty."

"He once promised me that he would definitely allow me to enter Tier 7 within five years." Sigmund sighed with a sad look on his face, "It turns out that his promise was done in this way."

The time had clearly arrived in the morning, but the sky was dark and the sun was hidden in the clouds and disappeared. At the same time, the secret world was connected with reality, and the power inside the door was transforming the world all the time.

At this speed, it won't be long before the darkness shrouds, Abetus will lose his day and fall into eternal night forever.

"In the dark, watch for the light." He clenched the eye of the secret pattern in his hand, and the thought in his heart surging, the spiritual power in his body surged, and he completed the transition from rank 5 to rank 6 almost in an instant.

Stepping out one step, the dark figure escaped from Sigmon's body, and a black armored knight formed beside him. The energy in the hourglass rapidly diminished, regret, sadness, and all kinds of negative emotions erupted from the body, all turning into chaos. value, and eventually became the nutrients that constitute the black knight.

At this moment, he understood the true meaning of the black knight, and Sigmon was successfully promoted to rank 6, but at this moment, his heart was heavy and there was no joy at all.

"Let me break the darkness of Abetus.


At this moment, in the direction of the ruins of the Cathedral of Glory, a violent explosion suddenly sounded, and Sigmund's face changed. He asked Marek to take Charlotte away, and he entered the secret at the fastest speed. boundary.

As soon as he entered the secret world, he saw the red door that penetrated the world.

The originally closed door was covered with layers of restrictions, but at this time, under the attack of Ertan before his death, the seal was pierced, and a clear big hole appeared on the door, even though Appleard He led the rest of the rune masters to repair quickly, but the repeated collision of forces in the door, the damage spread, and finally the red door was broken!

At this moment, there is only a trivial seal left to block that world.


An octopus-like creature broke in from the world inside the door. The moment it entered the secret world, the strange creature was transformed into a monster with a height of more than three meters and six arms. .

At this moment, the other monsters in the door became more restless. After all, the secret world at this time could only accommodate one ancient god, but what they did not know was that the real world of Abetus had also been transformed at this time. If this octopus-like monster escaped from the secret world and broke into reality...

Another one came in through the door.

In the secret world and reality, there will be two ancient gods at the same time!


However, the monster who escaped from the secret world did not leave. He stood in place to adapt to his body and the new world, and the strength in his body was also recovering little by little.

Although it is also an ancient god, this one is much weaker than Eltan, but even so, this is not something that Sigmon and others can compete with now.


Bowing his head, Sigmund looked at the Eye of the Secret Pattern in his hand, "So the teacher was already prepared." His heart was full of bitterness.

He knew that even if he had just entered the sixth rank at this time, because of the same he could absorb the power inside and release it directly.

But doing this is not only to kill the potential, but when the power inside is exhausted, the memory it carries will disappear completely, which means that it is really dead.

This is absolutely unacceptable to Sigmund.

But if the power of the Eye of Secrets is not used, the monster in front of him will start the end of Abetus.

"How is Dressel?" Not far away, April asked out of breath.

Sigmund didn't speak, just spread out his hand, revealing the secret eye clenched in the palm of his hand.

April was stunned for a moment, and it wasn't until a few seconds later that he responded, "He died?!" It seemed that Dressel's death was an event that everyone had never considered.

People have become accustomed to the existence of Dressel. He is omnipotent and will never disappoint.

Appleyard's eyes showed complex emotions such as shock, sadness, etc., but in just a moment, he forced himself to calm down with strong willpower.

"Then now, we are the only ones left."

"Yes, we are the only ones left." Sigmund repeated, then walked towards the terrifying monster standing in the distance.

"What are you going to do?" Appleard asked.

"Complete the promise to the teacher, protect the city, and then fight this disgusting thing back!"

Spreading out his left hand, after entering level 6, the originally banned third form of the Arm of Amidala has been completely unlocked.

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