The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 289: Body training

I'm a Sword Fairy in Tokyo Chapter 285

When sharp knives were cut from the wrists, blood flowed down from the wrists of the villagers in Banshang Village, and the entire floor was covered with blood in no time.

Kimura and Shu see this scene, his face is a bit ugly.

Body training

These four words came to mind.

Generally speaking, the formation method requires the aura to be aroused, and in the era when the aura is thin, it depends on good quality jade. But there is a formation method that does not require jade and spirit stones.

This formation method is the body training.

This formation is generally the formation used by cults. Because the human body exercises, it depends on the essence of man. What are the essence of human beings: blood and soul.

The training of the human body is to use this blood or soul as a guide to motivate the formation to achieve the purpose of starting the formation. These formations are all darker and more evil formations, which are more harsh on materials.

Kimura and Shu thought that Sakagami village had any real method, but did not expect it to be a cult method.

You have to stop Sakagami

But just after the idea emerged, Kimura and Shu paused. How to stop

He only heard about human body training, but he hasn't seen it. And he is a person of Fu Yuke, not a researcher in the formation law department. He usually does not study the formation method, so he is not clear about ordinary formation methods. This kind of body training, he even did not understand. It's just that the body training is so famous that he won't know if he wants to know it. After all, this evil formation method is widely spread on the Internet.

Some ordinary people have made expression packs and send them all right.

The most important thing is that he has heard the practice of the human body, and a little understanding of this formation method is indeed useful for things like cursing.

Because this is the so-called attack with poison.

At this moment, Kimura and Shulian's faces were cloudy. He regretted that he didn't know much about matrix formation in previous lives. Now he is a little confused as to whether this body training of Sakakami-mura is really useful.

Thinking, he looked carefully at the villagers in front of Sakagami-mura.

He Maosheng next to seeing this scene was also discolored, "This array is so evil"

The human body itself is used as the material of the formation method, and the blood is used as the lead, which is full of evil taste. But like Kimura and Shu, he did not step forward to stop. After all, it is Sakakami-mura's search for a way to lift the curse. If she hurriedly stops, she will definitely be resentful by the villagers of Sakakami-mura. If the time is expelled, the incident at Sakakami-mura will not be resolved.

After all, two people died one day yesterday, and this matter has not been investigated clearly.

At a time when Chunyang and others were a little shocked, the elderly Sakagami villagers in the periphery had gradually turned pale, but it was scary that in the process of blood loss, these people smiled. This scene made Chun Yang shiver, and always felt that she was in the scene of a horror movie.

"Useful, useful, really useful." At this time, the villagers of Sakagami did not care about Kimura and the tree at all. Some people felt the loss of blood, but they felt relaxed for a while while the blood was flowing on the ground. There is a sense of weakness in blood loss, but the feeling of relaxation is not an illusion.

But at this time, the people in Banshangcun apparently did not find that when their blood flowed into the ground, they did not submerge into the ground, but just like the tributaries of the river, slowly gathered together, and the mixed blood became extremely thick.

This blood is strange, like a living creature, flowing slowly along the elderly standing in the periphery, not in a hurry, as if depicting something.

At this time, the seniors of Sakakami-mura gradually couldn't hold on. Some people have taken the initiative to wrap their arms around the prepared gauze to prevent blood from flowing again. Seeing this scene, Takasaka opened his mouth and stopped talking, according to his idea, to let the blood flow for a while. But after thinking about it, the formation method itself is used to relieve the curse. If someone has an accident, it is the cart before the horse.

When people around the periphery were wrapped in gauze, the young people surrounded by them began to take out small knives, one by one, gritted their teeth and cut their wrists. Some timid villagers could not go down, but only let the side Companions help.

After a full ten minutes of busy work, the **** smell of the nose was filled within a hundred meters.

Kimura and Shu looked at the scene coldly, and the more they looked the more they felt wrong. But he could n’t say what was wrong. He knew it was because he did n’t know much about the human body, otherwise he could easily see it.

In addition, Kimura and the tree also observe the surroundings from time to time. According to yesterday's incident, the devil should not want the villagers of Sakagami to lift the curse. This is why Takasaka told Takamura and others about Sakakami-mura. He hopes that when the curse is lifted, Takamura and others will also ensure their safety and the integrity of the ritual.

After the teenagers and youths inside the formation have cut their wrists and bleed, the peripheral blood is like a living creature. It has drawn a half circle around the entire villager ~ ~, and continues to flow.

The young blood inside began to gradually spread outward. If you look from the sky, where the villagers of Sakagami are staying, the blood flowing on the ground seems to be controlled by an invisible hand. They are using the blood to paint the earth and use arrays.

When He Maosheng saw this scene, he could not help frowning. "The blood is flowing like living things, but no one in Sakami-mura can cultivate. How to control this blood?"

He Maosheng's voice was very small, just murmuring doubt, apparently asking himself.

But at this moment, Kimura and the tree suddenly stunned. The next moment, he looked extremely ugly

Obviously, he overlooked a key point. Although the human body does not need spiritual stones and jade, it requires a monk to control the array method. As long as it is a monk, the body must contain aura.

But now the villagers of Banshang Village have no monks at all, which is very abnormal.

Without monks, how can these blood flow regularly.

who is it

The sight of Kimura and Tree was like electricity, and they swept across all the villagers in front of Sakagami. He looked at each one with a pale face. Most people looked with anticipation and excitement, and some timid people with fear and panic.

The next moment, Kimura and Shu suddenly stopped.

Although this person wanted to integrate the emotions into the villagers, the calm and smiling expression in her eyes sold her deeply.

Looking at Otome Sakakami, who was standing in the middle, although he couldn't believe it, he made a decision in an instant when he thought of something.

This body training can't continue.

The next moment, the sun and moon sword moved without wind, with extreme speed toward Sakagami Otome.

I am a sword fairy in Tokyo

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