The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1530: Own person

Tiangong should send someone else to take over everything here.

The powerful Heavenly Thunder Supreme, after regaining his vitality, should have another appointment.

In addition to healing his injuries during this time, Dan Shanke was also dealing with various affairs and preparing for the handover.

It won't be long before he will leave here with Heavenly Thunder Supreme.

He asked about Meng Zhang's next arrangements.

After they leave, Meng Zhang can continue to stay here.

Anyway, mining various resources and continuing to explore surrounding areas require manpower.

It's just that all the remaining monks can't be treated so well in the future, and they won't be so free.

When the battle is fierce, in order to attract monks from all walks of life to actively participate in the war, of course, we must provide enough benefits.

Now that the war is over, it is safer here, and mining various resources has become purely physical work. There is no danger at all, and there is no need to fight against powerful enemies.

The Heavenly Palace will give a part of the reward and hire a group of monks to mine resources here.

But any monk who has some ability and a sense of temper should not be willing to stay here and be a miner honestly.

Of course, for those monks with average cultivation base and low combat effectiveness, this is a rare safety job, that is, it may be a little less paid and a little harder.

Meng Zhang obtained the position of Enforcement Envoy of the Heavenly Palace thanks to the help of the Supreme Thunder, and the original problem has almost been solved.

In his opinion, he will keep a low profile in the future, Ziyang Saint Sect may not be able to hold on to him.

In terms of his cultivation base and strength, after the war, staying here to do boring and tedious work is really overkill.

Meng Zhang was also unwilling to stay in this place.

After handling all kinds of affairs, he bid farewell to Dan Shanke and left here directly.

Before leaving, he was planning to go to the Supreme Thunder to say farewell, but it happened that the Supreme Thunder was going out for something, and he only left with regret.

Returning to Tiangong, Meng Zhang first went to see her mother-in-law Qiansi.

He was out of luck, and happened to run into the absence of his mother-in-law Qiansi.

According to the servants who stayed at the mansion with Granny Qiansi, Granny Qiansi was not in the palace during this period, as if she had gone to the Junchen Realm to deal with important matters.

Meng Zhang then went to meet the old man with silver pot.

Although the Elder Silver Kettle did not participate in the last battle, he knew the outcome of the battle very well a long time ago.

The Heavenly Thunder Supreme Master he followed led the battle and won another big victory. Of course he was very excited.

Meng Zhang performed well in the war, made great contributions, and was received by the Supreme Being of Heavenly Thunder after the war.

As a recommender, the silver pot old man is also the same as You Rongyan.

The silver pot old man has been running for the Supreme Thunder for many years, doing everything possible to strengthen the power of the Supreme Thunder.

Most of the monks recommended by him in the past have not been able to gain the eyes of the Heavenly Thunder Supreme.

Although Meng Zhang hadn't directly become a confidant of Heavenly Thunder Supreme, this was already a very good start.

Although Meng Zhang didn't want to succumb to others, the current situation in Junchen Realm, a sect like Taiyi Sect, really needed a backing to counter the pressure from the Ziyang Sage.

Moreover, he himself admires the Supreme Thunder, and admires his style of behavior.

Meng Zhang feels that it is not unacceptable to take refuge in the Supreme Thunder and become his subordinate.

The silver pot old man has almost treated Meng Zhang as his own, and his relationship with him has taken a step further.

Since Meng Zhang has taken a formal position in the Tiangong, he will inevitably have to travel to the Tiangong frequently in the future.

At that time, the Supreme Lord of Thunder was limited in time, and in his capacity, he would not explain to Meng Zhang some of the gossip in the heavenly palace, or even the matter of flyying and Gougou.

The silver pot old man did not have these scruples, and introduced a lot of inside stories about Tiangong to Meng Zhang in detail.

The old man Yinhu has served in Tiangong for many years, and his position is not high and his power is limited. However, he has been together for so many years and has long become an old fritters.

He basically knows all aspects of the relationship between Tiangong and various interests.

He told Meng Zhang about which characters in the Tiangong must not provoke, who has what kind of background, who is standing behind them, and the hobbies and likes of some big people. He basically has no reservations.

With his guidance, Meng Zhang can avoid many detours and avoid many mistakes.

Meng Zhang spent a long time at the Silver Pot Old Man's Mansion and learned a lot of useful information from him.

The old man Yinhu was in a good mood, and he personally took Meng Zhang to the Law Enforcement Hall of the Tiangong to report.

The Hall of Law Enforcement is a very important and powerful key department among the many departments of Tiangong.

Entering the central area of ​​the Tiangong, you can see huge palaces just suspended in the sky.

Some of these palaces are still, and some slide gently in the air according to a certain pattern.

In front of the gate of one of the palaces, there are two bizarre statues of strange animals, arranged on the left and right.

With the old silver pot old man leading the way, Meng Zhang entered the law enforcement hall very smoothly.

The hall master and several deputy hall masters of the Hall of Law Enforcement are all capable of returning to the void, and naturally they will not handle all kinds of trivial matters personally, let alone meet Meng Zhang.

Since Meng Zhang is nominally a law enforcement envoy under Tian Lei, the law enforcement envoys of other factions will not deliberately engage in friendship with him.

Of course, no one would embarrass his subordinates for no reason with the prestige of Heavenly Thunder Supreme.

Everything was handled in accordance with the established procedures. Meng Zhang completed the report in the Hall of Law Enforcement, received the salary recently issued, and got familiar with the environment here.

Seeing the Jade Ching Ching Ji issued as a salary, Meng Zhang couldn't help but sigh that the treatment of law enforcement messengers was really good.

Meng Zhang belongs to the management of Heavenly Thunder Supreme, so he doesn't need to worry about daily tasks and various trivial matters.

Except for Heavenly Thunder Supreme, no one directly manages him.

After leaving the Hall of Law Enforcement Meng Zhang did not rush to leave the palace.

He took the relationship between the old man with the silver pot, and received a simple task in the heavenly palace, and then went to the void outside the domain again.

In the next few years, Meng Zhang frequently went into and out of the void and quickly became familiar with everything in the void.

Meng Zhangke has never forgotten that there is still a treasure left by the ancestors of Taiyi Sect, which is still hidden in the void near Junchen Realm, waiting for him to open it.

Because Junchen Realm has been fighting with the surrounding big worlds for many years, everyone's sphere of influence has been changing.

After a fight a few years ago, the void of hidden treasures has fallen into the control of the monster race of the Ten Thousand Demon Realm.

The Yaozu established a stronghold in that area as a springboard to attack Junchen Realm.

Meng Zhang repeatedly evaluated and even walked in person.

Finally, I have to admit that with his current cultivation base and strength, there is no way to safely sneak into that area and obtain treasures without disturbing the monster race.

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