The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2186: Go to

The Moon God also told Meng Zhang that it was not easy to enter that secret realm because of the vicissitudes of the situation.

She needs Meng Zhang's help if she wants to enter the secret realm safely.

In order to thank Meng Zhang for her help, she is willing to share everything in the secret realm with Meng Zhang.

Whether it is the treasures left by the native gods or the secret realm itself, she is willing to share with Meng Zhang.

In order to make Meng Zhang willing to help, Moon God also briefly introduced the various collections in the secret realm.

The native gods of Junchen world are similar to the native gods of Shenchang world, and they have many things in common.

The Shinto civilizations they established were so primitive and backward, they were far behind the times, and could not be compared with the mainstream Shinto civilizations at all.

Meng Zhang didn't care much about the so-called secret realm left by the aboriginal gods of Junchen Realm, or the artifacts of the aboriginal gods.

But after listening to the introduction of the Moon God, he was a little tempted.

There is nothing else, but some of the cultivation resources stored in the secret realm are very tempting to Meng Zhang.

Taiyimen's Sun Moon Blessed Land has been strengthened many times, although it can support the Void Rebirth Power Practice, but its carrying capacity is limited.

If you don't want to hurt the foundation of the blessed land, then the Void-Returning Powers of the Taiyi Sect must be restrained when practicing, and can't fully absorb the spiritual energy.

However, the top resources of Taiyi Clan, such as Yuqing Lingji and Tier 5 Pills, were very limited in quantity and couldn't stand the consumption at all.

The aboriginal gods have ruled the Junchen Realm for a short period of time. Although their methods are primitive and crude and cannot make full use of various precious resources, they have accumulated over the years and their collections are often very rich.

If it is true that the Moon God said, she and Meng Zhang share everything in the secret realm together, then these resources fall into the hands of Taiyi Sect and can play a greater role.

The competition in the realm of cultivation is, in the final analysis, a competition for interests and resources.

Luna used various high-level resources as bait to successfully persuade Meng Zhang.

If entering the secret realm is not too difficult, and the risks in the secret realm are controllable, then Meng Zhang doesn't mind accompanying the Moon God on a trip.

In addition, deep in Meng Zhang's heart, he was actually unwilling to restore the strength of the Moon God to his heyday.

If the Moon God completely recovered his strength, he might not continue to ask Meng Zhang for help in the future, and Meng Zhang would not be easy to use her against.

Entering the secret realm with the Moon God this time, Meng Zhangda can react accordingly and secretly block the Moon God from gaining the opportunity to reshape his body and restore his strength.

The two have been together for a while before, and both have a certain understanding of each other, knowing that each other is not the kind of person who breaks promises at will.

Meng Zhang was much stronger than Moon God at this time, and he was not afraid that she would not believe her words.

After the two made a verbal agreement, the matter was settled.

Next, the Moon God began to introduce to Meng Zhang what she knew about the secret realm.

According to the Moon God, although she was also a member of the aboriginal gods of Junchen Realm, and her cultivation base was very high, her status was not low. However, due to character problems, she has always been alone, and has not had much contact with other native gods.

She didn't know much about the plans and arrangements of other native gods.

She also learned the information about this secret realm later by accident.

This secret realm is not located in Junchen Realm, but in the void near Junchen Realm.

Its specific location is not far from the defense zone where Meng Zhang is now garrisoned.

Hearing this, Meng Zhang understood why the Moon God wanted to ask him for help.

According to Meng Zhang's guess, Moon God has now contacted the hidden native gods of Junchen Realm.

But on the matter of the secret realm, the Moon God did not seek their help.

There should also be precautions and vigilance among the aboriginal gods.

More importantly, the position of Meng Zhang is very advantageous to the Moon God.

In order to prevent outsiders from inadvertently breaking into the secret realm, the indigenous gods who established this secret realm back then set many traps in the secret realm.

These traps are extremely dangerous, and even enough to bury the powerhouse of the Void Returning Power level.

As for the specific layout inside, the Moon God has limited knowledge.

Meng Zhang knew that Moon God shouldn't lie, what he said was the truth.

But in the same way, she did not say all the information, and she must have reservations about herself.

The relationship between Meng Zhang and Moon God has not yet reached the level of absolute trust.

As long as the Moon God had no intention of murdering Meng Zhang, Meng Zhang would not have to break the casserole and ask every detail of the Moon God.

Judging from the information given by the Moon God, entering that secret realm was very dangerous, but the danger was controllable, and it was difficult for monks at the level of Meng Zhang.

After asking about the situation, Meng Zhang was not long-winded and was ready to set off.

Anyway, there is nothing important in the sect, and there is no need to pay attention to Tai Miao.

Although the rotation time has not yet ended, Meng Zhang returned early, and the garrison monks would only be happier.

Since Meng Zhang was moved by that secret realm, of course he would strive hard to control it as much as possible.

Although the Moon God told Meng Zhang that the news of this secret realm was among the aboriginal gods of Junchen Realm, only she should know.

But nothing is absolute. Since the Moon God has contacted the remaining native gods of Junchen Realm and is preparing to enter the secret realm, he dare not say that the news will be kept strictly confidential.

The Moon God possessed in the body of the Moon Goddess.

The goddess worshipping the moon still entered Meng Zhang's mustard space as she did when she returned to Junchen Realm.

Meng Zhang has an in-depth understanding of the mustard space created by himself, and can fully grasp everything inside.

In his reaction, the goddess of worshipping the moon had a cultivation base in the mid-stage of returning to the Void at this time, and she was far from his opponent.

However, the Moon God was hidden in the body of the Moon Goddess, which made Meng Zhang's feelings unclear.

He just sensed that the Moon God was unfathomable, and his strength should be much stronger than that of worshiping the Moon Goddess.

It seemed that Moon God was slowly recovering his strength.

After Meng Zhang gave some explanations to the middle and high level of the door, he left Taiyimen and set off again for the void.

When Meng Zhang returned to the battlefield of the void, his comrades were very happy that he ended his vacation and returned to the battlefield early.

After Meng Zhang visited Tianlei Xuxian, and after handing over with the garrison monk, he returned to his garrison area.

When he arrived in the void, Meng Zhang was not anxious, but waited patiently.

According to the location information of the secret realm provided by the Moon God, it is located at the junction of the front of the Junchen Realm and the invaders outside the realm.

Both sides often send small teams to engage in fierce battles here.

He didn't want to expose the matter of Meng Zhang entering the aboriginal gods and leaving behind the secret realm.

If the Heavenly Palace and other forces are allowed to discover this matter and intervene in it, the situation will be complicated.

If Meng Zhang exposes his deeds to invaders outside the territory, the worst will happen.

At that time, the resources in the secret realm will not be available, and maybe they will encounter strong enemies or fall into siege.

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