The Witcher’s Nightmare Wagon

Vol 3 Chapter 113: Sad? Q Beast

A sad beast roar echoed in the sky above Abetus, and then the gloomy sky became dark. Duke Dressel opened his right hand, and in the void behind him, a force that had been suppressed for many years. burst out.

That kind of primitive and pure instinct stems from a person's bloodline, which is repeatedly hammered and polished, day after day, year after year, at this moment, it is completely released.

Many residents of Abetus appeared on the streets. They looked up at the figure floating in the sky. An emotion called sadness lingered in everyone's heart, and even tears fell from the corners of their eyes. Nobody noticed.

"what happened?"

"Why do I feel so sad? It feels like I'm about to lose an important person, forget an important thing..."

At this moment, the entire city formed a spiritual resonance with the figure in the sky.

Dressel waved his hand gently, as if he took off a star and turned it into his own weapon, without the oppression of huge spiritual power, without the sound of howling breaking wind, his arm was raised.

But this simple action seemed to have exhausted all his energy for the rest of his life.

Sorrowful beast.

"I waited ten years, maybe just to finish today's blow."

At this moment, Eltan, who was originally mad, changed his face greatly. He quickly retreated, but the surrounding space seemed to be completely imprisoned. No matter which direction he fled to, he would appear in the same place after an instant.

"This is impossible?!"

"This is not a power that the seventh-order can control, or even the eighth-order..."

"You're right." Dressel let out a soft breath, "Of course it wasn't my power alone, it wasn't me who killed you, but for every demon hunter that Abetus lost control of. !"

A huge black beast appeared behind Dressel, and every hair of the beast was connected to the void like black smoke. In the lingering black smoke, Sigmon saw many different faces.

Young people, men and women are different.

Their faces may be green or determined, and some are a little dazed, but all of them are earnestly doing the hunter's gift, repeating a proverb that Sigmon is very familiar with:

"When you leave, you are a hunter, and when you return, you are a beast."

He remembered that when he signed the contract, Malek said something similar to him.

Dressel is the most powerful hunter, but also the saddest beast. He devoured the despair and sadness of those out-of-control hunters, and then transformed all of it into his own strength, giving birth to a sadness in the void. beast.

And now this sad beast is showing its fangs for the first time.

They were about to accomplish a feat no one had ever accomplished.

Killing God!

The huge beast suddenly dissipated, and in the beast's forehead, a tall figure stood up.

"It's Your Majesty Fred!" someone shouted in the street.


Fred stood behind Dressel and patted his right hand on his shoulder.

"For Abetus."

The air shook, and everyone seemed to hear a voice.

Followed by the second, third, fourth, the spirit bodies of these out-of-control hunters lined up in a string, and then poured into Dressel's body.

Then, Dressel slowly lowered her raised arm.

"For Abetus!" All the spirits let out a roar.

"For the hunter's honor!"

The sadness spread, and all the strength was like a sharp knife. At the same time as the arm fell, Dressel's body shattered. After falling, his right hand completely disappeared.

But at the same time, an unimaginable force blocked the entire space, Ertan roared, his body swelled rapidly, strange patterns appeared on the surface of his skin, and an indomitable figure was projected into the void behind him.

But all his resistance was meaningless.


Gathering water into a river, it was not Dressel alone who controlled this power, but the unwillingness of a generation. The phantom behind Ertan was defeated, and his body as thick as the earth was exposed.

"Send me back!" He turned his head and shouted to Ferdinand, Hugo and the others who were fleeing. A beam of light fell from the sky, but the force was defeated and scattered before it could get close.

Flesh and blood flew, and everyone watched helplessly as the mighty ancient **** was smashed to pieces in Dressel's attack, leaving only a head and bones.

"Run! Run!" The expressions of Ferdinand and the others in the distance changed greatly, looking at Dressel as if they were looking at a monster.

Although everyone knows that killing a **** as a mortal must pay a price, such an attack may only be launched once in a lifetime.

But even if Dressel's body shattered like a pieced porcelain doll, the entire right arm disappeared completely, and the state of his body was extremely bad. They don't have the courage to look at each other, they just want to leave and run away.


The light shook, a beam of light fell, and everyone's bodies disappeared in the beam.

"Come back!" Ertan roared, the flesh and blood on his body was growing rapidly, but the speed of destruction was even faster. As time passed, his bones gradually turned into powder and disappeared into the air little by little.


Elt's left eye burst, and then turned into a lava-like ray that hit a beam of light in the distance. Ferdinand's screams came from the beam, and three charred corpses fell out of it, and then flashed a few times, the beam of light. Disappeared into the air with the rest.

At this moment, only the lingering Eltan was left in midair.

"What a terrible You had the opportunity to become an existence like me, but for the so-called country, you gave up the opportunity to become a god." Speaking of this, Ertan was left with only The next head is still intact, and the neck and the following have all been turned into powder.

At this time, at the feet of the two of them, the rock giant that rose from the ground not long ago has also disintegrated, leaving a ground of rubble.

"Haha!" Ertan finally laughed wildly, "Mighty human, you killed me but lost this battle!" As soon as he finished speaking, his only remaining eyeball suddenly burst open. The roar turned into the last force to lash out.


Dressel floated in midair, his face was as usual, and he didn't do any defensive evasion.

It's not that I don't want to, it's that I can't.

But beyond everyone's expectations, Eltan's last attack deflected strangely when it hit Dressel, and then disappeared into the air.

"What happened?!" The people watching the battle on the ground looked puzzled, but after a while, Sigmund's face changed wildly.

At the same time, the blood on Aprilia's face faded, his eyes were bloodshot, and he opened his mouth to spit out a large mouthful of blood, "Door, he smashed the door in the secret world!"

"Haha, everything you do is meaningless!" Ertan sneered at the end, "As I said, a city will be buried with you."

After saying this, Ertan's head shattered.

At this moment, in the secret world, the originally closed red door was completely torn apart.

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