The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1529: Hall of Law Enforcement

In the system of the Tiangong, there is a general manager who is responsible for the overview of all the affairs of the Tiangong.

Under the general manager, there are several deputy general managers who are responsible for assisting the general manager in commanding the heavenly palace.

In addition, Tiangong is divided into many departments, each with its own functions.

The Lord of Heavenly Thunder serves as the deputy head of the Hall of Law Enforcement in the heavenly palace, and is a real high authority.

As the name suggests, the Hall of Law Enforcement is responsible for the execution of the laws of the Temple.

In the Junchen Realm, anyone who violates the laws of the Heavenly Palace, commits crimes such as colluding with the magical way, practicing magical skills, fornicating the powerful outside the domain, sacrificing the gods outside the domain, etc., as long as they are discovered by the law enforcement hall, they will soon be Enforcement messengers came to enforce the law.

In the Tiangong, the monks who violated the rules of the Tiangong will also be punished by the Hall of Law Enforcement.

Of course, the power of the Law Enforcement Palace is only theoretically great, and it can govern the entire Junchen Realm including Tiangong.

In fact, in the areas where the sects of the sacred sites are responsible, the Hall of Law Enforcement still has to respect the landlord.

Generally, things are handed over to the sects of the holy land for their own disposal.

Even if they had to go to law enforcement, they would notify those sacred sects in advance.

As if the Daheng Cultivation Realm Demon Disaster was so violent at the time, Dali Dynasty’s collusion with Demon Cultivation is also an open secret...

However, most of the time, the Law Enforcement Hall of the Tiangong still kept one eye closed, and was unwilling to easily set foot in the territory of the Purple Sun Sect.

The Vice-Hall Master Tianlei is a bit different.

Not only does he like to be nosy, but he has always followed the rules, never afraid of offending people, even the Holy Land sect does not buy it.

In addition to the hall master who has an overview of various affairs, there are several deputy hall masters in the Hall of Law Enforcement.

Later, after everyone discussed, they adjusted Tianlei Shangzun's responsibility so that he was no longer responsible for specific law enforcement affairs.

Of course, the Lord Tianlei is less responsible for things, and his real power is greatly reduced. However, there are still some reservations about the status and power that should be enjoyed.

As the deputy head of the Hall of Law Enforcement, he arranged for Meng Zhang to be the envoy of law enforcement in the Hall of Law Enforcement, and no one would stop him.

As a law enforcement envoy, Meng Zhang should have obeyed the dispatch of the law enforcement hall to perform various tasks.

However, the Lord Tianlei arranged him under his own hands and accepted his own personal command. He can freely find an excuse to avoid those tedious tasks and keep Meng Zhang from being directed by others.

Since then, Meng Zhang, as the law enforcement envoy of the Tiangong Law Enforcement Hall, has enjoyed the treatment he deserves.

Daily salaries and merit points are trivial matters. The most important thing is that he has the skin on his body, so he won't need to be recruited by the Ziyang Sect in the future.

If Shengzong Ziyang insists on conscripting him, he can use his position, the mission of the Heavenly Palace, to shirk him.

In general, the various sacred sects are at least on the bright side, but they still have to buy the face of Tiangong.

As long as Meng Zhang does not take the initiative to provoke the sacred sects of Ziyang Sect, these sacred sects will not take the initiative to embarrass him, let alone take the initiative to hurt him.

Tianlei Shangzun gave Meng Zhang the identity, and his safety was added a layer of protection, which solved his big problem.

Of course, Meng Zhang couldn't sit back and relax, thinking that all the problems were solved.

If the Ziyang Saint Sect really wants Meng Zhang to disappear, there are still many ways.

As long as the hands and feet are clean and no evidence is left, no one will pretend to be a dead person and offend the Ziyang Saint Sect.

Meng Zhang is not afraid of the Ziyang Saint Sect's hands in public, but in private, he must pay more attention.

The most important thing is that he will try not to irritate the Ziyang Saint Sect and cause the Ziyang Saint Sect to kill him.

When the Ziyang Saint Sect and the Dali Dynasty entangled endlessly, I hope that the identity of the law enforcement envoy of the Heavenly Palace and the face of the Heavenly Thunder Supreme will help the Ziyang Saint Sect to constrain and will not easily attack Meng Zhang.

The benefits of being a law enforcement messenger are many.

As his own person in the Tiangong, Meng Zhang can enjoy many benefits within the Tiangong.

Not to mention anything else, it will be much more convenient for him to enter and exit Junchen Realm in the future.

Heavenly Thunder Lord gave Meng Zhang two great benefits, and finally some of the precious resources he rewarded, even if there were some rare heavenly materials among them, it was nothing.

After seven days of teaching the Fa, what should be confessed was also clear, and Meng Zhang reluctantly left the cave of Heavenly Thunder Supreme.

Although Tianlei Shangzun did not officially accept Meng Zhang, he regarded him as a close subordinate. But like the Elder Silver Kettle, he was considered a member of the Celestial Thunder Sovereign Family, at least he should be considered a peripheral member.

In the Heavenly Palace of Junchen Realm, on the surface, it seems that there is a kind of harmony, and everyone gets along very well. In fact, all kinds of open and secret fights continue, and if you are not careful, you are in danger of falling.

Even if it's a great ability to return to the void, if you want to live a little more comfortable, you can't help but keep warm.

Since then, Meng Zhang has also been regarded as an organized figure.

The Supreme Thunder of Heaven above his head, relying on his name alone, can protect him from wind and rain.

Meng Zhang did not become arrogant.

He knew very well in his heart that there was a limit to how Tianlei Supreme could take care of him.

If you don't know how to advance or retreat, and do whatever you want under the banner of Heavenly Thunder Supreme, then you are really seeking your own death.

After leaving the cave mansion of the Heavenly Thunder Supreme, Meng Zhang went to visit Dan Shanke.

Dan Shanke's attitude towards him has become closer.

Dan Shanke confessed many things to Meng Zhang.

Since Meng Zhang has obtained so many benefits from the Heavenly Thunder Supreme, he naturally has to pay.

In the future, he wanted to be like the old man of the silver pot, accepting instructions from the Supreme Thunder and his confidants, and working for him.

When needed, he is required to be born and die, and fight hard.

The Heavenly Thunder is extremely strict, but there are not many requirements for peripheral members such as Meng Zhang.

Before receiving the order, Meng Zhang was still very free, completely free from any interference.

This war is over.

The monsters and barbarians who suffered a big defeat should not dare to make a comeback in a short time.

As for the Buddhist monks, who suffered heavy losses, they also need time to slowly lick their wounds.

The nearby area ushered in a rare peaceful time.

Next, Junchen Realm will mobilize more power to develop here and fully exploit various cultivation resources.

The resource collection this time was not the extensive method Meng Zhang and the others had adopted before in a hurry.

Jun Chenjie will take good care of this hard-won treasure.

In fact, in recent years, Jun Chen interface's siege of several big worlds has lost many resource points in the void outside the domain.

Various resources from the void outside the domain are reduced.

In a short period of time, Jun Chen Realm can still resist with many years of accumulation and profound background.

Over time, it will affect all aspects of Jun Chen Realm.

The surrounding meteorite belt is regarded as the biggest harvest in the Junchen Realm in recent years.

For Jun Chen Realm, after it is fully developed, it will be a rare tonic.

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