The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2187: friend

Even if he returned to his defense zone and there were no other people around, Meng Zhang still let the Moon Worship Goddess continue to stay in his mustard space, and did not release her.

There are cultivators from Junchen Realm here from time to time, and the goddess of the moon should not be exposed easily.

Meng Zhang was going to look at the situation around the secret realm first, and then he would move afterwards.

Monks like Meng Zhang spend most of their days in their defense zone, but it doesn't mean that they can't leave the defense zone.

Reinforcing companions in nearby areas, tracking intruders from outside the territory, and investigating the situation of the intruder outside the territory are all good excuses to leave your own defense zone.

As long as you don't leave the defense area for a long time to avoid the battle, the most important thing is not to be caught on the spot by the patrolling monks of the Tiangong, it is quite normal to leave the defense area temporarily.

Meng Zhang patrolled in his own defense zone, and found nothing unusual, so he rushed to the area where the secret realm was located.

After several large movements of the void, he came to the vicinity of that area.

After arriving here, Meng Zhang realized that it was more difficult than he thought to enter the secret realm.

Originally, this was the area where Junchen Realm and the extraterritorial invaders repeatedly fought for a long time, but now, this place has completely fallen into the control of the extraterritorial invaders.

From time to time, Tiangong would inform Meng Zhang and other monks in the void battlefield of the latest battle situation.

This includes the latest trends of the enemy, changes in the battle situation, and the latest changes in the front.

Of course, the situation on the battlefield is ever-changing and changing rapidly, and the news of the battle situation in Tiangong may not be very timely.

The area in front of me should have been lost not long ago, and the Tiangong has not had time to make a report.

By convention, after such an area is lost, Tiangong should organize the monks to fight back in time to take it back.

However, in recent years, the battle situation has been unfavorable to Junchen Realm, with more and more lost defense zones, it has become more and more difficult for Junchen Realm to regain the lost area.

Meng Zhang didn't know when Jun Chen Realm would organize a counterattack and regain the area in front of him.

Perhaps, Tiangong has completely abandoned the area in front of him, and it may fall into the hands of invaders outside the territory.

Similar situations, Meng Zhang has seen too much in these years of fighting.

The Junchen Realm side was retreating on the battlefield steadily, and the battle situation became more and more unfavorable for it. The Junchen realm monks including Meng Zhang, the shadow in their hearts became thicker.

Meng Zhang shook his head and put aside these thoughts.

The top priority now is to enter the secret realm, not the time to consider these issues.

Meng Zhang hid his figure and flew towards the front area secretly.

After flying into that area, the situation here was not beyond Meng Zhang's expectations.

After the invaders outside the territory occupy this area, they will use it as their own defense zone.

In addition to arranging fixed strong garrisons, there are patrol teams passing by here from time to time.

The invaders outside the territory have an absolute advantage in numbers, and they have enough manpower to defend them tightly.

After careful observation, Meng Zhang felt more embarrassed.

Although there are very few powerhouses at the Void Return level in both the garrison team and the patrol team, they are not Meng Zhang's opponents at all.

But there are too many opponents, and teams are scattered around, and they control this area very tightly.

Meng Zhang could sneak in here without knowing it, but when opening the secret realm, it would be difficult to hide from the team of invaders from outside the territory.

Moreover, there are too many invaders outside the territory, and the teams are very scattered, it is difficult for Meng Zhang to secretly catch them all at once.

After Meng Zhang checked the situation, he left this area and flew to a place far away.

Meng Zhang released the goddess of the moon worship from the mustard space and explained the situation to her.

The figure of the moon **** appeared behind the goddess of the moon, and discussed with Meng Zhang.

As far as the Moon God knew, the movement that opened this secret realm was not big, but it was not without traces.

It is really not easy to secretly open the secret realm under the nose of the invaders outside the territory.

The Moon God told Meng Zhang of the specific location of the secret realm and how to open the secret realm.

Together, they should be able to open the secret realm in a short time.

The crux of the problem now is that someone needs to help and distract the attention of those extraterritorial invaders. It is best to draw them away so that Meng Zhang and the others can cast the spell with all their strength.

Although Taiyi Sect currently has several Void Returning Powers, most of them have only recently been promoted, and Meng Zhang did not bring them into the void.

Meng Zhang has helped many people in the void battlefield over the years and made many friends.

But Meng Zhang didn't trust these so-called friends, let alone tell them about the secret realm.

Meng Zhang hesitated, is it possible to find a way to return to Junchen Realm and bring the Void Returning Powers in the door to help.

Aside from the delay, the main reason is that Meng Zhang is unwilling to let the Void Returning Power in the door enter the void under the current situation and face various dangers.

Moon God thought for a while before telling Meng Zhang that she could try to find a way to see if she could find a friend to help in the void.

Meng Zhang was slightly startled, when can the native gods of Junchen world secretly leave Junchen world and enter the void?

As the public enemy of the cultivation world, he has been chased and killed by various cultivators for many years, and he can extend his tentacles into the void. Does Meng Zhang really want to increase his evaluation of those native gods?

For the native gods of Junchen Realm including Moon God, Meng Zhang became more vigilant in his heart.

He was wary, but Meng Zhang didn't show the slightest expression on his face.

He told the Moon God that if the Moon God could find a friend to help, it would be best.

Since Meng Zhangdu agreed, the Moon God immediately began to cast the spell without hesitation.

She saw her eyes closed slightly, lit a incense stick in front of her, and then chanted a word in her mouth, chanting in a low voice.

After a while, Moon God finished casting the spell.

There was joy on Luna's and told Meng Zhang that they were lucky, and Luna happened to have a friend in the void nearby.

Moon God has already contacted the other party and asked the other party to come and help as soon as possible.

Meng Zhang was a little puzzled. Since the Moon God had friends in the void, and he seemed to be a trusted friend, he could reveal the secrets of the secret realm to him, so why should he ask for help and share everything in the secret realm with himself.

At first, Meng Zhang thought it was because she could secretly bring Moon God into and out of Junchen Realm, and her defense zone was near the secret realm, so she asked for help.

Now it seemed that oneself should have other use value to the Moon God, and it was still that kind of irreplaceable value.

Meng Zhang and the others didn't wait long, they waited for the friend whom Moon God said.

Looking at the friends God had said in the past two months, Meng Zhang was really surprised.

These two are clearly Meng Zhang's old acquaintance Qiu Gangfeng and his companion Xihai Old Monster.

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